So this redditor pretty much summarized the whole r/drama subreddit in one sentence.

30  2017-10-04 by BigCitySmallGuy


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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I would like to share with you what stood out too me.

First and foremost was the Luxor pyramid and obelisk and sphinx that happened to be overlooking the entire event. And based on the Babylon rising Series by William cooper

This gentleman William cooper had a radio broadcast in the 90's detailing his research of Egypt, biblical history, occult societies and the history of the power houses throughout time.

He talked about the American worship of Isis/Columbia many years before Isis was a thing in its current context. He also died just after his prediction of a terrorist attack in new york that would have Osama Bin Laden as the “Scapegoat”.

So we’ve got a bit conspiracyish so I might have lost some people.

But lets take a look on Google earth, you can join me and check it out for yourselves.

444.44 yards (2.22 nm)and 111.11 degrees from tip of the pyramid too center of the Harvest (my computer autocorrect too Harvey..... hmmm) festival.

the same from the Mandalay Bay hotel too stage.

and curiously enough from the Mandalay Bay hotel too the Luxor Pyramid capstone is 444.44. An equilateral triangle of 444.44 yards forms between the 3 focal points.

the angles of an equilateral triangle =60.60.60 or 666. Another thing that jumped out at me was the height of the Mandalay shooter. Being on the 32nd floor this already has connotations of the 32nd degree of freemasonry. The Luxor pyramid has the brightest light on earth, shooting up into the heavens. The metaphor of illumination and the light bringer are brought to mind.

The date counts have some interesting discoveries. 6Y 6M 6D Is the next total USA eclipse simaler to the last one.

6Y 6M 6W 6D before 10-1-17 was feb-14-11 The Day of Rage and the beginning of Arab spring.

Also I check to see who died and this gentleman passed on this day.

Shearing was a member of the Bohemian Club and often performed at the annual Bohemian Grove Encampments. He composed music for two of the Grove Plays.

Just a coincidence lol.

6M 6W 6D before 10-3-17 was Feb 14 2017. This was the day they evacuated oroville due too the Dam issue. On the day this happened I checked the date count of when oroville was founded and found that from its founding until its evacuation was 111Y 1M 11D. This is what I call a “Call back” Or a reference to previously researched dates found via Date counts.

Also from 6-15-96 too 10-01-17 is 7777 days which is also 1111 weeks. From the Bombings in Manchester

Stephen Paddock is the name of the shooter. Stephen means

“a first name from the Greek word στέφανος (stéphanos), meaning "wreath, crown" and by extension "reward, honor", from the verb στέφειν (stéphein), "to encircle, to wreathe".[2][3] In Ancient Greece, crowning wreaths (such as laurel wreaths) were given to the winners of contests. Originally, as the verb suggests, the noun had a more general meaning of any "circle"—including a circle of people, a circling wall around a city, and, in its earliest recorded use, the circle of a fight.” Paddock means An enclosure for Horses or other grazing animals like sheep or goats. Oftentimes set aside from the regular grazing area and usually a smaller enclosure.

Where does Marilyn Manson come in? Well I hadn't seen him in the news in Ages and I see a couple interviews of him talking about columbine, which came out on 9-23-17. Now He has a new album called heaven upside down. The first track on this album is “Revelation 12” which is the day of the Rev 12 sign.

So the day before The shooting Mr Manson was crushed under a giant GUN prop on stage.

So he comes out talking about Columbine The first big noted mass shooting in recent times. Then a couple days later is injured by a giant gun. The day after that we experience the biggest shooting in history.

So lets look at the songs he just released before the shooting.

Released Sept 11th..... hmmm

Let's make something clear We're all recording this as it happens Those diamond-bullet storefront-blood-bank Splinters and stained glass

The world was stripped of its superficial surfaces We don't intend to just eat the street The asphalt is the good meat And we will sleep on the skin of its nightmares We will sleep on the skin of its nightmares "It's time to just kill this crowd And scream as fucking loud..."

