Fierce libertarian and capitalist pigdog /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK doesn’t trust UBI or the government to not fuck shit up like they always do

16  2017-09-28 by menslib_is_alpha_af


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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this but unironically

I support the use of state funds for the operation of the helicopter fleet though

As long as the right people are getting free rides

what? everyone must die.


Sieg heil!




who's being ironic? I don't pay like five grand a year in taxes so some junkie in gastown can get free methadone or some lobster farming newfie can drink screech all day long. fucks those guys.

Theft is taxation if you really think about it deeply

This but unironically

Stealing shit from the rich pigs is just a form of taxation, like? I think you're on to something!

I'll sicc the vegans on you. Respect porcine property rights.

Or else.

Robin Hood was the government all along!

Titrc acknowledges sexual dimorphism, rejects the "can't be sexist to men" teachings of feminism and now we find out he's a capitalist.

/u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK how did you come to mod so many socjus subreddits where the users think you're misogynist scum?

I don't mod MensLib bro

But you mod TBP and other subreddits that consider your views hate speech

Have you ever considered that you've perhaps built a liberal redditor strawwoman

Yet I see you argue with these people plenty lately

Also what do liberals have to do with this?

A likely story. The jig is up tits. Face it, you’re a shitlord in S-Jew clothing.

TBP isn't a real subreddit. There's no organization, planning, or seriousness in the modding. It started out as a modmail chat space and somehow an active user culture grew when none of the mods were really trying to grow one.

The modmail jerk thing basically applies to any other "SJW" subreddit titrc mods

hmmmm, aren’t you the top SRDine? Sounds like a coverup to me...

hey, I comment on r/drama, and no one has kicked me out of anything yet

This is too sensible to be the actual truth of the matter. What are you blue pillers hiding in there? 🤔

we were actually funded by ShariaBlue™ this whole time, and so are the rest of the subreddits with "blue" in the name

Fucking hell! It’s worse than I could have imagined. How does Bernie feel about that?

He's been ShariaBlue™ balled.

So very sad.

I blame SRD for finding TBP when laughing at TRP was new. Endless links to TBP coupled with incestuous linkbacks ensured a steady cancerization.