Some Drama about Anal Exams and Rednecks.

12  2017-10-03 by Lawd_Frieza


This is why we need mayocide.


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snappy always says the truth

u/metric_units is a faggot!


As someone who is actually LGBTQ+, the US is ON PAR with what happens in the middle east.

/u/VylonSemaphore you realize you're a delusional moron right?


Honestly, I wish America had more Islamic values just on the off chance you could take a leap from a roof and it would spare reddit from your terrible posts.


I always knew my dumb gay offspring would post bad on the internet. But to be a rick and morty fan, too? I have no son.

I could tell it was you, based on the overwhelming disapproval.

u/VylonSemaphore are you actually retarded or just pretending. You know they throw people like you off roofs over there. That's if they don't stone you or behead you first.

hi, AMA

You seem like a pleasant person. What do you have against rednecks?

Nothing, my whole family, including myself, are rednecks. I just understand no culture is perfect and will call any of them out on shit, but especially my own, because it's the only one I feel even slightly able to improve in a small way.

Fair enough. I suppose that does give you an insight to their bad parts.

merica is lgbt friendly and the Middle East is barbaric

gay conversion camps are legal and suicide rates for gays and trans people are stupid high

they’re bullied/broke/murdered/become an hero at ridiculous rates

“oh well they kill people more directly so it’s worse”

Crimes happen more often in the most populated areas? No way. Can I ask your definition of "redneck"?

As yes the populated areas argument, you should really get off the internet and go experience the world. ~~Atlanta is the only city to continually make lists for racism, sexism, and homophobia. Yet it is the 6th or 7th largest city by population in the South.~|

U/jeremygl09 so you're gonna throw the good ol muh kiddo needz real world™ xperinzzzz argument when get called out fairly huh? Why are you such a little bitch? Lol

Did you mean u/jeremygl09 instead of U/jeremygl09?

I am a new bot, and I may have made a mistake. Remember, I can't do anything against ninja-edits.

What is my purpose? I correct subreddit and user links that have a capital R or U, which are unusable on PC (but work fine on mobile).

Bad bot.

u/CauseISaidSoThatsWhy -6 points 3 hours ago

I guarantee you rednecks in America would stone gays to death if they could get away with it.

Were you born this retarded or did you have to work at it?

Sometimes the truth hurts. It's not my fault that you rednecks are a bunch of ignorant rednecks. Deal with it.

kek <- this one





You chose well.

/u/VylonSemaphore why don't you accelerate the process and hang yourself already? Jesus fucking christ, if you believe for a second the US treat the same way lgbt are treated in the middle east you a fucking useless cunt. Go take a stroll in Afghanistan with your bf, i bet you would end up on /r/watchpeopledie