Does racism affect whites negatively? How much white guilt can one mayo have? Get your white ass in this thread and find out.

69  2017-09-28 by CuriousKrow


Jews did this


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u/The_Hippopotamoose it's not only that basketball Americans commit significantly more crime then mayos it's also how they don't take care of their children. I'm going to let you in on the white privilege secret, something that every minority seemed to have figured out on their own. First, don't commit crime and you won't go to prison. Two, have an intact family unit. Three, take education seriously. Congratulations you've just joined every other minority in enjoying white privilege including African immigrants

What's the deal with black Americans? Pretty much all West African immigrants I've met here are pretty decent people and funny as hell. Arabs and East Africans are the big problem. Might be that only the bright and/or rich West Africans make it here, but that can't be the whole truth? Muslim immigrants aren't a problem in America, right?

Is it the systemic racism and overblown victim complex combo that makes them 'unsuccessful'?

They got fucked over years ago and they and a lot of liberals like to pretend it's still going on. Reality is at this point their problems are self inflected, you can't have a 72% single motherhood rate and not expect shifty results. We've got African immigrants who as a whole do just as well as mayos and they're black, you've got asians who do better then mayos as well. basically every other minority group does well in america except basketball americans. Problem is when you state reasons why, no matter how many facts you bring in to it you're a racist.

So it's the culture black Americans are brought up in in black neighborhoods? How do you solve it? Spread 'em out across mayoland?

Because like you said, African immigrants are usually normal hardworking people, at least in my experience.


The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB pronounced , commonly known as the Mother of All Bombs) is a large-yield bomb, developed for the United States military by Albert L. Weimorts, Jr. of the Air Force Research Laboratory. At the time of development, it was touted as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the American arsenal. The bomb is designed to be delivered by a C-130 Hercules, primarily the MC-130E Combat Talon I or MC-130H Combat Talon II variants.

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Covertly import Nigerian proto-dads into black neighbourhoods. Libya has a few going spare at the moment.

That's a good idea. We need some wahhabi Boko Haram dads to spank some sense into those boys.

Where there's a Reich there's a way. ;)

They got fucked over years ago

their problems are self inflected


"I stubbed my toe when I was three so I need help filing my taxes."

"I stubbed my toe when

I was three so I need help

Filing my taxes."


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Those born into poverty are much less likely to be successful, and black people are disproportionately born into poverty. Grow up and have kids who are born into the same poverty. Some break the cycle, most don't. "Victim complex" has nothing to do with it

There are more poor white people than black people.

Portion doesn't matter when they are so severely outnumbered in regards to poverty. We should have a massive violent underclass of dirt poor whites, but it just doesn't really work out that way.

Yes there are more poor white people than blacks people however the % of white people in poverty is much lower than those of black and Latino ancestry. Anyone in poverty is bad regardless of race but going based off of percentages black people are more likely to be born into poverty.

Again, what does that matter?

If simply being poor is the reason for so much crime, then the fact that poor whites severely outnumber poor minorities should mean we have a giant violent white underclass.

Poor whites are spread out. Poor blacks are condensed

Right, so ghetto culture.

So how do you think black people should be fixing this?

Millionaire athletes kneeling down for the anthem, duh!

Moving away from their ghettos to rural areas to better themselves and their families.

"just move"


OK, stay put then.

Poor Too much shit to move

Choose one

How do you get the money to move? You expect them to build a fucking shack?

You just said it was a geographical problem and now you want to hand wave the geographical solution?

Proof that you don't want the problem to do away. Proof that the systemic racism people talk about is visited upon the Black community by lefties and liberals like you.

They just bring their criminality and dysfunction with them.

Yeah, moving the entire projects to a rural area wasn't the solution i had in mind.

This is a great question the Black community should be asking itself.

But it seems like they want to ask different questions.

Suicide, increase their intra-racial homicide rates, sterilization, and increase their abortion rates.

When they're done, we can import actual Africans who are worth a damn and really get the mayocide started off on the right foot.

I'd say it has more to do with ghetto black culture glorifying criminality, painting getting an education/good job as "acting white," and abandoning the family unit almost completely in favor of single motherhood. Oh, plus the eternal victim complex of the black community doesn't help anyone. I guess blaming whytepeepo and da poleese for literally everything let's you avoid admitting that your communities and neighborhoods are completely fucked.

