Juicy Drama on /r/worldnews as retards show their inability to differentiate the old and new testament.

7  2017-10-01 by caliberoverreaching


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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lol @ butthurt agenda-posting Christians.

If Gawd is omniscient, omnipotent, and infallible, why do you need a rationalization that admits he used to be evil?

Stay mad boi

It's not evil to punish sinners for sinning, buddy boy

Oh, so you're one of those people who believe 9/11 was justified.

>Insults God

>Still expects God not to remove His restraining hand


The Old Testament is a summer Blockbuster. The New Testament is just a boring ass arthouse flick that you pretend you like while trying to impress your Tinder date.

(((We))) know how to write entertainment. Goyim just write about 13 whiny dudes eating dinner.

K stay mad

Write better stories

That's it I'm ducking triggerd I'm calling the mods to ban you. My dad works at Reddit your fucked kiddo

Reported you to my mom for cyberbullying

No I reported u first reeeee

Uninvited from my birthday party

no pls I didn't mean it

Fine but you have to sit next to Becky. She got cooties.


That's it I'm ducking triggerd I'm calling the mods to ban you. My dad works at Reddit your fucked kiddo

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More the book of Paul, which I don't think should influence Christan theology either.

More the book of Paul

book of Paul

Holy crap, OP. What are you doing?