40  2017-10-01 by caliberoverreaching


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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This is a second time I see zozbot throwing shade on snappy.

I can't wait for the Trump tweets about this, and the following drama from that.

ruh roh

Are they calling it Catalexit yet? If not, I want credit.

Based on my Google Translate research, Catsalida or Catsortida, depends which side you're on.

I'm not ready to order yet, Senor.

🐈 sortida

If I see someone source /u/AnnoysTheGoys, I'll let you know.

ty bby

2017 Nationalist in Spain has caused another civil war.

Let's say you lived in the NYC metro area, made $50k, but instead of getting $38k after tax you got $30k, and instead of the NYC metro area receiving 90 cents of state and federal funding for every tax dollar that goes out of it, it received like 30 cents.

That's Catalonia's situation.

Too bad they rigged the shit out of that vote. UN election observers didn't even bother to attend. It ruins any legitimacy and everyone's gonna look the other way if Spain decides to curbstomp.

Using this logic, blue cities should be allowed to leave the union. I'm sure they're sick of supporting rural welfare leeches.

Well yeah blue cities, are quite racist

Yeah, blue cities, with millions of people from all walks of life and different cultures are the REAL racists, not the 99.9% white rural communities in which everyone thinks the same.

I never hear talk about wishing rural people would die from drug overdoses or just die out in general. Good point.

That started around the time Rural Americans elected a degenerate fucking clown that threatened to fuck everyone over.

My problem with rural America is they consistently vote to dismantle social safety nets and they have seriously disproportionate political power yet pretend they don't.

They joyfully encourage gerrymandering, voter suppression, they have no problem sucking up absurd amounts of federal funding either.

They're just shitty people dude, and it pains me to say this because my family is rural, I grew up in rural America. These people are a complete fucking joke.

Rural also isn't a "race" just a tip.

Started? Nah. That shit has lasted ages. I love how naive you are that you think hate for others is so unique to one group but other groups can be angelic.

Oh, so rural white people aren't a race? Thanks for the tip. I guess when people say they only hate niggers but not black people it isn't racist either, correct?

These people aren't shitty because they're white, they're shitty because the backwards culture they live in.

Me saying "99.9% white" was just pointing out these people live in a bubble.

True and the same could be said about inner city black people. This logic can extend to them too.

The self awareness displayed by you is great. I love the oh no they deserve it and they started it so it makes it ok. Truly fucking childish and immature.

What point is it you're trying to make here?

How DON'T rural Americans deserve exactly what they vote for?

Your point of how people from cities are angelic and cultured and can do no wrong versus subhuman rural people that are clearly beneath them. It wreaks of some smug.

I don't think people in cities are angelic and cultured, they're just better than rural people in this area.

Like you realize the communities in which Trump won by the most were complete bubbles, over 99% white, no exposure to cultures other than their own, and these are the same people that run around screeching about immigration and the "liberal bubbles."

The fuck out of here. Now who lives in a bubble? You have no fucking clue just how shit cities are. Shit people can live anywhere. Cities can be insanely violent and dangerous. How much denial do you have flying around in that dome of yours?

Are you illiterate?

I didn't say cities can't be dangerous, I said they're less dangerous, for the most part.

For example:

The fuck? No, just fucking no. Where you getting this shit? The farther from cities you get, the safer it gets.

I love cities, but you get so fucking retarded with how much your hate flyover country that you try to paint cities like they are nirvana.

Are you trolling lmao?

A) At no point did I paint them as nirvana, you fabricated that.

B) Safer in what way? The violent crime rate is fairly low in either, but you're safer in a city:

Yeah because you are counting suburb shit. The fucking article is talking about doylestown which isn't "city" compared to Philly right next to it. That is clearly some suburb shit. You go into Philly and it is a whole other fucking story on danger. You are playing statistics games with pedantic bullshit.

You go into a real city and you have far more danger of dealing with crime than going out into rural areas.

You are the one that is fucking lying to yourself. If you look hard enough you can make stats to back up any delusion.

You seem to seriously be delusional in relation to crime. The crime rates, even in cities, are pretty low.

For example, one can point to the many meth towns in rural America, that are all very dangerous.

The problem with "crime" is it tends to be isolated to small areas.

Criminologists, though, say it’s too soon to draw conclusions. “Snapshots are not trends. And two or three years of data are far too few to establish a trend,” Richard A. Berk, professor of criminology and statistics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, told us in an email.

Darrel Stephens, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association, also told us it was “too soon to talk about trends.” Stephens wrote in an email to “We have seen a spike in the past year in some large cities (particularly in five or six) — something we should be concerned about to be sure but not a trend or even close to 20 years ago.”