We dont intend to eat the street. Its time to just kill this crowd and scream just as loud.

Fire fire fire fire fire away Fire fire fire fire fire away Fire fire fire fire fire away Fire fire fire fire fire fire fire away (22 fires)

I love the sound of shells hitting the ground, man I love the sound of shells hitting the ground I love it

I really dont have to emphasize or doing any reaching here. This is pretty odd.

The next song off his album released 11 days before 10-01-2017 which is a 111 day. Kill4ME

From the getgo the title is apt.

Your hotel hall won't be so vacant And I can tell that you ain't faking Because I take death threats Like the best of them Hotel hall......

“This is a sacrifice.” Self explanatory.

The North American leg of the Heaven Upside Down Tour will begin on September 29, and will incorporate dates at several music festivals, So the tour began and the gun fell upside down injuring him at the start of his tour.

So on further research This album was supposed to release on Valentines day.2-14-17.... Wait a tic. We just saw this date. 6M 6W 6D before 10-01-17 was this day the same day they evacuated oroville.

So since we are on the subject of lyrics. When I google Aldean the first thing that popped up was this song.

“Tell em all I'm out in Vegas, Blowin' every dollar I ever made, Tell em that I must be into something bad for me cause, I sure lost a lot of weight.

The truth is that I'm asking you to lie, And we both know that it ain't right, But if you ever loved me please, Have some mercy on me,

Tell 'em anything you want to Just don't tell 'em all the truth Yeah, don't tell 'em all the truth I still need you.”

A very odd coincidence.

So we've already found that this day is reduced to 111. Notably when they were looking for Marilou danley the shooters wife. They used a picture with 4 ft 11 and 111 pds

She apparently has multiple passports and marriages. Odd.

But about the 111

The height of the Temple is 111 meters meaning the Brilliant capstone resides there.

The mandalay Bay hotel is 146 meters tall and is 43 stories tall (146/43) gives us the average meters per floor 3.4 meters x 32 floors 108.8 meters is where that estimates the height of the shooter. Which is pretty close to 111 meters

This specificity in positions is not an accident. As this entire part of Vegas is owned By MGM formally Circus Circus with underground trams and tunnels connecting the areas.

And is amplified by the research into distances between the Mandalay, Luxor and the stage. 444.44 yards connects these 3 points which makes that equilateral triangle.

Then you have at least 3 accounts of a woman Telling everyone they are going to die, this woman was labeled Hispanic by this person and dark skinned by another person. She says that they escorted her out. If this is true security personnel would have something to say on the subject.

And you also have this preacher dude Standing in front of the concert doing his spiel. We've seen this many times before so its not shocking, but its just an additional piece.

So the daily bible verse from is very applicable.

Chapter 60-65 of Psalms. Psalms is a book of verses written to music. So we have the musical connection.

Chapter 64 smacked me right in the face. Hard, jeez.

I take in all news and data points whenever I look into things, A holistic approach is required and nothing can be cast aside as not applicable.

I was startled to read the Tom Petty had a heart attack shortly after the Vegas shooting. The media then went back and forth saying he wasn't dead and then he was again. Tom petty was one of the founders of tom petty and the Heartbreakers, and he died of a broken heart.

He was 66Y 11M 11Days old on the day of his death and the Vegas attacks. This converts to 66y 345 days 34566. So how does that connect back to Vegas because a linear connection isn't as solid as a fractal or spiral.

This shows that Tom Pettys last performance in Vegas Was at the LUXOR hotel On his 66th birthday Almost a year from the Harvest that would take place on 10-01-17.

Tribute in Light

The Tribute in Light is an art installation of 88 searchlights placed six blocks south of the World Trade Center to create two vertical columns of light to represent the Twin Towers in remembrance of the September 11 attacks. It is produced annually by the Municipal Art Society of New York.

The two beams cost approximately $1,626 (assuming $0.11 kWh) to run for 24 hours. There are 88 xenon spotlights (44 for each tower) which each consume 7,000 watts.

