Coping incel and FPHer /u/seniorscubasquid gets called out in /r/justneckbeardthings

49  2017-09-29 by Frank_Tenpenny


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snappy telling it like it is

Quick google search of this retard

/u/seniorscubasquid, what caused your turbo autism, and why are you thin skinned and easily triggered? Replace some of the buzzwords in your post history and you could just easily pass for an SJW

Also, what compelled you to spend 18 hours a day on the internet ranting about fat people? I'm 6 foot 170 and eat a balanced diet, but I understand that typically people who spend all their time on VOAT fatpeoplehate are just as neckbeardy as stereotypical fat neckbeards.

Moreover, when will you realize that you will amount to absolutely nothing in life and it's not even worth trying, since you're a genetic failure?

what caused your turbo autism

vaccines as a child?

why are you thin skinned and easily triggered?

as thin skinned and trigger as the guy who felt the need to make an r/drama post calling me out?

Also, what compelled you to spend 18 hours a day[...]

It's closer to four, really.

ranting about fat people?

I also complain about women. And liberals.

I'm 6 foot 170 and eat a balanced diet

I commend your ability to be a functional human being

but I understand that typically people who spend all their time on VOAT fatpeoplehate

I actually haven't been there in a while. I spend much of my internet time on /k/ these days.

ust as neckbeardy as stereotypical fat neckbeards.

least I'm not fat.

Moreover, when will you realize that you will amount to absolutely nothing in life

"if the women don't find you handy, they should at least find you handy."

since you're a genetic failure?

I wouldn't go that far. I'm 6'5 and at least attractive enough to attract some homo-types. I'm like a genetic c-... Passable, but could be better.

at least I'm not fat

And there we are, the only thing you have to be proud of in life so you better double down over it.

Never mind you probably sit in your arse and eat as much as any American chubber just you are so toxic the food rejects you.

But I'm still not fat.

Should join us over at /r/holdmyfries

Eh. I usually lurk voat for that.

I do too but theres more content here and we've gone a long way in replacing the fatlogic and humor only crowd for the more traditional FPH userbase. Worth checking out at least

Ho lee fuk this thread

/u/seniorscubasquid you should do the world a favor and commit self mayocide.

FPHer? You did your homework I see. I commend the effort. One mistake, though - you'd see from my comment history that I'm not an incel.

Oh yeah, you told people on the internet that you boned a girl, so it must be true! Totes legit!

Yet everything you post points to inceldom

I have the same cut

LMFAO I bet that's a total pussy magnet.

As someone who actually browses incels

I can tell you're an idiot sjw

I'm part of a group of men who are too ugly, disfigured, mentally challenged, or otherwise abnormal to get laid, who are sick of being treated worse than dirt for their looks. You clearly don't understand what it's like to feel that soul-crushingly lonely.

Damn, at least you're being honest here. You just said that you're not an incel, however you admit that you're too much of a genetic failure to get laid. So which one is it? Forget to delete your post history?

Incels are born malformed and have no say in the matter.

why are people like this not locked up cages, much allowed to vote and hold jobs?

One person getting raped, while certainly unfortunate, is not a tragedy. Not everything needs to be used as an opportunity to virtue signal.

Yup, rape totes isn't a big deal at all.

Women get away with so much that men don't, every day.

Women essentially control the dating scene.

Sounds like someone who has never touched a woman.

You're possibly the biggest sad sack I've ever seen 'round these places. There is absolutely no hope for you whatsoever.

Oh yeah, you told people on the internet that you boned a girl, so it must be true! Totes legit!

is it still a lie if I correct you and say a boy?

LMFAO I bet that's a total pussy magnet.

dick magnet*

So which one is it?

poor wording, tbh. I hang out in incels cuz I don't like women's role in society very much. Sort of like how i get sick of fatasses so I post on fatpeoplehate at times.

Yup, rape totes isn't a big deal at all.

on a relative scale, sure.

Sounds like someone who has never touched a woman


You're possibly the biggest sad sack I've ever seen 'round these places

have you tried mirrors?

There is absolutely no hope for you whatsoever.

i fix microwaves pretty good

Well, you like bussy so you'll fir in fine here buddy 🤠


Aren't they usually super-hetero types?