Oh, plus the eternal victim complex of the black community doesn't help anyone.

The 'victim complex' is a small section of black people, who's bullshit gets signal-boosted by everyone outside the black community; liberals cheer on that shit to validate their white guilt "everyone but me is oppressed, so I have to 'call out' everything as 'racist'to show how woke I am" bullshit (or however it works- I don't really get it tbqh, but I do know white liberals love them some "I'm black and I'm so oppressed"). Conservatives and 'anti-SJW' types signal-boost black people playing victim because it's a reason to get all outraged and say "See? The blacks cause all their own problems!" And the media signal-boosts it, because it makes both previous groups click the link.

The majority of black people who don't give a shit about the 'oppressed victim' narrative get ignored all round, meanwhile some angry fat black chick studying sociology says some retarded shit about "inherent oppression" and "all white people are racist" on youtube, and suddenly that's "what black people think".

[And yes, this is a serious-posting sub now. Just accept it, faggots.]

It's bad parenting and embracing that "gangster" black American subculture.

tl;dr of the link. 75% of poor people who don't have baby before getting married, finish high school, and work a full time job, grow up to join the middle class. Only 2% who follow those rules still end up in poverty.

Im sure that growing up in a single parent home without supervision or discipline isn't a factor whatsoever at all.


You're agreeing with me

We oppressed them (actual regulation) for quite a while.

When it came time to give them rights, we coddled them while apologizing profusely, giving handouts left and right. We basically fed the animal and now it no longer knows how to hunt. To this day, when it's hungry it cries until we shut it up by throwing it some kibble. Now its starting to piss on the carpet and tear up the furniture, demanding steak, and we still feed it, but now we also have to beat it.

TLDR: entitlement.

We basically fed the animal and now it no longer knows how to hunt.

We'll hunt your narrow white faggot ass next time you're on the streets alone after dark.

"Waah!! They don't know how to hunt!!!", "Waah!! They do 99% of the crime out there, stole my iphone and got my fat little sister pregnant!!" Make up your mind, bitch.

As much as TV shows might show otherwise, most criminals aren't succesful or happy people.

What so regarding your first point. Could you explain why a black person was shot in front of his girlfriend and daughter when he did nothing to deserve it?

For funsies.

Doesn't his point explain it inherently? If people who look like you commit the nation's crimes, and it's my job as a law officer to see homicide after homicide, rape after rape, violent crime after violent crime, it breeds hatred and contempt for people who look like you.

If you wear a dead president mask every time you beat your dog, your dog will probably bite anyone he sees with that mask. Not saying the cop's actions were in any way justified, but they're not unexpected either.

They should be unexpected and you shouldn't hear about something similar to it every month. The worst part is that every time things like this happen it's rare for the police officer to receive any form of punishment.

Wow you are a terrible evangelical, even for the crazy wing of our community. If you think this is how you get people to understand our plight and concerns you're insane. But please, continue lecturing and berating folks who have a different paradigm from you, that's always helped the progressive cause.

/u/bring_out_your_bread is one of the few progressives who actually deserves the title, "woke".

Laying down all that smack AND has a Monty Python reference for a username.

Mod this woke queer progressive!

No that's not all. I'm a member of the LGBT community and you support preventing my brothers and sisters from serving their country in the military.


That's a little hypocritical isn't it? Considering I'd imagine if I checked your posting history I'd find a barrage of "anti-military" "anti-american imperialism" shit.

I like how the left only cares about the military when they can use it as leverage. A little

why you hate racists u/The_Hippopotamoose? plz tell me.

I don't get all this race stuff. Who cares what color anyone is? Why are people acting like that's the only attribute they have? And what's so bad about being white? Here at, we have the whitest socks that stay the brightest, at 50% off!

At, we see color, and we love them! That's why we offer a wide variety of colors of socks, only at!

Are your socks unisex?

they're pansexual, actually.

What if I'm the sheep kind of satyr and not the goat kind? Will they still fit?


When you have nothing else in life, make no meaningful contributions, and have no aspirations you fall back on the easy stuff like skin color or what hole you like to play with.

