wtf i love the GOP now

13  2017-09-29 by bleepis


Best part of this Russian narrative – and, at the same time, the worst part – is that nobody on any side is compelled to introspect and review how far out there are their positions because, see, it’s not our actual positions that are at issue… it’s those damn tweets from Vladivostok that make it look like we disagree.

Go to bed America…

Cool story, bro


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  1. At the beginning of 2016 99% of Americans don't know who Richard Spencer is and he has an insignificant following.

  2. Mainstream Media in an attempt to paint Trump supporters as racist, find and report on Richard Spencer non-stop. Thus giving him a platform in which to spread his particular brand of stupidity.

Does no one else see the problem here? The guy was a nobody and the only reason he matters today is because the mainstream media gave him a platform in which he could spread his message.

At some point we need to hold the media responsible for making racial issues worse...

i dont disagree

At some point we need to hold the media responsible for making racial issues worse...

But how?

I hate it when I have to agree with you

So what else can we blame Russia for.

Your erectile dysfunction?

I blame the jews for that


I'm gonna take full credit for this.

incels are a kremlin plot

incels are a kgremlin plot


Dicky is so annoying.

Every single one of those tweets look like a 5 year-old wrote them

Of course a pedophile like yourself would be an authority on the writing ability of 5 year olds.

delete this

Why do so many people say "boring" when they mean "I'm incredibly assblasted"

Sadly, you don't understand human dignity. A person's skin, ancestry, and bank balance have nothing to do with their intrinsic value.

this guy isnt a republican

he a closeted liberal
