Catalonian Independence Referendum being held today.

59  2017-10-01 by Yiin

I'll probably be updating as we go along, but it's already heating up. So today is not the end, but the beginning of even more unrest... :/

The megathread should give you enough of a background, but because you're a lazy pos: Catalonia has been organizing an independence referendum that would be binding (as opposed to a couple in the past which were not). A referendum of this sort would be literally illegal according to Spain's constitution and which would be fair enough, even America has soft law of this sort. Cue Spain reacting in the worst possible way, at every single point, and we arrive to this morning. They proceeded to one-up themselves.

Spanish police manhandling citizens

List of links to police tactics today.

Your flair should indicate "Candyland", according to that quite idealistic statement.

That's the same excuse a violent husband says to his wife who he beat.

Catalan politicians have intentionally stirred up nationalism and separatism in their bid for political power.

It's better to see both sides: Full sequence of 'Police hitting a child'

Foreign leader speaks up.

Spain used too little force, not too much.

I don't think you know what free speech is. Impeding officers from doing their job is not free speech.

People from almost every political spectrum in Spain are more united than ever


/u/zxcv1992 is completely right there. This is an absolute shitshow.

Catalanes wont forget this, but at the same time nothing is gonna happen if we are realistic about it.

I dunno if nothing will happen, if the president of Catalonia declares independence then that will cause a shitstorm for sure. This could easily escalate.

If you walk around a bit here you can see a lot of Spanish flags hanging from peoples apartment. They take this stuff extremely serious

Like I have friends fighting because of this shit

Get a Catalan flag and run around saying you want independence and stream it

Wish my feet wasnt broken. I had so many smug and snarky comments to make to people.

" But I dont get it guys, if they want independence shoudnt they have it? "

Thats enough to make people livid heh.

Wheel around and do it

Just fyi, the singular of "feet" is "foot"

Hablo como me de la gana cerdo imperialista


"Nationalism is racism. Death to the Catalan fascists."

Wish my feet wasnt broken.

knowing you, this should have an entertaining backstory

Not really

I was drunk, I climbed a wall to take a picture

I fell

The picture was great though

you disappoint me

That is what I tell my mirror every morning

Catalan referendum: Catalonia has 'won right to statehood'

Voters attempt to stop police seizing ballots. Some shouted: "We will vote! We are peaceful people"

Però què merdes estaves dient de mi, petit fill de puta? Has de sapiguer que en vaig graduar als Miquelets sent el primer de la meva clase, i he participat en nombrosos atacs secrets contra els xarnegos, i tinc més de 300 sardanes confirmades. He estat entrenat en guerra d'almogàvers i sóc el millor casteller de totes les forces armades dels Països Catalans. Tu no ets res més per a mi que un altre botifler. T'esborraré de la puta terra amb una precisió d'aquella que no s'ha vist mai on cap lloc, recorda el que et dic, collons. Creus que no passa res per dirme merdes d'aquestes a Internet? Torna a pensar, xiquet. Mentres parlem estic contactant amb la meva xarxa secreta d'anarquistes distribuïts pels Països Catalans i a teva IP està sent rastrejada ara mateix així que preparat pel fuet que et ve a sobre, capullo. El fuet que esborrarà la patètica cosa que anomenes vida. Estàs mort, puto botifler. Puc estar a qualsevol lloc, en qualsevol moment, i et puc matar de més de setcentes maneres, i això només amb la meva barretina. No només he estat entrenat extensivament en combat amb llamborda, també tinc accés a tot l'arsenal del Consulat de Mar i el faré servir per esborrarte a tu i els collons que no tens de la faç del continent, petit fill de puta. Si tan sols haguèssis pogut saber la retribució impia que el teu petit i “astut” comentari t'acabaria portant, potser t'hauries callat la puta boca. Però no va ser així, no ho vas fer, i ara pagaràs el preu, beneit. Cagaré qual caganer per sobre teu i no en podràs fer res. Estàs mort, nano.

Jesus, I have never seen this translated before here.

It sounds so much cooler than the original

Go to /r/Europe, you'll see it in all major languages within a week.