George Shearing

Sir George Shearing, OBE (13 August 1919 – 14 February 2011) was a British jazz pianist who for many years led a popular jazz group that recorded for Discovery Records, MGM Records and Capitol Records. The composer of over 300 titles, including the jazz standard "Lullaby of Birdland", had multiple albums on the Billboard charts during the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s and 1990s. He died of heart failure in New York City, at the age of 91.

1996 Manchester bombing

The 1996 Manchester bombing was an attack carried out by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) on Saturday 15 June 1996. The IRA detonated a 1,500-kilogram (3,300 lb) truck bomb on Corporation Street in the centre of Manchester, England. The biggest bomb detonated in Great Britain since World War II, it targeted the city's infrastructure and economy and caused devastating damage, estimated by insurers at £700 million (equivalent to £1.2 billion in 2015) – only surpassed by the 2001 September 11 Attacks and 1993 Bishopsgate bombing in terms of financial cost.

The IRA had sent telephoned warnings about 90 minutes before the bomb detonated.

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Jesus Christ

Holy my Autism, Batman, I'm goin' in!

Saved the shit out of that one

/u/elliethevantas what do you have to say regarding these incredible revelations?


That's incredibly offensive to Blind people.

Hey /u/EllieTheVantas! I'm an ambassador from /r/drama. I just want to clarify that while /r/drama is absolutely a prochoice-proLGBT-prodiversity-proctology subreddit, the vaguely homosexual acts you describe only take place on Monday and exclusively between consenting adults.

Please respect our identity. We are a subreddit of peace.

She is a lesbian (actually has a girlfriend whom she can’t hear because she is Deaf ) so She better respect everyone’s identities

Being deaf while having a girlfriend is proof of God's infinite love and care.

You ever notice how Deaf people love children?

Those are multiple sentences.



/u/EllieTheVantas are you still being bullied for being hearing impaired?

It's more just annoying than anything

Just don't listen to the haters...

I think she should hear us out

She's just plugging her ears and saying LALALALALALALALA I CAN"T HEAR YOU

right /u/EllieTheVantas

Some people are just tone deaf tbh

Hey I can describe /r/drama in one sentence too: a sub that used to be about drama but now is boring cliquey drama instead.

/u/EllieTheVantas, will you cum on my ass senpai?

OOOOH YEAH! /u/EllieTheVantas is the hearing-impaired kiddy diddler, right? She's so much fun.

Where'd you get kiddy diddler? I don't remember that one

Kids can consent to sex, age of consent most places is 14-16 and this is a rather simple to explain decision. You underestimate kids.

Nice try, pedophile. We all know that pre-teens are on your mind all day.

14-16 is a teen. Not pre-teen. And it's a fact. Kids 14-16 (depending on country) in most places can consent to having sex with others near their age.

Right, 14-16 is teen. YOU are obsessed with pre-teens. It's all over your post history, pedo.

/u/EllieTheVantas, do you agree that gussy is disgusting?

Idfk what that is so?????

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /r/drama. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of circle jerking most of the jokes will go over a typical redditor's head. There's also /r/drama's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the posts - their personal philosophy draws heavily from that "cash me outside" girl, for instance. The regulars understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these posts, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike /r/drama truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in /r/drama's existential catchphrase "bussy" or "boipussy" which itself is a cryptic reference to /u/BeforetheRobots ass. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as /r/drama's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Pepe tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Hey /u/EllieTheVantas, how is it being a fucking genetically impaired, deaf degenerate dyke kiddy fiddler pedophile? So what, do you sign "pull down your pants" to confused 14 year old girls when not being pinged by /r/drama? All you really need is a fucking bullet in the skull babe.

That's 3 sentences retard

/u/EllieTheVantas, are your posts created by google translate, are you some advanced AI that hasn't fully grasped the human language yet or are you really so retarded that you failed your ESL class?