Berk noted that murder is a small fraction of violent crime overall (that’s apparent in the above crime rate charts), and the murder increases in recent years have been in a few cities. It’s difficult to know what is causing the increases there, he said. “In LA, for example, the number of shootings has been flat but the number of homicides has jumped,” Berk said. “Are the bad guys becoming better marksmen?”

And the increases are normally concentrated in certain areas of those cities. “Crime like politics is local,” Berk said. “[T]here are not crime spike in cities, there are crime spikes in certain neighborhoods in those cities.”

But there seems to be a trend in rural America, for many reasons, becoming worse off:

they're shitty because the backwards culture they live in.

Allahu akbar.

Yes, backwards in much the same way Islamic culture is backward. Thanks for pointing that out.

You should be lining up to suck rural dicks, then.

Me being a racist started around the time Rural Americans elected a real American that threatened to fuck Hillary over.

Yes, we know.

"real American."

By what metric, this should be entertaining. What makes Donald Trump a "real American."

He ran to represent American values and the American voter. Democrats represent foreigners and globalism.

Yeah, a billionaire with a global business empire that hires illegal workers left and right that has literally argued for open borders as recently as 2013 is probably not in favor of "foreigners and globalism."

I think we've all become aware of the fact that our cultures and economics are intertwined. It's a complex mosaic that cannot be approached with a simple formula for the correct pattern to emerge. In many ways, we are in unchartered waters.

The good news, in one respect, is that what is done affects us all. There won't be any winners or losers as this is not a competition. It's a time for working together for the best of all involved. Never before has the phrase "we're all in this together" had more resonance or relevance.

My concern is that the negligence of a few will adversely affect the majority. I've long been a believer in the "look at the solution, not the problem" theory. In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability.

Is this possible? Is this a new frontier? Yes and no. There is the fait accompli strategy -- stay under the radar -- and the passive aggressive strategy, acts of terror used to paralyze and so on -- so the bottom line must be balance. Rationality must rule. There are philosophical approaches to economics. However, at this point, we don't so much need philosophy as we need action. Which way to proceed is the question.

The future of Europe, as well as the United States, depends on a cohesive global economy. All of us must work toward together toward that very significant common goal.

Trump really found a prime fucking mark in you, didn't he?

Hell, I voted for Barack Obama as recently as 2012!

Forty percent black women have been on welfare at some point , I wasn't the one attacking these southerns

Aren't a lot of these landlocked? Lol, good luck supporting yourselves cityshits.

Why is it idiots keep saying shit like this? The cities support this country, not rural America. That's a major reason they're throwing a tantrum, they can't accept the new reality:

Yeah, in an America-led infrastructure. I'm sure Trump and really any future president will let you guys leave and unilaterally use the highway system, airspace, and supply-chains with no strings attached.

I never said they should be allowed, just using that guys logic they should be.

A more likely scenario is blue states cut red America off, using the federal government.

Something I'd gladly support. No more welfare for them on the back of the cities.

That was going to be one of Trump's first moves, but it got lost among travel ban and healthcare shenanigans. When the communities surrounding the farmers dry up, what next? The farmers themselves would probably be okay for awhile, most of their money is tied into maintenance capital. They wouldn't be too pleased with you starving their family and friends though...

Buddy, you seem to be operating under the idea that the "small farmer" exists anymore.

The vast majority of farming in this country is done on large, corporate owned farms.

Alright, post the link that explains away the fields of cows and corn I drive past on my work every day.

Most farms are family-owned, but you're right about production coming from centralization.

"Most farms in the U.S. are not the big corporations people think," he said. "If you look closer I suspect that you will find that the majority of the 'corporate' farms are large family farms that found it beneficial to form a corporation."


Second operators, typically a spouse, relative or business partner, were slightly younger and most likely to be female. However, young, beginning principal operators who reported their primary occupation as farming increased 11.3 percent to 40,499 from 36,396 between 2012 and 2007.

Like I said, it's misleading.

It's like calling "goldman sachs" a "family owned corporation" or something.

They're giant.

This is why your argument doesn't really hold up - in the event the cities cut rural America off, these farms, heavily subsidized by the cities, would continue selling to the cities, why wouldn't they?

This isn't even getting into the insane amount of power corporations have over these giant farms:

All right, you win. To be honest, soft power like that is way more convincing to me—I've already had conversations of that sort with friends and acquaintances.

Easy way to do that without seceding:

Privatize social security and medicare, cause that's where most of the federal imbalance comes from.