I just know a lot of gay guys that hate women. Obviously there are loads of straight guys that hate them too.

So it's okay for you to generalize gays as hating women but when I generalize women it's bad?

When did I say it was bad?

You called me a misoginist.

Isn't that something you openly admit to? Are you calling it a bad thing?

I don't like the way society treats women. I don't personally blame women for having a position of priviledge.

I found that comment a bit flawed, but understandable coming from a teenager or college guy which doesn't have pussy flying onto his face on the daily.

/u/seniorscubasquid: gun owner and mental invalid.

Not the best combo for those around him

Add inceldom to that and you can expect a rampage at an Alberta movie theater within the next few weeks.

now that you mention it, I did see IT a while ago, and nobody would shut up...

Why on earth would you go watch that shitty movie?

Highest Grossing Horror Film Ever

Objectify better then The Shining, Psycho and the Silence of the Lambs

It was a total departure from the book's plot and it fucking sucked.

Bev didn't even have red hair for fucks sake.

> REEEE I paid $15 and didn't get to see a child orgy

Wow a King Movie not like being the Book how surprising, I guess you missed The Dark Tower reviews.

Wow a King Movie not like being the Book how surprising

It's not surprising at all, actually. Par for the course. Almost every movie based off of a King novel has been shit.

I guess you missed The Dark Tower reviews.

Why would I waste my time on them? I didn't even check. The film was a complete departure from the series, Susannah isn't there, and Roland is somehow now black. It's a joke like all of the others.

It's not surprising at all, actually. Par for the course.

It was Sarcasm

Susannah isn't there,

Really? Fuck how could they not make her just ignore Roland and insult Eddie the whole time that would have been hilarious.

I bet she doesn't even fuck a demon jez

I'm very sorry that my desire for Stephen King films to be canon offends you so much.

The best Stephen King adaptions are non-canon tho?

The Langoliers, The Shining, The Mist

Maximum Overdrive wasn't canon.

I will concede that The Mist's ending was better than his novel. The Shining was only saved because of Jack's performance. The Langoliers was trash.

The Langoliers was trash.

Nominated for a Primetime Emmy The Langoliers thank u verymuch

Yeah but so was Breaking Bad.

I do like all the dancing pennywise memes that came out of it tho

Objectively better then The Shining, Psycho and the Silence of the Lambs

Objectively wrong, and now I'm questioning your taste in film. Not even in the same galactic neighborhood. We're in the Laniakea Supercluster, and this comment is out in GN-z11, 13.39 Gly away. Being highest grossing doesn't mean it's the best; it simply means you've met the prerequisites for consumption by stupid people who simply want to be entertained. Michael Bay movies make tons of money and they're absolute shit. Every Tom Cruise movie ever made has been more or less garbage, but they gross over a billion each globally. Silence of the Lambs won the Big Five Academy Awards: Best Picture, Actor, Actress, Director and Screenplay. At the time, only two other films in history had managed this. Psycho also won four Academy Awards, and these both occurred when it was actually about quality and not who your friends in the Academy are. When IT wins the Big Five we can revisit this discussion.

I haven't even watched IT lol

That movie was good. Stfu loser.

No it wasn't.

Yes it was.

Counterpoint: It wasn't.

IT was.

I didn't care for it.

the clown sounded like scooby doo

I actually really liked the acting on pennywise. The cgi was cringeworthy though.

you forgot white nationalist.

No, that's covered under mental invalid

fair point. Don't worry, my well-ish adjusted friends have bigger guns than me.

You guys are really into this cuck fetish thing, eh?

I'm a weak little boy and i can't handle the recoil daddy

Can we mod this guy already?

/u/justcool393 I second this.

I can't tell if this is an insult.




Another weekendgunnit regular I see

Born and raised, my dude.

>Calling our founding fathers mentally disabled

Gtfo commie

Bet you'd like to be a faggot with wooden teeth and a powdered wig.

Weak response try one more time

America is the worst country and should be communist, tbh

Says image was deleted. Plz fix. For popcorn.

