u/Aluzky is at it again, openly admits that he fucks dogs in a post and laments "What is the problem?" This is why Trump won.

7  2017-10-03 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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You're clearly just kinkshaming the dogs that have human fetishes. How could you do this

i can’t believe he’s done this

There are videos. /u/Thot_Crusher

I know, I've sent them to relevant authorities in Costa Rica, and I suggest you do the same.

Believe me I am

Dogs have died from this

Boo hoo. They died doing what they loved!

Only yours

Well /u/Aluzky does have a more relevant accuser: /u/EvilDog70 and his/her aunt utilized his dog walking service and he raped/u/EvilDog70's dog. Sodomized him to be exact, dog needed surgery. Of course Aluzky is denying it.

It is obvius that EvilDog70 is demented or a troll.

You mean "obvious" right?

Yes, I mean that.

Then learn how to spell it.

Forward all of Aluzkys videos and pictures to the proper authorities in his country. Fucking animals was just recently outlawed there.

Maybe if we hand together, /r/Drama can do one good thing for the world, while still having a laugh.

Forward all of Aluzkys videos and pictures to the proper authorities in his country. Fucking animals was just recently outlawed there.

Laws are not retroactive in my country. Videos of me having LEGAL sex with animas can't be used to punish me for something that is now illegal. All my videos out there where filmed when it was legal.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex_post_facto_law https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/retroactive%20law

Maybe if we hand together, /r/Drama can do one good thing for the world, while still having a laugh.

And what good there is in punishing a zoosexual for having zoosexual sex? How is that different from outing a gay person for having gay sex in a country that has gay sex as illegal?

Tbh, all animal fuckers should be lined up and shot

Aluzky we're talking about the crimes you committed AFTER all this was made illegal.

Aluzky we're talking about the crimes you committed AFTER all this was made illegal.

I have not done any crimes.

You're being punished for being a lying dog raping piece of shit

I haven't been punished at all. And you nor anyone has ever provided any proof that I have either lied or raped a dog.

as well as someone who supports child porn.

Your claim is too vague, I don't support child porn.

I wonder.......if they take a good look at your computer I'll bet they'll find all kinds of rightfully illegal and horrific stuff on there won't they? I bet they will.

My computer has nothing illegal nor criminal in it. Well... actually, that is false. I do play pirated games and that is illegal in some places, duno if it is illegal in my country.

I have not done any crimes.

Oh so you aren't making videos with your new unfortunate dog? Guess you lied.

I don't support child porn.

More lying.

Oh so you aren't making videos with your new unfortunate dog? Guess you lied.

Making videos is neither illegal nor criminal in my country.

More lying.

Baseless accusation.

Oh so why is that you claimed you no longer made videos the? If it's not illegal or a crime then you might as well start making them again.

u/Aluzky, do you think of yourself as being above or below incels in terms of your little social niche? I'm curious.

Above, most likely. He's literally so demented that he attempts to be smug in his defense of being a dog rapist so it wouldn't be that much of a stretch to think that he views himself as a better person than incels.

He's literally so demente

Citation needed that I'm demented.

in his defense of being a dog rapist

Citation needed that I have ever raped dogs or defended dog rape.

he views himself as a better person than incels.

What makes some one a better person?

Trying this hard to double down on defending being an animal rapist after nearly a month of this drama bring buried

I'm not defending animal rape.

Yes you are. Your ego and your need to fuck animals just clouds your vision.

Yes you are.

Where is the evidence that i have defended animal rape?

Your ego and your need to fuck animals just clouds your vision.

Prove it.

You're defending animal rape right now

You're defending animal rape right now

Explain yourself, how does my comments defend animals rape?

Because you keep trying to argue against the fact that you fucking an animal is not rape when multiple people have explained it to you that it is indeed rape.

Argumentum ad nauseam or argumentum ad populum are not valid proof that I rape animals.

Do you have any scientific evidence that I rape animals? Yes, or no?

Every argument you've lost here in r/drama defending it. You keep asking for proof when you have none to prove your innocence and when pestered enough by those that have already defeated you in simple debate, trolled you, and/or made posts with alleged proof you hide after trading a few remarks.

Every argument you've lost here in r/drama defending it.

Do you have scientific evidence that I have ever defended animal rape in r/drama or any place on the internet on in real life?

You keep asking for proof when you have none to prove your innocence

Innocent till proven guilty. You are the ones accusing me of rape, you are the ones who have the onus to prove that I have raped. Or, burden of proof. You are the one claiming that I rape animals, the burden of proof is on you, not on me.

and when pestered enough by those that have already defeated you in simple debate, trolled you, and/or made posts with alleged proof you hide after trading a few remarks.

Citation needed that I have ever been defeated in an argument. Citation needed that I ever hide. Else, you are only doing false attribution fallacies.



The fact that you keep coming back to stake drama and continuing the circle of strife here is both amusing and sad. This is the internet not a court of U.S. law therefore we can say you're guilty of rape all we want. How many threads will it take before you go crying to your sub and close it again because you can't handle being shit on?

What is an incel?

Virgins who are grumpy about the fact that no woman would touch them.

I mean, honestly, they could just take your example and solve their problems with the family pooch.

Hmmm... can't answer you question as it is still too vague/unclear.

When you said: "being above or below" you mean above/below what? And what you mean by my little social niche? What is exactly my little social niche?

take your example and solve their problems with the family pooch.

If they don't find the pooch sexually attractive then it is not going to solve their "virginity" problem. Can't incels just pay a prostitute?

Hmmm... can't answer you question as it is still too vague/unclear.

Spoken like a true moron.....

Spoken like a true moron.....

