Incel picks a fight with literally anybody and everybody in r/assassinscreed

10  2017-10-03 by AchtungMaybe


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. OP gets told to stop harassing othe... -,*,,

  3. OP attacks another user for not und... -,*,,

  4. User brings attention to OP's usern... -,*,,

  5. whole thread -,*,,

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I'm just gonna cut to the chase. /u/fuck-women-everyday nobody cares about you and women find you repugnant. Do your parents a favor and KYS

I think I might :(

Everywhere I go I'm reminded of my misery. I should just rope myself before I make anymore people suffer with my presence.


Because you're an asshole. Maybe stop being an asshole and try to be nice. Can you be nice to anyone for once in your life WITHOUT expecting shit in return? Can you? Smh

No they can't because incels are just narcissists who can't accept they might be at fault for anything.

The things you say about women are the reason everyone hates you just so you know

do it or ur gay

Wow you guys you don't have to be so just exercising my right as an American to free speech and expression

Wow you guys you don't have to be so mean

same thing could be said of you, asshole

Look at the posts. You can't honestly objectively say I did anything bad or wrong.

The mod himself said I didn't break any rules. I made a cool thread that fostered good discussion and I just don't like stupid people ruining the atmosphere.

Sure, I guess I could've been nicer when I told people to read before yapping their mouth...but since is being a douche and intergalactic crime?

Do I deserve to get brigaded with people telling me to KMS just because I'm a dickhead?

Do I deserve to get brigaded with people telling me to KMS just because I'm a dickhead? yes

I'm not going to argue with you over your incel traits because that's a rabbit hole i'm never going to be able to pull you out of (assuming you're unwilling, i'm sure there's a sub for that somewhere, i'd recommend r/advice)

but you are one hell of a self-admitted asshole

i don't know why it surprises you that people treat you like you treat others (on r/drama, of all places)

if you want to sober up, i'd recommend working on your belligerence because that's not going to help

I'm an asshole for calling out a bunch of illiterate nerds on a gaming sub?

Q: is this for spank banking seeing women fight, or spank banking from killing women?

you're an asshole in general dude

I don't give a fuck, you fat uneducated nigger.

have you even looked at your post history

I like to be rude and sassy to people that are offering me help.

you're needlessly rude and stuckup on almost every occasion

Well then you should have made it clear and worded your posts differently you uneducated nigger

i don't think anybody'd look at you and say "this guy seems quite nice"

You're a giant snowflake. How does how I treat people on reddit affect your life in any way, shape, or form? Stop being a giant pussy and just go back to your vidyagames lol.

i wonder how you went from this

I should just rope myself before I make anymore people suffer with my presence. Not even people I thought of as friends want to be around me. My presence is literally a giant stinking rotting onion that everyone just backs away from as soon as I walk in a room. ITS OVER.

to this

You're a giant snowflake. How does the way I treat people on reddit affect your life in any way, shape, or form? Stop being a giant pussy and just go back to your vidyagames lol. "hurrr durr...some random user is mean to others on the internet...I'm going to cry myself to sleep now" You're more pathetic than I am. I might be a douchebag but you're a spineless turd who needs a thicker hide. They don't hand them out at snowflake-school.

the mind of an incel is truly a magical thing

I love how you always just quote irrelevant shit instead of actually addressing my points.

Ad hominem. It never changes. Lmao.

Sweetie, you didn't answer my question. How does me being a douche on reddit affect your life?'re boring me now. Either say something productive to this discussion or fuck off.

the funny thing is you were the "snowflake" just a moment ago, complaining about others being "mean to you" and mourning the state

also, you neglect to mention that you were the one to bring up the subject of "being mean"

Sure, I guess I could've been nicer when I told people to read before yapping their mouth...but since is being a douche and intergalactic crime?

Do I deserve to get brigaded with people telling me to KMS just because I'm a dickhead?

we're just calling out your hypocrisy, and that couldn't be any less irrelevant to the conversation, which has been revolving around your assholery for the entire thread

K Bro.

Gas youself.

exercising my right as an American to free speech and expression

Okay. That has nothing to do with anything being said retard