/r/Drama takes a Rorschach test

270  2017-10-01 by CultOfCuck


What are we supposed to see?

It's a duckman. Are you stupid or something?

I see a Trump Pepe eating a taco.

fuck, i can't unsee it now

I'm sorry. ):

You were so innocent.

Fuck, am I a nazi now?

Yes 😍




yes daddy

Another innocent claimed by the crypto-hate.

i fuckin knew you were a nazi

Fucking normies

Just lines.

Pepe it's Pepe, for fuck's sake

Have you posted bussy yet?


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is it a sad penguin sitting at his cubicle?

where’d you get this pic of me

I see a bird man and his beak with sticks for arms πŸ€”

Congratulations you're retarded!

there you go

Thanks πŸ€—

I see a bird reading a book

Me too! At least now.

I see a giraffe puking πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I see more than just lines

I see LIES!


Guess what: I'm a Jew

I've been using 4chan for 18 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Jeb. I'm not a zionist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, Jews are superior. I'm here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for money and I'm actually rich as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my nose, I'll be your KANG one day

this but unironically

They're like white people to black people. They're in an evil conspiracy and genetically superior to you, but you know you could probably beat his ass. Jew people also have no culture and they can't dance lmao

this comparison fell apart when you said jew ppl had no culture, they got like 5 holidays

I didn't want it to be true because of my white fragility true so I added that in phew

and they can't dance lmao

  1. Fiddler on the Roof is the greatest Musical of all time

  2. They've danced so much they got bored of dancing and starting throwing chairs and shit in

  1. Yo u can keep yo bitch ass Jew highbrow Musicals, I be in to dem tight operas of da Common practice period anyway nigga

  2. Drunk white girls have been dancing on chairs since before the time of Abraham. It is known.

Jew highbrow Musicals

Always good to have another reason to hate Commies

Petty much the whole of US film and tv is Jewish culture.


Hey look, it's (((me))).


reminded me of coincidence.gif

I wanted it to be dickbutt

Does it mean anything if all I see is a small yellow puppy holding a giant blue dildo?

The idea that there is a Jewish conspiracy behind everything is actually a Jewish conspiracy to make you believe that Jewish conspiracies exist. Actually, it's a Jewish conspiracy to make you believe Jews exist. The fact of the matter is, Jews do not exist. The Holocaust did not happen because there were no Jews to kill in the first place. Any suggestion to the contrary is just Jewish lies and propaganda. There have been hundreds of real studies and scientific reports done on this, and every result points to the incontrovertible fact that there is no such thing as a Jew and there never was in recorded history. I'd tell you to Google it, but Google is owned by Jews so you'll just have to take my word on it.

Mind. Blown.

nice try jew


See if (((we))) ever approve a loan for you ever again.

this made me chuckle irl for like three whole seconds thank you

Me too I chortled for longer than average

Petition to make /u/GuillotinesNOW top mod of r/drama.

Dead cockroach

How often do you have to see the happy merchant to see it in the line picture?

Go to /pol/. Is there ANYTHING that makes you laugh? Congratulations, you're only almost completely ruined.

It's an anus isn't it?

I thought it was that creepy bird thing from Ruby Quest

Oy vey the goyim know

That's some tight bussy right there. NSFW please


should be enough tbh

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| |_

Is this Loss?

I see bussy


Stick man shedding the shackles of capitalism (and his head)

Bird person

Pepe (oh shit your about to get sued)

moshi moshi jyuu-chan desu

I had to look in the comments to get this.

I saw Woody Woodpecker at first guess its my childhood demanding attention and recognition.

i dont get it, whats wrong with recognizing a friendly merchant?

I'm upset that I immediately recognized this.

I saw it as a dude hunched over a computer at first which probably tells you all you need to know about my psychology.

That means you are an advanced internet browser.

If there is one thing I'm good at, it's looking at random internet shit.

Is this a plague doctor washing his hands after dealing with a patient?

Everybody loves me so much around here, they're submitting portraits of me 😍

Innit this one of those big statues on that one island?

Big Bird washing his hands.

I see a duck eating with chopsticks.

This is obviously Harold the Duck, smoking a cigarette. Get your eyes checked people.

This is some advanced form of loss.jpg right there.

I see unhappiness.


I only see reddit mods.

I thought it was lost tbh

I see someone doing Gangnam Style

... So, I think this is a minimalist depiction of a fatal accident at a baptism. At the right, we see a cross, depicting the religious nature of the scene, and a pair of empty, outflung arms. Then, clearly, the rest of the lines resolve themselves into a trajectory over a balcony, including a single bounce upon the railing's edge. From this we can conclude that the clergyman has tripped over the fallen cross and thrown the baby to its gruesome death upon the flagstones below, thus ridding society of another unproductive leech.

i thought it was mr burns tbh

I see a medieval/Renaissance doctor (you know, the ones from Assassin's Creed with the creepy plague masks) playing the flute.

Has no one here cared to define what a line is?

I see dead people

I see a man with a pencil? Am i crazy?

Big bird turning his head


Ha! Guilty.

Pretty weak loss edit OP, the doctor and receptionist are tilted and Ethan appears to be stuck on the ceiling in the second frame? 3/10 needs work.

A man and woman embracing. It looks like her head is tilted up and they're kissing.

He has a good job, so that's a plus. Nice personality, and he's frankly in pretty good shape.

Having her grandmother die a couple of weeks ago has been hard on her. So she's happy to have found someone who makes her feel better when he's around.

I see the person behind the Mandalay Bay shootings