Edmonton U-haul Terrorist is a Somali Refugee. Leafs get so raked you don't even have to sort by controversial

77  2017-10-02 by smokes_degrass


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Diversity is our strength.

can't use the same truck twice if you run down enough pedestrians with it

Stephen Paddock agrees.

Such a shame Rob Ford is rip, him becoming prime minister Trump style would have been another drama hurricane.

There is a zero percent chance he wouldn't have OD'd.

The whole Somali refugee thing is a joke anyway. Somali has always been a shithole and they have had all of 0 Western interventionism (aka Forced Freedoming). The West has no moral obligation to accept Somalis 'refugees.' It's not like they need political asylum.

I'd argue that we don't have a moral obligation to accept any refugees.

What? Somalia was owned by the British and Italians from late 1800's to like 1960's. How is that not western intervention ?

He meant Murica.



Do you even globe?

Does it really matter of they're white? All mayos are the same.

They should replace "top" with "marxism"

Part and parcel.

If you kill your enemies, they win

Oh damn, even the leafs are starting to wake up.

Most leafs are pretty nega woke, they just have to hide cause Trudeau might push them down a flight of stairs

/u/stone_opera people could have died and the first thing ur thinking is #notallrefugees

lmao fuckin leafs

Does this mean he wasn't a pirate?
