The Downfall of Boston's Purr Cat Cafe

127  2017-09-29 by dramahomo


u/busterandpea/, do you abuse cats as much as you abuse your employees?

U/busterandpea you are a pretty arrogant person, your cafe will not succeed

That isn't how you ping somebody. What you MEANT to say was "/u/busterandpea you are a pretty arrogant person, your cafe will not succeed".

/u/busterandpea it's nice the truth is getting out about your little house of feline horrors. I don't get how anyone could ever find enjoyment in torturing the cute little felines of our world. You're a very sick person.

Good find.

tl;dr or gtfo

Small business owner hires avowed slut in anticipation of pussy.

Slut cannot deliver, owner becomes catty.

Take my updoots. Take all of them

It's actually a pretty good read if you skim it and focus of the Purr lady's post mostly.

Passive Aggressiveness, slut shaming, calling people bitches, photos of legbeards. Good stuff.

Now now it's not a slut it's a proud polyamorous woman seeing a chad and a cuck.

tbh if you can't shame a woman for being a slut these days, what can you shame her for?

Being a whale

> 36 images

Username checks out.

There's some poly drama in there too!

Peanut nuggets in the shit lump that is that thread

The Purr Cat Cafe facebook page is back up! Ha.. its just getting worse and worse again though:

/u/snallygaster you've been outscooped!

I thought this was a Snallypost when I first clicked on it.

TBH I'm not certain that spez isn't just changing the usernames

I've truly been put to shame here.

Redeem yourself. Post some 1970's ARPANET drama.

I tried looking for some stuff from FidoNet, but I couldn't find anything... :(

learn russian, google hypertext vector fidonet

This is a great one too..

Well, that was emotionally exhausting

I don't have the stamina for crazy cat lady drama

What do you call a cat lady without any cats?

The founder and owner of PURR Cat Café.


It's like meowswhitz in here!

I was waiting for someone to make this joke the entire 75 posts.

Well any person I've known named Diane has been bat shit crazy so this adds up.

The only thing I learned from all of that is that Kat is a whore.

The only thing I

Learned from all of that is

That Kat is a whore.


                  - cycophuk

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

Good bot.



/u/swedishcommie check this shit out.

One of your best, haikubot.

Say that again and you'll be out the moon door.

The only thing I learned from all of that is that Kat is a whore.

Perhaps you're wondering why I would tell you I only ever loved one woman before pushing you out the door.

This was the part of the series when Littlefinger killed Lysa, right?



whores are something that actually interests me so care to share which page you learned that on?

As the cracks in her castle of deceit kept growing bigger and bigger, Diane did the only thing she could - relentlessly post "MEOW MEOW PURR" on facebook.

ain't readin' all that bullshit, are you drunk op

It's worth it.

I'm skimming it and I will say, I really enjoyed this part

this woman is fucking mental

I loved the weird third-person cat introductions that fell down the instant the pic was reverse image-searched.


Lol oh jeez.

also lol at this article about her, holy fuck with the relevancy

“When I first approached the City of Boston … they outright told me, ‘We have no clue how to run a cat café,’ and I replied, ‘Same here, I’ll have to figure it out as I go,’” Kelly said.

there's an understatement

Lol. Oh jeez.


This made me forget Gumwaa and have Funwaa!


Meow. Meow. PURR!!!

I am a nearly 30-year-old highly qualified Feline Behaviorist!

Works well on any resume really.

Pussy whisperer

With two boyfriends.



Gussie here Boston.

She calls herself Gussy?

Oy vey

i mean did you see the picture of the staff its the exact type of weirdos working there that youd expect

1 of 36

Hard Pass

MEOW MEOW PURR Diane's kitty will call the lawyer! MEOW MEOW PURR.

There is no sanity here, only PURR.

It's like Amy's Baking Company for cats!

Fuck. Anyone got Ramsey's number? I think we got his next special episode.

I don't know how but I am gonna blame Feminism for this don't @ me plz

It’s-a-me, Mario, and I love lasagna!

I know you enjoy having several sexual different partners- you shared that with me and I have no interest at all having a woman that works for me that has several sexual partners.

Best drama I've read in months. Thanks OP for making me feel great about my life

Gussie here reddit.

