Crazy man gets angry at me through multiple subs

38  2017-10-01 by ChipChippersonAMA


This is why we need mayocide.


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Tbh, the guy had some good bantz in there.

u/RapistWithAIDS, I'm seeing a lot of negativity in your post history. Is there some reason you like getting angry at strangers on the internet? Do you feel the need to put them in their place? Is it a sexual thing.

Mental health, drugs, some gay dominance stuff yeah

ye fam

Bad bot.


What mods?

gay dominance stuff

Maybe we aren't so different after all

> Implying you can dom

Even r/drama won't fall for this one.

Bottom or nothing tbh

Nah, this sub is basically perfect for that kind of stuff, that's how it ended up here.

Wtf are you talking about?


He does this for free

It's because he's in his 30s, has a dakimakura and isn't in a relationship, all three of which are proven to lower testosterone in men.

He is probably greentexting his life right now and constructing a psychological temple for himself in which his waifu isn't shit.

Of course, nature and the universe doesn't work that way, and he will be brutally smacked down by a cruel reality, as all self deluding otakus rightfully deserve. His mom will make him move out or stop paying for his figurines. Something like that.

This goes for you too OP. You voluntarily spent your free time and made an effort to post this weeby, kawaii, emotional thread and you did it for FREE. This shows that your testosterone is low and you have an autistic, virgin neckbeard worldview where watching anime and playing visual novels is a sign of "superior taste" instead of inceldom. Some weeb philosophy like that, roughly.

Your lonely thoughts in the night time are the correct ones. You're a loser and your life is worthless. Don't let any hentai tell you otherwise.

You posted two versions of this copypasta

this is from the thread, im riffing

Both are?

the original is, im riffing

It's because he's in his 30s, voted for Trump and is in a cuckold relationship, all three of which are proven to lower testosterone in men.

He is probably praising Kek right now and constructing a psychological temple for himself in which the swamp is being drained.

Of course, nature and the universe doesn't work that way, and he will be brutally smacked down by a cruel reality, as all self deluding pedes rightfully deserve. Trump will go back on his promises or get cucked by Congress. Something like that.

This goes for you too OP. You voluntarily spent your free time and made an effort to post this dank, based, spicy Pepe and you did it for FREE. This shows that your testosterone is low and you have a coddled, alt-lite MAGA worldview where riding the Trump Train and practicing meme magic is a sign of "winning" instead of failing. Some fake news like that, roughly.

Your lonely thoughts in the night time are the correct ones. You're a loser and your life is worthless. Don't let any Infowarrior tell you otherwise.

Ive got a little bit longer

You posted two versions of this copypasta

Yeah where’s the third, damnit?

It's because he's in his 30s, posts on r/drama and pretends crying in front of a hooker counts as being in a relationship, all three of which are proven to lower testosterone in men.

He is probably shitposting about lolcows right now and constructing a psychological temple for himself in which his agendaposts aren't cancer.

Of course, nature and the universe doesn't work that way, and he will be brutally smacked down by a cruel reality, as all self deluding weaklingss rightfully deserve. He'll submit an np link or get his account shadowbanned. Something like that.

This goes for you too OP. You voluntarily spent your free time and made an effort to post this low-effort, political, total shitshow of a thread and you did it for FREE. This shows that your testosterone is low and you have an autistic, radical centrist worldview where keeping yourself safe and posting bussy is a sign of "crypto-hate" instead of degeneracy. Some retarded philosophy like that, roughly.

Your lonely thoughts in the night time are the correct ones. You're a loser and your life is worthless. Don't let any normies tell you otherwise.

alright im done


fuck that, im not gonna spend another spend another hour reworking pasta. i dont hate myself that much

I believe in you!

This one is actually good.

Write me like one of your autistic shitposters.