Since Trump I've become strongly in favor of seriously reducing the size of the federal government and more in favor of things being run on a local level.

If red state Americans want to live in a 3rd world country, let them live in a 3rd world country.

Yeah once we cut down on the federal govt size, I'll be happy to have the S.A.L.T. deduction cut. Before then... :/

If leftists want to live in a Mexicaliphate, perhaps they should move there.

The weird part about this is you guys picked a time when mexican immigration into the US was at an all-time low to claim there was some kind of problem.

Even weirder is you seem to think we're on the verge of becoming a "mexicaliphate" somehow.

The leftist response to the problems they cause is so predictable:

"The problem is too small, ignore it!"

"The problem is too big, get used to it!"

Passive. Pussies. Commies.

Like the FEMA camps?

I guess, but if someone thinks think that 'red' regions are leeches on the 'blue' ones, then they support one reason behind part of the Catalan independence movement, because that's what some of them think too.

And Spain is definitely more right leaning than Catalonia. Viva Catalonian blue state independence.

Blue cities barely help out the poor 3rd world sections of their community m8.

Yeah, if they didn't have to fund welfare leech rural America maybe more of that could go to the "3rd world sections of their community."

Half of blacks are on welfare. It's blue voters in red states. But you're not going to cut off your pet minorities, especially when you can pretend mayos are eating the funds.

Let's see.

First, welfare isn't confined to food stamps.

The entitlement map:

But that's easy to forgive, uneducated people such as yourself don't actually know anything about our welfare system, it's an easy mistake to make.

Second, even if you were to remove all food stamps funding from those states they'd still be sucking up federal funding at an absurd rate:

There are policy reasons that the country might want to disproportionately spend resources on places with few people. Repairing an interstate highway in rural Oklahoma keeps national commerce flowing. And when the private market won’t build essential infrastructure, public investments like the New Deal’s rural electrification help fight poverty.

But even when you control for policy need, Dr. Lee’s research has found that a significant rural bias in resources persists. You can see it in Homeland Security funding that gave Wyoming, for example, seven times as much money per capita as New York after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. You can see it in Alaska’s proposed “bridge to nowhere.”

“In that case,” Dr. Ansolabehere said, “Alaska has so much disproportionate power in the negotiation over funds that in order for California to get some, Alaska gets a lot — to the point of not knowing what to spend the money on.”

These calculations also mean that populous states subsidize less populous ones, which receive more resources than the tax dollars they send to Washington.

Using this logic, blue cities should be allowed to leave the union. I'm sure they're sick of supporting rural welfare leeches.

Why do you hate black people?

You made a few mistakes here.

A) you assumed I was vulnerable to your SJW bullshit. I don't care if you accuse me of hating black people.

B) Those black people are free to move to the blue cities or blue states if they want. There's nothing stopping that.

A) you assumed I was vulnerable to your SJW bullshit. I don't care if you accuse me of hating black people.

You shouldn't care about being accused of hating black people, you should care about not hating black people. Also, maybe you should reconsider your bullshit about "99.9% white rural communities".

Those black people are free to move to the blue cities or blue states if they want. There's nothing stopping that.

Well, that's "let them eat cake" retarded, congratulations. Check your privilege.

me me big disappointment

You shouldn't care about being accused of hating black people, you should care about not hating black people. Also, maybe you should reconsider your bullshit about "99.9% white rural communities".

Again, I've dealt with people like you for a long time. This is a similar tactic that anti-abortion activists use. They start accusing you of "hating black babies" because black babies are being aborted.

Even more telling here is you think those black people live in rural areas, they live in cities. The rural communities are still almost entirely white.

You seem to be under the impression that rural means an entire state. No, there are rural areas and urban areas in every state.

Across the nation, four out of five whites live outside of the cities and 86 percent of whites live in neighborhoods where minorities make up less than 1 percent of the population. In contrast, 70 percent of Blacks and Latinos live in the cities or inner-ring suburbs.

So your idea is not even a simple dissolution of the union along the state lines, but a new polka-dot arrangement? That's retarded.

No shit it's retarded, which is why I said "using that logic."

I was pointing out his absurd argument.

Uh huh, and then went

A more likely scenario is blue states cut red America off, using the federal government.

Something I'd gladly support. No more welfare for them on the back of the cities.

So you'd either gladly support no more welfare to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, etc, as you said, or you have in mind an even more deranged scheme with not only federal, but also state budget getting cut in favor of every county managing itself, lol.

Or, more likely, you're an idiot who reees with no reason or consistency.

Yeah, you're stupid.

Welfare doesn't mean "social safety nets" only.