It is the hallmark of the feckless like /u/The_Hippopotamoose.

Who cares what color anyone is?

OMG Could you be any more of a racist?!?

Socks are a tool of institutional oppression. KYS nazi.

/u/the_hippopotamoose the biggest reason why blacks are disproportionately poor is the amount of black children born out of wedlock/to single mothers. That is the biggest universal indicator that a person will grow up poor, and that's true no matter what race you are.

It's the fault of black men in 2017, not yt holding them down.

It's the fault of black men

Yeah! They should stop getting pregnant! Of course, if they do get pregnant, it sucks for them because abortion is still illegal.

tfw middle schoolers know how to use condoms and pills but black people can't figure it out

They should learn to fucking pull out, it's not rocket surgery.

the penis is like a rocket, and sex is like surgery.

Abortion is legal fortunately so you can nuke as many of those fetuses as you need.

Nah. It's their women who can't help but let loser after loser cum inside them that are the problem. They know what the potential result is and they know most of their men want nothing to do with it.

Does welfare cover birth control pills? If so there's really no excuse.


You are going to die from a heart attack in five years. Leaving a legacy behind of being angry on reddit all the time and being a worthless uppity queer who did nothing but shadowboxed people on the internet over oppression Olympics.

What a pathetic life. I feel really bad for you.

Feed that troll

Speaking of trolls, I'm pretty sure that white couple was trolling the uber driver. Or they have no idea how to handle a tense situation. But my money's on the former.

I'd love to get my hands on a full recording of the whole drive. I can almost guarantee it doesn't look as one sided.

There's the outside chance that the whole thing was faked.

implying that a black person being racist to a white person and a white person being racist to a black person are equally as bad. That's a delsuion that so many redditors have. Being racist to a black person is much worse than being racist toward a white person.

What would be worse, a plantation owner calling one of his black slaves a stinking nigge* or black slave calling his master a stinking cracker? Do you really think those two actions are equally deplorable?

Im sorry u/The_Hippopotamoose are black people still slaves in your mind? Why are you so fucking racist against blacks?

Being racist to a black person is much worse than being racist toward a white person.

I think what u/The_Hippopotamoose is saying is that a black person being racist to a white person shouldn't count. You can't hold a lesser species to such a high standard. It's like asking a dog to do calculus.

What would be worse, a plantation owner calling one of his black slaves a stinking nigge* or black slave calling his master a stinking cracker? Do you really think those two actions are equally deplorable?

u/The_Hippopotamoose Oh I get it, all things are relative. So when a normal hard working white person is doing his best with what he has, and gets called a cracker by some hate filled criminal, its way worse than if that mayo calls the criminal a nigger...I always wondered how that works, thanks for clearing it up!

That's pretty standard in DC.

How much of a an unsympathetic, evil bastard do you have to be to still support Trump at this point? You're just broadcasting to the world that you hate Muslims, you hate immigrants, you hate blacks and you believe global warming isn't real. Those are all admirable traits to you? It seriously blows my mind that people can be that willfully horrible.







You're just broadcasting to the world that you hate Muslims, you hate immigrants, you hate blacks and you believe global warming isn't real. Those are all admirable traits to you?

this but I believe in global warming/climate change

And I don't support the creation of a transparent, unclimbable wall made out of solar panels and filled with nuclear waste.

this but I believe in global warming/climate change

lol. Cucked crybaby libfag SJW. kys

This is your mind on /r/politics

Your whole comment history is full of “you can’t be racist against whites” propaganda.

no it's not.

1 hour later:

implying that a black person being racist to a white person and a white person being racist to a black person are equally as bad. That's a delsuion that so many redditors have. Being racist to a black person is much worse than being racist toward a white person.

Imagine being this retarded. u/The_Hippopotamoose, what's it like having a few too many chromosomes?

no where in that statement did I say you can't be racist to white people. No where at all.

Why is one worse than the other? Besides the fact that you're racist against whites, obviously.

lol we made him delete his account

Good ol' unintentional racism from the bright minds of white, socially sheltered fuckwits who have no life experience outside of uni.

They all likely took degrees in useless subjects, so soon they'll join the highly priviliged white lower class. I wonder what they'll say once that happens.