I skip the long pastas so you are probably right and I didn't notice.

+1 for putting in the effort to translate to Catalan instead of that lispy Castillano shit

They should had let them vote and then disregard the results since it's an illegal referendum according to the constitution. Police hitting old people is 1) bad and 2) not a good image for both the corps and the government itself.

The worst part is that Rajoy hasn't even made a public appearance.

The actual problems will come tonight/tomorrow when the results are announced and if a indepencence is declared; which is what the central government won't like. With today response, I don't want to imagine what would happen...

There hasn't been a debate about Spain's territorial organisation in ages. It's like a taboo here, I fucking hate that the Francoist "una, grande, y libre" is still ingrained in a lot of people.

They should had let them vote and then disregard the results since it's an illegal referendum according to the constitution. Police hitting old people is 1) bad and 2) not a good image for both the corps and the government itself.

Thanks for the textbook example of cognitive dissonance.

Caring about image is also textbook fascist style. Luckily, Spain is at home in that regard.


I mean that they did everything worse. Police is a polarising entity in Spain. Doesn't help much when they try to whitewash them and then throw the riot police against peaceful protesters.

In fact I defend the right to self-determination of the Basque Country (where I'm from)


¡Arriba España!

So you are a delusional Catalonian?

You forget the Kekistani

This but unironically

Quebec just likes to complain. Without equalization payments they'd be one sad banquette indeed.


eres español?

wtf johnny


Police hitting old people is 1) bad

i think you misspelled hilarious

The /r/europe thread is a shitshow, there is going to be loads of drama from this

I've been trying to convince r/spain to hold a referendum to create a new r/catalonia subreddit but they pointed out that there is already an r/catalonia subreddit. 10/10 wasn't pummeled and shot with rubber bullets.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. So today is not the end, but the be... -,*,,

  3. Spanish police manhandling citizens -,*,,

  4. List of links to police tactics tod... -,*,,

  5. Your flair should indicate "Candyla... -,*,,

  6. That's the same excuse a violent hu... -,*,,

  7. Catalan politicians have intentiona... -,*,,

  8. It's better to see both sides: Full... -,*,,

  9. Foreign leader speaks up. -,*,,

  10. Spain used too little force, not to... -,*,,

  11. I don't think you know what free sp... -,*,,

  12. People from almost every political ... -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This is why every citizen needs to own firearms.

Retard. Antifa don't need guns.

How else they would keep themselves safe?

Yeah escalating the situation to lethal force seems like a great idea

Gas Catalonians tbh

wait, are they white or fake white?

Fake white. Don't believe their lies. It's moors and phoenicians all the way down.

There has never been a white person in Spain.

Good luck in getting rid of Spain, Catalonia. Bash the fascists trying to keep you down.


I like your attitude toward silver, big ed. But take like a 30 second break before botting me again, K?

Part of the fun of money is counting it all.


😊 It's ok, I did ask for more.


The marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella was a mistake.

I unironically agree with this.

pfff, you're just salty cause you didn't get an invite

Holy shit!

The spanish police behave like an occupation force. Is this the spanish version of "winning hearts and minds"?

They broke her fingers, one by one.

It's like an abusive spouse who makes sure that they keep their partner financially dependent or physically intimidated so they never can leave.

And from what I've seen from other people on /r/europe, that attitude isn't just confined to Spanish posters.

Nationalist separatism IS fascism.

Catalonian racists = BASHED!

El Generalísimo is rolling in his grave.

spain has been a shithole for 300 years, and it looks like it's only gonna get worse. What the hell do catalonians think is gonna happen if they do their own shit? They're gonna get rich when they loose all access to other parts of spain and have to do all themselves? diplomacy, military, etc... It's like the scottish referendum, only even more stupid.

Which side of the debate is the smugly superior one?

So far, it's Spain. We'll see in a year after Spain loses the Civil War when Trump throws in—he caused the EU to lose its fear of separatists, you see.

Stupid europoors.


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Stupid europoors.'.

You raped her! You murdered her ! You killed her children!

They've probably guaranteed that the referendum will pass by this reaction. No one opposed is actually going to go out and vote.