Idiot non-white believes in mayocide

15  2017-09-30 by RaiserOfHell


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Mayos aren't people.

Amen. I'm actually a heated up slice of white bread with a certain diary product spread on it :)

I can't believe it's not butter?

I cant believe it

BLM could have gone a lot better if they named themselves "male lives matter."

Because, you know, 99% of police shooting victims are men. This would have removed any ammo the right had to attack them and a bunch of conservative white guys would have sucked up the victim points.

Naming it "male lives matter" also has the added benefit of keeping feminists out, especially the crazy ones.

But by naming is "black lives matter" you invited all the crazy SJW elements and the angry black women in to destroy it.

That would make it MRA, which is kinda worse

Not even close.