To Drama Regulars

3  2017-10-03 by ioiidnsksi

if ur a drama regular

please keep yourself safe


no u

r/drama has come way down hill. I remember when one could come here and be able to see some quality entertaining shitposting. I remember when this sub stood between the hot, frothy rage of the Literally Shaking crowd and the cold, kissless virgins of Gamergate.

We were South Park neutrals when South Park was still funny. We were the lukewarm water between David St. Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel's fire and ice.

When did the rot set in?

First, the sub got colonized by faggots. "Post Bussy" was the cry, and sniggering homosex enthusiasts like to claim it's ironic. But you know what? They would rape you... rape you right in the anus. Just turn your back on them and they will sodomize you raw and bleeding.

Then there was the closeted faggot agendaposting about traps. You know, I've never worried about accidentally picking up a tranny, only to discover a feminine penis. Why? Because I don't fuck lantern-jawed, cock-repelling growlers with huge hands and an adam's apple, that's why. Hence I don't have to worry about being Admiral Ackbar-ed like you crypto-bumsex enthusiasts.

Then there's the seriousposters. This has always been an issue: Little Johnny faggotpants accidentally migrates across from the SRD and thinks he can shit up this sub like the whiny, liberal cuntfest of literally Canadian proportions that is SRD. Then he discovers he's out of his safespace, is being milked as a lolcow and runs away.

However, we now have a whole bunch of Trumptards who think they belong here. I don't give a fuck what your politics are, I care if you are funny and /u/ioiidnsksi, yes you: I'm talking to you you weaselly little cunt; you aren't funny. Yeah, lets gas the kikes and lynch the niggers: let's do whatever your orange Daddy wants you to just PLEASE STOP THIS FUCKING SERIOUSPOSTING BULLSHIT.

But all of this is as nothing because now we have full on, no bullshit pedophiles trying to make a home for themselves here. I wouldn't care if this cunt actually contributed to the mayocide but he's just wanking on about this fucking waifu bullshit.

Japan is a fucking degenerate society and the sooner Best Korea wipes them out the better.

Fuck you, r/drama, fuck you for letting these people exist.

I don't care how often you post this, you're still gay.

Rude. But tru.

Almost no one is sexually attracted to pillows. Dakimakuras are comfortable pillows that can help you sleep better, also you can collect different covers for it, they are anime merchandise. I wonder why the "normies" always jump on the idea that you're fucking them, it's just stupid, I mean how would it be a pleasant experience at all? So why would you do it? The answer is you obviously wouldn't. But "normies" always jump on the conclusion that it must be dirty and degenerate if they see stuff like dakis which they don't know anything about. Says a lot more about their mindset than the people who actually own them ...

I'll be honest with you. Yes, I'm a Cuckold, but I'm also a white nationalist.

What a coincidence, I'm a Trump supporter also. He's the Lulziest president yet.

You are correct. You win one upvote and the potential to fuck my wife