Fucking vegans
1 2017-09-28 by Washington_vape
So this guy posted to /r/rant about his Gf becoming friends with vegans, then she turned into a vegan and is constantly insisting he be vegan as well. But he doesn't want to. Plenty of cucks in the comments saying "Change your entire diet for this idiot who let's essentially strangers dictate major life choices"
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-28
Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.
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1 lssah1488wiking 2017-09-28
dude weed lmao
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-09-28
I've been told weed, water and a vegan diet can cure anything. If you still have any health issues, use essential oils
1 lssah1488wiking 2017-09-28
what about crystal healing?
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-09-28
Bunk science
1 lssah1488wiking 2017-09-28
but it is cheap.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-09-28
You don't wanna end up like Steve Jobs do yah?
1 lssah1488wiking 2017-09-28
he died rich and successful, so yes. it's a win-win situation
1 Washington_vape 2017-09-28
Rich and powerful AND dead? Sign me the fuck uo
1 LadyOzymandias 2017-09-28
Maybe not cure, but they can help a damn lot.
1 saltedpecker 2017-09-28
No, that's not really what happened. He actually said she didn't push him o become vegan, and there aren't a lot of comments telling him to go vegan either.