Can I put this unintentional irony inside you?

15  2017-10-03 by LikeTotesObvi


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Afghanistan veteran, runner, musician, businessman

I'm sure this wasn't a ploy to get fame/attention.

As for the ethics of soldiering: as the Afghans say, "a lamb will be hung up by its own legs, and a goat by its own."

I see his time in the desert left him mentally handicapped.

as the Afghans say, "a lamb will be hung up by its own legs, and a goat by its own."

I'm picturing him wandering back to base with that new bit of homespun wisdom while the Afghans who told him piss themselves laughing at the shite they got the American to believe.

He's the mayor of South Bend Indiana

Not ironic

new policy: every newborn in the US is issued a firearm, but that's the only legal firearm they can ever own

The twist: random lottery which you end up with. Eliminates the need for gun control AND affirmative action - you get an automatic you intimidate your way into Harvard. Problem solved please clap

poz meh

Lololol, his last name is Buttsomethingsomething.