PSA to you incels on here

38  2017-09-30 by Frank_Tenpenny


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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If you're older than 10 and need to be told to shower and brush your teeth you're already beyond help.


eggs dee

Stick this

Also lmao buying clothes every 6 months what fucking kind of classism is this. Like I am that rich.

Go fuck yourself wikihow

Serious tho - do people throw out their entire wardrobe every year? That’s weird, I can understand it happening organically but still...

Rich women maybe?

Buying a pair of socks every 6 months is the minimum one can do. Which is why we at Socksoff have exclusive offers for you. Give us dosh and we will give you great socks.

But how much do I save relative to other sock vendors? Preferably expressed on a per cent basis? Why are they so shit compared to Step up nibba

>no mention of not being fat

>no mention of not being born hideously ugly

>no mention of avoiding the manlet zone.

Lol it basically describes how to not be a worthless person, this is like how "niceguys" see the world like doing the bare minimum to not be a waste of human meat is how you be cute.

tfw when you're a fat, ugly manlet

>tfw when you're a fat, ugly manlet

If you are actually this subhuman the answer is suicide.

Solutions to your problems: Fat --> diet, exercise, plastic surgery hideously ugly --> makeup, skincare, plastic surgery manlet (short height) --> shoe inserts, plastic surgery

Honestly, you can literally fix all your issues with plastic surgery. Work, earn money, save up and get your body/face fixed.

I didn't say those things didn't have solution I'm just laughing at the idea of that this advice would be given to some fat ugly manlet and he'd think the only thing preventing him from being cute is showering enough and licking his lips enough.

It might not be the only thing, but bad hygiene can make an average-looking guy absolutely repulsive if he smells like dirty socks.

 Or you can wear them inside, which looks even more daring and cool.

Wikihow doing the lord's work keeping incels from breeding

26 steps? You overestimate this place

"However, shaving in the morning alleviates a five o'clock shadow.[4]"


fuck the internet it was a mistake take it all back and start this shit over fucking holy hell

Y'all need to take the brownpill

Me: But but but ... How, I mean how on earth you have managed to shag four bitches in one night? I mean, what the actual fuck is going on? It does not make any sense!

Chidambaram: I found the CURE.

Me: Cure? For what?

Chidambaram: Cure for my inceldom. Nofap, nopillow, fasting, lifting, showering, meditations, tried all possible forms of redpilled shit. Nothing works. But this time Baba Laldev revealed everything to me. All his secrets.

He retorted. But while he was saying "Baba Laldev" he pressed his hands together and touched his forehead and middle of his chest, one after another multiple times.

Me: Baba Laldev, I see, now I remember you said something about him in your note.

Chidambaram: Yes, Baba Laldev showed me the truth, the way. He was kind enough to accept me as his disciple, I am grateful and proud to have him as my master, the guru!

He replied while pressing his hands together again, touching his forehead and the middle of his chest, one after another multiple times.

Chidambaram: It's called "Dandayamana Maltyagasana" in Sanskrit (Literal translation: The pose of Standing Defecation), or you could say "Standshitting"

Long but worth the read. u/chudur-budur may be the best poster on r/incels.

brownpill, kek.

how to be a cute girl (male)

None of these help if you're short and/or ugly.

Go all out at parties. While being shy is extremely cute, so is making a fool of yourself. Tripping and falling down can be funny, and somewhat embarrassing. Doing silly things like dancing on a table while you are intoxicated shows you are willing to be spontaneous and do things you wouldn't normally do.


Don't dwell on embarrassments.

Show me a person who isn't kept up at night by the embarrassing shit they said or did 5+ years ago and I'll show you a person with medically incurable amnesia or a dirty fucking liar.

Aren't normies like that?

The first ten points are EZPZ. But then the issues start...