Shit gets too real for instagram LARPer

1  2017-10-04 by abracadbra123


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Where is the drama here?

Or are you just agendaposting some more in your 17 hours straight screaming about guns on the internet.

C'mon, Beardy McGunface getting called out by an actual Medal of Honor (not the video game) winner is some funny shit.

I don't really care if ameritards wanna keep shooting each other, but I do like seeing instatube "personalities" getting BTFO.

boring faggoty seriousposting

why don't you go reeee about the blacks and trans some more? that's super funny and interesting.

how is this serious posting

Because he's been screaming about guns for the past 20 hours. Because he created a throw away to spend the last 20 hours screaming about guns.

Couching it with funny names like "ameritards" and "beardy gunface" doesn't hide the fact that this guy is agendaposting on an epic scale.

guns are pretty topical drama atm to be fair and also getting called out by an actual military veteran(?) is pretty funny because I’m not a mook

Screaming about it for 20 hours in r/drama is sad to be fair.

maybe but it’s interesting to watch any sort of autistic shrieking unfold for about that long before i get bored personally

Lol, for someone that doesn't care you sure have spent literally the last few 20 hours talking about it literally nonstop.

literally the last few 20 hours talking about it literally nonstop.

literally you're literally retarded if you think a literally <18 hour old throwaway has been literally posting literally nonstop for literally the last few literally 20 hours

Oh, you did take a few hours break in between your hysterical, emotional rants.

But sure, you don't care. 💯💯💯

u mad tho

Had to make sure his trains were okay.

C'mon, Beardy McGunface getting called out by an actual Medal of Honor (not the video game) winner is some funny shit.

No, it's stupid shit and clearly a hit piece from the Washington Post.

The dude didn't have a weapon on him, got himself to safety, and then clearly went back to help others. Not sure what else he could have done and more importantly, I'm pretty sure that the Medal of Honor winner wouldn't have done anything different in that situation. It's not like people would have had a ton of options...

Not sure what else he could have done

It's not like people would have had a ton of options...

He could have not livestreamed himself talking bullshit.

Everyone in this thread seems to suffer from some kind of brain disease where you think it's mandatory to continuously livestream yourself pretending to be hardcore.

Gas all millennials.

So the drama here is that you're mad about someone said something on instagram.

Got it. Great contribution.

The drama is a retard getting hoisted by his own petard. this is like that whiney Based Alaska guy macing himself.

You should be a bigger tryhard agendaposter.

He could have not livestreamed himself talking bullshit.

I don't fully disagree but you could also argue that he was trying to document the event.

That said, the gist of the article you posted seems to be about his failure to act, which simply isn't accurate.

OP you're looking for r/circlebroke2 or something. Delete this and kys.

Sorry, I didn't realize all the american NEETs on /r/drama would still be awake right now.

Please accept my sincere apologies for disparaging your instagram hero.

I have no idea who this is. But like everyone else is pointing out you seem to be an unhinged SRSPOSTER.

what is this poor chad supposed to do? fire a hand gun right back 30 stories up? most people didn’t do anything heroic and they’re not being dragged :/

Most people didn't livestream themselves saying they were gonna go get their gun like some rambo wannabe.

do u really think it would be appropriate to grab a gun when there’s some random fucker shooting at people from somewhere? he read the mood like a champ...... smh

do u really think it would be appropriate to grab a gun

No, of course not!

But then don't livestream yourself talking bullshit about how you're gonna go get your gun like you think you're in an action movie.

ya fair. i didn’t watch his video so i just assumed he was like “this is what’s happening and im going to try to do something about it” before it all ended/a cop was like “the fuck are you doing put that back”

gun people i know are generally of the stance of “get the fuck out of there first, only do something if you have a clear shot and don’t be a hero” and i guess this rowdy boy figured he could get in a sniper battle or something like a jackass

Seriously. He sounds like a twat. Anyone who livestreams themselves during a mass shooting is a twat. But that was a no-win situation for anyone down there.

I wonder how long till Dan gets jelly of all the attention mass shooters get and becomes one himself

fuck Dan Bilzerian

r/drama is so contrarian that they defend a navy seal LARPer mayo who livestreamed a mass shooting to boost his instagram

Isn't it kinda fucked to use the Vegas shooting as an excuse to call Dan Blizerian a pussy?

Chadbeard bored out OPs girl and didn't have the decency to cuddle afterward. That's what's really going on here.

joke's on you, I've never had a girl.