A Jewish propagandist who leterally went into any thread that even remotely mentioned Israel and white knighted (Maccabee'd?) for them.
Somebody mentions the occupation and settlements? /u/tayaravaknin was quick to point out that keeping Palestinians behind military checkpoints and building Jewish only settlements on their land is totally legal because Israel won that land in a war and inherited the mandate from the British Empire so it can do what it wants (and what about America stealing land hundreds of years ago?). And it's totally not racist because theoretically an Israeli Arab could live in a settlement even though none actually do.
Somebody mentions Israel bombing Palestinians and killing them by the thousands? Tayara is quick to point out that there were a few terrorists in that city so it's totally justified, etc. He isn't the only one who does this, but he was possibly the most vocal.
This is actually my regular account and I use it to express my South Park neutral opinions or troll people. He was using the tayara account solely to shill for Israel. BTW, listen to my podcast!
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-02
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Nechaev 2017-10-02
uh oh
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2017-10-02
oh bby a triple.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-02
She was a good girl
1 Rockstar_MWG_05 2017-10-02
literally who
1 OniTan 2017-10-02
A Jewish propagandist who leterally went into any thread that even remotely mentioned Israel and white knighted (Maccabee'd?) for them.
Somebody mentions the occupation and settlements? /u/tayaravaknin was quick to point out that keeping Palestinians behind military checkpoints and building Jewish only settlements on their land is totally legal because Israel won that land in a war and inherited the mandate from the British Empire so it can do what it wants (and what about America stealing land hundreds of years ago?). And it's totally not racist because theoretically an Israeli Arab could live in a settlement even though none actually do.
Somebody mentions Israel bombing Palestinians and killing them by the thousands? Tayara is quick to point out that there were a few terrorists in that city so it's totally justified, etc. He isn't the only one who does this, but he was possibly the most vocal.
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-10-02
I remember having to deal with him in /r/geopolitics.
1 newcomer_ts 2017-10-02
Imagine being this ticc and write this in an official "I quit Reddit" post.
1 OniTan 2017-10-02
He's just following the leadership of /u/mcdewjank.
1 skivian 2017-10-02
So who is this whiner?
1 SamWhite 2017-10-02
1 OniTan 2017-10-02
So long, /u/tayaravaknin. May a warm oven await you.
We did it, /u/Incendiaryblizzard!
1 incendiaryblizzard 2017-10-02
/u/OniTan = less inhibited and more anti-semitic version of /u/meteorblade, if thats even possible.
1 Garet-Jax 2017-10-02
And yet they are a fan of yours......
1 incendiaryblizzard 2017-10-02
Tayaravaknin is a fan of yours so you have no right to complain
1 Garet-Jax 2017-10-02
So you consider /u/Tayaravaknin to be some sort of extreme racist/bigot then?
What do you base that on?
1 incendiaryblizzard 2017-10-02
Other than that a majority of his posts are dedicated to
A) arguing that the west bank and gaza are Israeli territories
B) arguing that the settlements are legal as well as morally justified
C) arguing that the nakba was justified
D) defaming the population of palestine, rather than the government
He is a version of OniTan, just cleverer and more dangerous.
1 OniTan 2017-10-02
This is actually my regular account and I use it to express my South Park neutral opinions or troll people. He was using the tayara account solely to shill for Israel. BTW, listen to my podcast!
1 Garet-Jax 2017-10-02
Once again I have asked for evidence and you have proffered none.
Just like my recollections of that certain fan of yours.
1 IIIIIIIIIIlIl 2017-10-02
israel fake country
1 meteorblade 2017-10-02