Botchlings officially being investigated by congress.

36  2017-10-04 by respaaaaaj


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I'm actually a Mueller plant trying to blend in.

I'm so turned on right now.

hi #MAGAPEDES wats crackin hahaha , u get tired of winning yet????+? ;)

2dey de craziest ting happend fellow pedes ! muh teecher told me they're are MULTIPLE genders ! oh SNAP!! So I stood UP and told her "NUH UH SILLY, THEIR R ONLY 2 GENDERS" sik burnnnn the hole class laffed ;DDD teacher wuz embarrazzed lollll but muh class mateys wuz BASED, even some BASED black guys and asians laffed @ stupid FEMINAZI TEECHER LMAOOO ;DDD

also chek out my MAD!!! utube compilation of FEMINAZIS GETTIN REKT at my channel, it features some MEAN DISS homeys, also SNOP DOGG :PPP

btw I rely lyk dis Pol place, looks old fashioned but reely funny ((MEMES)) [ am I doin the jew parentheses rite, tell mee?? ], dank af desu my senpaitachi ( if u get wat I meen lollll ;DD ))

stealing this


Same but I'm a triple double agent working for Johnson 😍

It all makes sense now!

Well I do know he is involved in illegal gambling across state lines.

the russians genetically engineered hillary clinton almost a century ago from the host of a deer tick. social media is just the icing.

I'm investigating all you stoners.

no stop pls :(

Investigate this bussy.

Did one of the mods squeal on us?

Отключите все! Они знают!

The FBI has clearly infiltrated /r/drama. In hindsight it makes perfect since, what better place to get an inside track on internet extremism than a sub populated by the most autistic of the autistic Reddit denizens?

We'll likely never know who the mole is, could be anyone. Might even be an autist himself, an autist with the gift of blending into any autistic crowd, be it the SJWs or the Trumptards, the incels, the normies, the not so normies.

I have to agree, normies are by far the cleverest of all autists. Unlike others, they fool the world with their functional lives and lack of obsessive behavior. There's absolutely nothing more disgusting than mental illness on that scale.

But rest assured, I'm on the case. I'm going to tap every source at my disposal. I've built up a long chain of relationships here on Reddit over the years with autists from all walks of life.

Um, I have my doubts anyone has that much autism they can call on. However if you think you can do it, I won't dissuade you from trying.

I don't expect you to join me here in public, who knows if they're watching or not. I'll accept your applications via PM.

Full disclosure, I'm already a member of two shadowy councils and a cabal, so I don't really think I've got room for another right now. But don't let that stop you from assembling a team of comrades to root out the traitor who snitched details of this Russian grow-op we have going here to /u/FulfilledOxyuranus.

PM bussy

Is that what I'm supposed to take from this?

Have fun investigating hours of erotic transformation porn and various ways to buy Pringles in bulk.

>Find Russian saying something anti-Hillary on Reddit

>Finally proof Russians hacked election


It's about goddamn time.

I hope they don't investigate /Я/dЯama :(

/ya/dyaama? What is that?

yad yama

Taxpayers should be pissed that their hard earned tax money is paying for something so stupid.

Can't find any evidence of Trump/Russia collusion so I guess they have to branch out to keep the money flowing.

This taxpayer is pleased.

Paying sales tax on your Antifa backpack patches doesn't make you a "taxpayer."

Getting money taken out of my paycheck does.

Working for the Man, eh? Capitalist scum. This sub is for unemployed losers only.

Speak for yourself autismo I'm glad my money's being spent on this rather than on the greys

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