Is the gay Muslim communist Nazi Arab Kenyan lizard married to a trap? /r/the_donald hits peak retardation.

100  2017-09-30 by Frank_Tenpenny


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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jeez snappy.

that's pretty much the reddit version of a Mortal Kombat finishing move.

It's called a Fatality you fucking pleb

/u/lockexxv you spend a disconcerting amount of time thinking about Michelle Obama's cock... do you want to get Blacked by an MtF tranny?

No more time than everyone collecting pictures of that massive monkey muff people try to pass off as a dong. :)

I'll leave you to have the blap fantasies. Carry on!

So, the answer is yes then?

ur just jealous that Michael Obama has 5 times the dong you'll ever imagine having

Did a schizophrenic write this?

Drunk person wrote it.

I don't think it's the Mexicans taking your job, I think it's you being a drunkard unbathed moron that prevents you from getting a job.

So this is a little bit weird to me. I was just defending Michelle Obama on a forum where they kept calling her a man. I got called out on a drama sub that I'd have -never- even bothered looking at but I, idiotically, went thru my inbox and just replied to every response (never dreaming I'd be called to some lame fag sub like /drama/)..

So here I am defending her (as in, they say she's a he and I say "naw") and you fucking libtards STILL attack me? What in the FUCK could we do to appease you? You realize there's no chance what-so-ever that Obammer's gets back in, right? I mean, even if I loved him to bits (I admit, I voted him in both times) there is STILL nothing that can ever get him back in... Are you all just fucking retarded?

Anyway. Ya'll are so backwards, so confused, anytime you you downvote me it makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I feel sorry for you, your spouses, and then your kids. Christ your kids are gonna be so fucked. Welcome to the new world, where virtue signals don't fucking work. AT ALL.


He was strangely obsessed with Transgender policies.

By your logic, The_Donald are a bunch of closeted trannies with a fetish for GILF (Hillary Clinton) porn.

haha I guess I left out some words there. He was strangely obsessed with advocating for and implementing transgender policies.

I think our focus on the topic is a bit in the other direction :)

You need to gas yourself immediately

slit your throat :)

The tollerant left in all it's glory.

lol triggered

"tollerate" a knife in your esophagus

They put a smiley face in there ya dingus

Suck start a shotgun :)

stick your head in an oven :)

Honestly at first I liked you magatards for the drama but this point you should just drown in mayo to improve the gene pool.

I think πŸ• gate is by far the most autistic thing I have ever heard

u/AntiHasbaraUnit just tagging you in good memes

this isnt one of em.


Share your Clinton porn folder.

Trump is strangely against it for some reason. Does that mean he's a self-hating tranny.... actually, yes but not for that reason.

I'd say the logic checks out by virtue of the conclusion.

I mean that's how logic works after all, right?

fetish for GILF (Hillary Clinton) porn.

Who isn't? πŸ‘΅πŸ»πŸ’¦πŸ†

Granny squirting on a dick? Nice!

She is a women but one of the funniest thing liberals do is talk about how beautiful michelle was when she was first lady. They would do stuff like fawn over her defined arms and stuff like jacked arms is a thing most men find desirable.

She is unnatractive and very masculine looking and the left needing to label her as beautiful just because she is a liberal black women opens her up to this kind of thing.

Yeah, I'm sure the liberals are to blame for the widespread mental illness present on the political right.

I'm sure they wouldn't be claiming she was a man had the liberals not liked her.

> It's wide spread on the political right that Michelle Obama is a man

> Taking the Bait this hard

>The right is only retarded in this one instance

>missing forest for the trees

it's actually pretty crazy how good she looks in some photos and how horrible she looks in others. throw in the fact that she's not white and that she's the first lady, and i can understand why simultaneously a large number of people find her beautiful and a large number of people find her hideous

/u/TipTupKek come back here you pussy

Are we really ranking the first Ladies by how hot they are?

that's a thing that's happening right now? How misogynistic of you.

try not to cringe your goddamn face off reading this list btw

lmao this list mane

The other stuff by him is just as

Why I Don’t Care About Aleppo (But Should)

While I think the deviation from normal justification is a good chunk of it, I can’t help but wonder if things would be different if the people being blown up in the Middle East were white.

It's definitely a showdown between Jackie Kennedy and Melania Trump.

Emily Donelson fam

Idk her neck looks weird in her Wikipedia portrait

Dude Melanie is gross looking now, like her face is melting off. Id rather hit barbara Streisand

Plus she looks like Bruce Jenner the tranny

Im pretty sure she is Ron Perlman in special effects make up. Just google Ron Perlman in beauty and the beast show he used to do.

Gussy is gussy fam

Mary Todd Lincoln or die

Melania does not look good at this point. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people say this. She looks like stretched plastic.


what's wrong with being swoll?

As if women's idea of hotness had anything to do with what men find attractive and wasn't the just a big competitive game they play with each other.

Mi'chelle was pretty hot back in 2008 though. I think she agreed to take on half of Brock's presidential aging or something.

Now her arms? I've only heard conservative radio hosts talk about those.

I mean she's attractive enough. I'd hit it. Attractiveness is subjective etc etc.

not finding jacked arms on women hot af

are you some kind of fucking cuck

Did you get this opinion from one of the bimbos on Fox News or


I usually can detect a tranny.

How much Bailey Jay porn do you have saved on your external HD?

Is this a recommendation?



I usually can detect a tranny.

Did 4chan actually get you into traps?


I usually can detect a tranny.

Did 4chan actually get you into traps?