In Washington, these imbalances directly influence who gets what, through small-state minimums (no state can receive below a certain share of education funding) and through formulas that privilege rural states (early road spending was doled out in part by land area and not road use).

There are policy reasons that the country might want to disproportionately spend resources on places with few people. Repairing an interstate highway in rural Oklahoma keeps national commerce flowing. And when the private market won’t build essential infrastructure, public investments like the New Deal’s rural electrification help fight poverty.

Even more hilarious is your poor reading comprehension.

I was talking about STATES in that comment, not cities. Obviously, if blue STATES cut red STATES off, the rural areas in said blue states would still be taken care of.

The first comment was about cities, that's what I called absurd, the notion of blue STATES cutting red STATES off is more likely.

Then why do you hate black people and call them welfare leeches?

You could be exhibited as an example of what happens when a person makes a misinformed statement from a position of moral superiority, then constructs a web of retarded self-reinterpretations because admitting that they were wrong is equivalent to admitting being immoral.

Like, let's see:

  1. You started by claiming that Catalonian independence is retarded because it'd be equivalent to blue states gaining independence, which is supposedly retarded.

  2. Unfortunately as soon as you said that, you actually really liked the proposed analogy and went on reeeing about how cool it would be if blue states gained at least financial independence, and fuck the Red-state whites. Catalonian independence was firmly forgotten at that point, can't keep track of stuff when REEEEEE.

  3. After having it pointed out that most black live in certain red states, suddenly it was not about blue states vs red states but about cities vs rural.

  4. After having it pointed out that cities cutting out rural areas is logistically retarded, it became about blue states cutting out red states again.

And at each step you're reeing so hard that you like entirely forget all previous steps. I guess we can run that circle a couple of times more, now I asked why do you want to cut 40% black Mississippi off from funding and say that it's OK because they are fucking dumb rural whites anyway, and you'd say that actually most blacks there live in cities, reeee, reeee.

You are literally retarded.

You didn't even read the chain, the first comment was this:

Here's what the comment I responded to said:

Let's say you lived in the NYC metro area, made $50k, but instead of getting $38k after tax you got $30k, and instead of the NYC metro area receiving 90 cents of state and federal funding for every tax dollar that goes out of it, it received like 30 cents.

Like you're dumb dude. You're just illiterate.

Then why do you hate black people and call them welfare leeches?

One more time: Welfare leech in this context does not = social benefits. Your SJW bullshit has no impact on me, this isn't going to work.

No matter how hard you kick, how much you cry, or how loud you scream.


OK, I was wrong about the first step, it's actually two steps:

1a) The dude uses NY as an analogy to explain why Catalonia should be allowed to leave.

1b) you REEEE and say that from that would follow that US cities should be allowed to leave. So Catalonia should not be allowed to leave, apparently. Despite it being a state and not a city, so your problem with the guy's analogy was not included in the analogy.

The following steps proceeded as described above.

One more time: Welfare leech in this context does not = social benefits. Your SJW bullshit has no impact on me, this isn't going to work.

I never said anything about social benefits. You stated quite clearly that you want to cut federal funding to the red states, because you hate rural whites who voted for Trump. I point out that Mississippi is a red state that's 40% black.

You reee incoherently that you actually hate rural poor whites, while Mississippi blacks are mostly urban, but you still want to cut the whole Mississippi off, and for some reason add that "Obviously, if blue STATES cut red STATES off, the rural areas in said blue states would still be taken care of."

Even more fatal to your argument is black people sure as hell don't control those red states.

So they will be hurt even more by the cut funding?

Holy shit, you actually might be retarded.

I can't do this anymore, this is a learning disability/reading comprehension problem the likes of which I've just never seen before

I don't give a shit about red states, cut them off. Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, whatever. Fuck all of them, if they want they can come over to the blue states, or sit in shitty red states and die.

Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, whatever. Fuck all of them, if they want they can come over to the blue states, or sit in shitty red states and die.

So if you think that people too poor to move a couple of states over deserve to die and you don't care, then why exactly you are for social safety net and shit? Only because it pisses off the other side?

Don't care, red states can suck my dick.

I actually support Catalonia, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make good drama

the timeline that keeps on giving

“They love Spain. And they wouldn't leave. So I'm for a united Spain. I speak as the president of the United States, as somebody that has great respect for your president, and also has great, really great respect for your country. I really think the people of Catalonia would stay with Spain. I think it would be foolish not to. You're talking about staying with a truly great, beautiful and very historic country.”

I can't wait for him to remember this.

I think that the uneducated racist Catalanazi Leavers are disgraceful. Nationalism is bigotry.