I thought it would be very appropriate for me to share r/drama's mission and vision statement, as well as our oath.

Mission Statement:

The mission of r/drama is to reduce the number of homeless autists in the Reddit area by providing drama, tendies, cummies, and pasta for every rescued autist.

Vision Statement:

The autists at r/drama will live in a rules-free environment, which is conducive to avoiding interaction with normies.

We envision all our autists being rejected and banned by safe, loving, and responsible subs through our partnership rescue sub (which has not yet been determined).

r/drama will strive to provide educational experiences for our community, and work towards bussy for all.

Our Oath:

We, the team members of r/drama, form a diverse and driven community, dedicated to providing an enhanced shitposting experience for our autistic companions.

We believe that through user pings and trolling we can provide both a containment sub for homeless autists, as well as educational opportunities for SRD.

In accomplishing our organization's mission, and ensuring our vision is realized, we stand by this oath:

We will provide a safe haven for autists, and offer all unnecessary drama within our power.

We will troll subs in the local area to annoy SRD.

Zoz. Zle. ZOZZLE!!!


Gussie here Boston.

I thought it would be very appropriate for me to share PURR's mission and vision statement, as well as our oath.

Mission Statement:

The mission of PURR Cat Cafe is to reduce the number of homeless cats in the Boston area by providing food, shelter, medical care, attention and comfort for every rescued cat.

Vision Statement:

The cats at PURR Cat Cafe will live in a cage-free environment, which is conducive to interaction with our human guests.

We envision all our cats being adopted and placed into safe, loving, and responsible forever homes through our partnership rescue group (which has not yet been determined).

PURR Cat Cafe will strive to provide educational experiences for our community, and work towards a just and compassionate society for all.

Our Oath:

We, the team members of PURR Cat Cafe, form a diverse and driven community, dedicated to providing an enhanced living experience for our feline companions.

We believe that through community engagement and belief in a shared ideal we can provide both a safe-haven for homeless cats, as well as educational opportunities for the local community.

In accomplishing our organization's mission, and ensuring our vision is realized, we stand by this oath:

We will provide a safe haven for cats, and offer all necessary care within our power.

We will partner with groups in the local area to build a strong and vibrant community.

Meow. Meow. PURR!!!

Meow. Meow. PURR!!!

Gussie Bussie

You fucked that up, should have been Bussie.

Imagine getting into a fight with someone who repeatedly and insistently refers to themself as a Feline Behaviourist, and looking like the crazy one.

What schooling does that take?

MEOW MEOW PURR My mommy didn't have to go to school to know how to love me best!


this is amazing, it's possibly the greatest thing I've ever read

Anyone have a tldr

I know when I want to be treated like a professional I wear black lipstick and a pentagram just like Kat

Looks like a good portion of my past sexual partners... god my early twenties was weird.

Purr Cat Cafe Dear Kat. Just to be clear. You did participate at First Caturday to represent PURR? Did you, or not? Additionally, I know you enjoy having several different sexual partners- you shared that with me and I have no interest at all having a woman that works for me that has several different sexual parrtners[sic]. 44 Reactions 6 hrs


Who cares, cats are inferior pets to dogs anyway.


I'm beginning to think people in the cat world might be crazy


Just fucking leave the abused and sick animals alone. Why do they have to suffer more than they already have? :c

2serious4me M8 -- I just here to shag yer nan and kick ass and I'm all outta ass...

Excellent drama 10/10

/u/snallygaster someone is stealing your niche (effortposting).

I'll martyr myself and take him out if you mod me.

That was one of the best dramatic plays I have ever seen. CATS MEOW MEOW PURR bitches.

The Purr Cat Cafe facebook page is back up! Ha.. its just getting worse and worse again though:

Did she shut down the Facebook page again? I can't get it to load on my phone. Don't know if it's my phone or the page.

I wasn't familiar with Turtleboy Sports until these series of articles on Purr.

Turtleboy Sports is gross. They made a joke about the boy that was recently killed by dogs. Surprisingly, the female author of the cat café saga has tossed in a lot of misogynistic and dumb crap into these articles; the hateful responses are unnecessary. Diane's behavior has been abhorrent; we don't need someone writing a typo-ridden article that underlines the fact that bullying (even when provoked) is immature.