Clearly you have never hear a true moron. Else, you would not be thinking that I spoke like one.

I'm still conversing with you and you constantly prove that you're an moron time and time again. As well as being an apathetic narcissist.

I'm still conversing with you and you constantly prove that you're an moron time and time again.

Subjective opinion unless you can prove it with facts.

As well as being an apathetic narcissist.

Even if I where that, it is not a crime to be that. :)

Even if I where that, it is not a crime to be that. :)

Actually you are, you have a dislike of people to the point that actively support the legalization of horrible crimes against the most vulnerable of humans. Yet you view yourself as being the lone exception to the rule, that's narcissistic Aleks.

I don't u/aluzky can resist the opportunity to gain attention tbh. He's drawn to threads that shit him and his dog raping ways like a flies are to shit. If he keeps this up he might become a mod of our sub.

and his dog raping ways

What dog raping ways?

If he keeps this up he might become a mod of our sub.

Even if offered, I would kindly decline the position.


*Why you always lying

Why you always lying

Ooh oh my God

Just stop fucking lying*

Is that a song?

Just offer /u/Aluzky a dog to rape-I mean fuck and he'll accept

Alright lads, time to round up some strays

Find ones with rabies

Good idea, the frothing at the mouth look really gets him all riled up

Maybe he'll mistake the froth for cum

With the way his shitty mind works I wouldn't doubt it

Count on it

I would never have sex with a dog that doen't want sex. Doing that would be rape/abuse.

A dog cannot consent to fucking you therefore it's rape

Someone should report /u/aluzky to PETA

Considering that PETA kills domesticated species I'm not sure if they'd kill him too or just have him join in an animal rape orgy.

Considering you like to call other Zoophiles rapists I doubt that.

Considering you like to call other Zoophiles rapists I doubt that.

The only way I would call another zoophile a rapist is if they are actually a rapist.

/u/DogFF22 are you a rapist?

No! I'm not!

u/Aluzky, what scientific evidence do you have that "gassing the dog fuckers" is always unacceptable?

Unless you can support your claims with evidence, your claims won't be facts but just delusions in your mind.

what scientific evidence do you have that "gassing the dog fuckers" is always unacceptable?


humans have the right to a fair punishment if they have done something criminal. Example, it is not fair punishment to sentence some one to death for stealing a candy bar. Having sex with a dog is a victimless crime. It has no victim. Punishing a human to death by gas chamber just because they had sex with a dog is literally an extreme and unfair punishment and it would be in violation of the human rights.

Unless you can support your claims with evidence, your claims won't be facts but just delusions in your mind.

I agree. Good thing that I can support my claims with evidence. :)

I was making fun of your retarded statement you degenerate mongoloid.

Also, morality and human rights don't come from science you smug pug fuck. Science tells us what is. It does not tell us how we should act. That comes from culture and religion, which you obviously have a deficiency of. People can use the results of science to argue for a movement within our culture/religion to change how we act (ex. currently climate change).

Why will it be a good thing if society accepts dog fuckers? What's their contribution to society besides sexually transmitted fleas?

I was making fun of your retarded statement

Only humans can be retarded. A statement can't be retarded. And it was not funny, so, you suck at making fun statements.

you degenerate mongoloid.

I don't have any missing chromosomes or surplus of them, calling me a mongoloid is not fact.

It's scientifically proven that one zoosexual (/u/Aluzky) can cause others around him to be unhappy and thus unproductive. By eliminating just one zoosexual from society, we can raise the happiness and productivity of many many others.

It's more efficient and beneficial to society to just gas the few dog fuckers than to get the rest of society to accept dog fuckers. Otherwise, it would take a lot of wasted effort and lots of lost productivity spent convincing nearly everyone to accept that degeneracy.

Also, scientific data suggests that it's probably a mental disorder. These people are sick in the head and should be put down like the bitches they fuck.

It's scientifically proven that one zoosexual (/u/Aluzky) can cause others around him to be unhappy and thus unproductive. By eliminating just one zoosexual from society, we can raise the happiness and productivity of many many others.

Doing that would be in violation of human rights.

You violate the right to a rape free life for animals. Why should your right to live not be revoked?

Sorry, your sentence is not grammatically correct and it doesn't make any sense. Try rephrasing what you just say but this time use decent grammar.


If you cannot understand such a simple comment and have to resort to the classic "you have shitty grammar" technique you should probably just get some rope and a chair to end all of this already. Make sure that you live stream your mayocide though.

Since you didn't rephrase it, it is clear that you don't continue the conversation, so bye.

Lol, that's right run away you fucking tard

Sorry, I don't understand your reply.

No surprise there

Oh look at that, Aluzky doesn't understand. How shocking.

Is not shocking at all, I have a hard time understanding irrational comments.

Do you have proof that the comments are irrational.

Yes, I could easily prove that the comment is irrational.

Then prove it

Having sex with a dog is a victimless crime.

Yeah tell that to Diamond the Pit Bull, try not to jerk off to the picture of her hanging for a tree.

Yeah tell that to Diamond the Pit Bull, try not to jerk off to the picture of her hanging for of a tree.

I don't understand your argument as it doen't prove that zoosex is a victimless crime and I'm not into necrophilia.

She was hung after the fact you retard.

She was hung after the fact you retard.

Hanging a dog is an act with a victim. THE ACT of hanging the dog is a crime. You have yet to prove that the ACT of having sex with the dog was a crime.

Not every person who does zoosex ends up hanging their lover after the sex.

Oh so now the unfortunate vicitim is called a lover after being raped and killing afterwards. You certainly have a very skewed opinion on what constitutes as someone being a lover and victim.