Hugh Hefner Goes To The Big Rabbit Den In The Sky

31  2017-09-28 by BootsofEvil


Watership Down

You know what? Fuck this guy. Fuck whole industry of selling sex. All it has done is fucked me up. I'm done with this shit and if you know what's good for you, you should be done with this shit too. After you jack off to porn, how do you feel? Like shit. Yeah go ahead and tell me to go to NoFap. They're not the best, but at least they are trying to live life. Porn is bullshit and will slowly make you a depressed shell of a person. I know because I am there right now. This is not a good life. Find some real love.

I'm pretty sure this dude should be blaming his parents and not Hef.

After you jack off to porn, how do you feel? Like shit.

Relaxed and content, actually. Though it's not surprising that silly americans with their silly religiousness mixed with silly feminism can't even jerk off in peace lol.

feminists are into sex now

When my Sunday school teacher said that Jesus was watching when I jerked off, she didn't realize that I was an exhibitionist

User ping that pussy


fuckings low key furry is gone, hooray

Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔

"Women are powerful and we must always accept their choices, sex positivity is great. If a lady wants she can be a hooker and I would still love and respect her" vs "this fucking guy ruined the world forever, women do not know what they do and need to be protected against every single white male (yuck) from the world"

Who would win?

mix of both extremism on any topic is peak retardation.

Rip in peace.