>Specifically using Bailey Jay instead of generalized "tranny porn"

You tell us how much you have first /u/Etra

> 2017

> Not streaming porn at 4K

The only thing Michelle did was make school lunches gross. If she was a real tranny she would have caused way more dumb pointless drama than that.

health food isn't gross you fucking amerifat

Too bad it's not really healthy either. They just made the portions smaller so that now nobody feels full when eating school lunch. None of the "healthy" options even get picked by high schoolers, everyone just goes for the shit that will fill them up the most, most of the time. Especially athletes.

America is notorious for their "normal" portions being fucking massive for the rest of the world. Probably why you're all so fat.

Well, yeah, were called amerifats for a reason. That said, they diminished portions for kids beyond what should've been cut. I weighed 120, 5'10", when I graduated, and that shit couldn't even fill me up. I remember the football players I was friends with going for two or three servings and still needing snacks throughout the day. I don't think the government needs to tell people how much they should eat, especially when many of these people still have the option to eat more by paying more.

3/4 of the US population being overweight, 1/3 of them being obese says otherwise. Americans haven't got the ability to not be greedy so the government has to stop them some how.

preventing greed

Now that's commie talk. I KNEW it

And the right way to do it is to force kids in high school to eat less? You also fail to consider very poor kids who may only get meals at school. Had a couple kids like that at my hs. Would you say it's better those poor kids only get half of one meal so that the rich kids don't get fat off of school meals?

I don't see the problem with allowing people to make their own decisions. They'll pay for it down the road, and it doesn't hurt you at all.

By "less" you mean normal portions for the rest of the world.

Normal portions aren't better than large portions when it is your only portion

So you're fine with poorer kids being malnourished, if it means rich kids eat less? Very well could be normal to the rest of the world, but some of these kids only eat at school, so some of them may, literally, need bigger portions to stay healthy.

Maybe do something about ingrained poverty in your nightmare of a nation then?

Bruh were the richest country of all time. People are poor in every country, what would you propose to fix wealth inequality?

You are richest country of all time and you can't manage to have a better poverty reduction project than shitty school lunches?

Keep Yourself Safe, loser.

Wait what? How does reducing school lunch size = poverty reduction? Fuckin idiot.

Making it less for rich kids than those who can't afford it requires a level of caring about the poor more than rich that America is incapable of, is what's he's saying.

I majored in communications and autism.

They already do this in most cases

I'm sure no one has ever though of that, tbh

no u

Perhaps feed the poor kids more than the rich kids who don't need it? It's not a complex problem. But that'd require some people getting more than others from the government and as American's are selfish and greedy that wouldn't be ok would it.

So you think school lunches should be expanded?

Guess we won't be able to ship semen supplies to the malnourished yuropoors now

BTW I'm linking this on /r/Drama

sounds like your school sucked ass then

I weighed 120, 5'10", when I graduated

Did you got to school in a concentration camp?

Have you ever known fullness in your tragic life?

Yeah, I played sports and had a high metabolism. It really isn't that crazy.

never heard of portion control?

What's control?

America ranking number one in obesity says otherwise.

Yeah, most people suck at portion control. I also don't think it's the governments job to decide when you've had enough to eat.

Oh noes! The ebil gubbmint!

Delete it fat

I don't think the government is evil, I think the government telling people how much they should eat is a bad idea and a bad way to reduce obesity

The government tells people to do things all the time. It tells you how fast you should drive, it tells you how much money you need to give to it in taxes, etc. Now it's telling you to stop being a fat fuck.

Put down the fork, fatty.

Yes those are all things that have externalities. You eating more has no externality. Get a fucking grip, retard, and learn how to understand how policy is, and should be, made.

You sound fat

I'm morbidly obese my doctor told me to stop eating all together if I want to live

Well I was going to tell you to die, but your doctor already has.

This was only after he stretched my asshole wide enough to fit the fat end of a 40 in

I thought Mexico beat us recently?

Go look that stat up, it's simply untrue.

Are they second?

Ever heard of keep yourself safe???

I am safe.

It is when it's cooked by public school employees

Poor people aren't even allowed to be cooks anymore, she really did a huge amount of damage to the public school system.

At least she had a cute garden.

I'm sorry that you have to get your salt from T_D now instead of your fried food

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from 16 year old /pol/tards to 68-year-old lower middle-class fox news readers real quick

Yeah, some of my fifty year old uncles actually believe that shit.

Because it's true. Obama wanted to lead by example to prove that traps aren't gay

He really did deserve that Nobel after all.

people on the autism spectrum Well, they should be locked up in institutions rather than be allowed to creep us, especially women,

Yeah it's pretty amazing the kind of retarded rhetoric some people with believe or push.

still more realistic than russians hacking the election like a 90s movie

Oy. Leave it to captainpulledfromplayground to deflect the blows for daddy's cult. Classic

literally the easiest to recognise bait but some of you cant help yourselves it is what it is

not an argument

more like captainautism

kind of self evident tbh


Imagine being this retarded.

We post in /r/Drama, we don't have to imagine

What a bunch of credulous rubes.

/r/the_donald hits peak retardation.

we have 3 more years of this fam, theyre just getting warmed up



/r/the_donald hits peak retardation

Just wait 12 minutes

I find it odd that her well-off parents never saw fit to correct that massive lowland silverback underbite.

DAE "yeah right shariablue shill, show me ONE SINGLE SOLITARY TIME something racist was posted on t_d without being deleted"?

i mean she looks like a tranny because of the big ass shoulders and the crotch bulge but i was always under the impression it was just something to say to piss people off

It was usually said just to push buttons but literal retards don't get that and take it as the truth.

Alex Jones laid out a pretty good case in this video.

Thats when you know it's time to end your life, you have no value to this planet.

Wow it's like a perfect example of the "if you keep pretending to be retarded you'll attract actual retards" effect. The thread is like a perfect mix of people that thought it was a joke and legit crazy conspiracy theorists.

When did Obama and Michelle go against Dr Seuz?