Watch the SRDine talk


I mean.... it's better than being racist and sexist?

if you find yourself using this line of reasoning to defend yourself, it might be time to rethink some life choices

I think the funny thing here is that he tried to defend people like him that have that haircut and than we find out that he is exactly what everyone was thinking of people with that haircut.

But at least he doesn't have the same car! Lol.

I'm actually not really a trump supporter. More of a libertarian.

Props to you for actually coming in such a hostile thread and still comment normally.

Meh. I have a lot of free time.

Personally, I don't fault /u/seniorscubasquid - he didn't choose to be born mentally retarded, and he can't help that other people have higher IQ than him. It's just how things are, and it gets frustrating when other people don't acknowledge that. Drama is kind of the one place on reddit where everyone accepts that.

I like you.

First off, I commend you ( /u/seniorcubasquid ) for your unabashed courage in defending your life choices.

Could you indulge us in a few more questions?

Why don't we see any MGTOW/MRA/red pill/seduction community interactions? Have you transcended your biological need for sex to devote more time to shitposting on Reddit?

Do you agree with the commonly held view that Canadians have less inherent value than women?

Does your tough love approach to rape victims (Just Cope) have any clinical research behind it? Or is it just your attempt to inject some much needed reality into the overblown rape narrative?

First off, I commend you ( /u/seniorcubasquid ) for your unabashed courage in defending your life choices.

It's not courage to read mean stuff on the internet, but thanks.

Why don't we see any MGTOW/MRA/red pill/seduction community interactions?

Redpill is just a guide on how to be an asshole. 90% of the posts there are fake. Also, I'm pretty happy being a flaming homosexual with the bae right now.

Have you transcended your biological need for sex to devote more time to shitposting on Reddit?

See above mention of flamingness.

Do you agree with the commonly held view that Canadians have less inherent value than women?

Depends on what you mean by value I suppose.

Does your tough love approach to rape victims


Or is it just your attempt to inject some much needed reality into the overblown rape narrative?

A single rape is not a tragedy. As I've said over and over, it's certainly not a good thing, but it's not a tragedy. 9/11 was a tragedy. Columbine was a tragedy. And so on. Not a single rape.

Women have it so much fucking worse than men, the fuck is he talking about?

/u/KlausFenrir Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

Being a guy is so much more simpler and easier than being a woman. I don’t think you’ve really thought this through.

Can you, presumably a guy, explain?

Can you mansplain to one of us what being a woman is like?

No, but I can have my sister send you a private message.

Sorry, I'm a bussy only kinda guy,

is she hot? because hot girls live life on easy mode.


I'm not that guy, and not an incel, but I can sort of answer.

I go there because I'm absolutely sick of the pedestal women are put on. Women get away with so much that men don't, every day. Sexual assault, divorce court, any sort of fight, and so on. God help you if you strike a woman after she just tried to punch your teeth in, you'll be jumped by half a dozen guys for hitting a girl. Women essentially control the dating scene. It is a plain fact of nature that men are less choosey than women are sexually, so women have the supply and men are the demand. Anyone with an understanding of economics will tell you what happens next. Personally, I don't fault women for that - they didn't choose to be born women, and they can't help that men have higher sex drives than them. It's just how things are, and it gets frustrating when other people don't acknowledge that. Incels is kind of the one place on reddit where everyone accepts that.

Also, a lot of the batshit insane stuff you read there are just trolls who know the sub is brigaded constantly, so think twice about it.

TIL /r/incels = /r/drama.

/u/seniorscubasquid reminds me of that kid in high school that you were nice to simply because you didn't want to be one of the kids who gets gunned down when he shows up to school with a semi-automatic

I always thought I'd go for the fake nice ones first.

u/isaezraa and u/nobleman76, do you have any examples of women suffering that come from, you know, the first world? Or is it just the kind of stuff that happens in backwater Muslim shitholes?

Even if you're hungry, I don't feel much like feeding a Kotakuinaction conservadrama troll. You want to spin some false narrative bullshit that the stats on sexual violence, harassment, domestic abuse, workplace inequality, etc. are all just some SJW fabrication? Save your deliberately misinterpreted facts for some other circlejerk. I could give 2 shits about changing your mind.

Tldr: GFY