Woke social justice chocolate people left literally humiliated and traumatised, declaring university's test concession for Rocking the Daisies music festival a 'parade of white privilege'

6  2017-10-04 by CultOfCuck


Here is where I discovered this: https://www.reddit.com/r/southafrica/comments/7475hf/uct_test_concession_for_rocking_the_daisies/

Currently fresh, so not much drama, but the article wins on it's own merits. As always, mayocide now.



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black fragility is a dangerous thing


Sorry, I had to lease a 40% share of my grammar processing power because of local laws.

The black student reaction to this moronic but then again, so is the fact that professors are allowing students to skip a test to attend a music festival...

Agreed on both counts.

The absolute fucking STATE of American education.

Colleges have become adult daycare centers.

Remember: Baal Pottinger might have been taken off the field...but there are many Baals.

Folks of South Africa, whatever the spectrum-returns of light from your skin - know that you are being actively divided and conquered, on as many levels as they are shades of grey.

Of all the accumulated biases you've developed against The Other in your lifetime - how many of them can you truly call self-developed? Gained by the truth of your own bitter experience? Or are they instead the result of Inception by post histories like MalPikkewyn's, which simply echo the rolling garbage from the official fake news sources (ie. almost the entire internet, since all the actual people who might have run their own websites of unfiltered and accumulating personal knowledge, have been herded into YouTubeGooFace).

Trust not to organizations formed on 'your behalf' to speak for you. If you had the sunglasses from the film They Live, you'd know that "BAC(K)" as an acronym for the full name of this organization is just as much of an in-joke as "BAAL-POTTY-NGR".


Your fellow man in the street and the suburbs (and also the truly free, the mountain men we disparage as 'bergies') - these are your only remaining allies...oops malicious word (ie. all-lies)... only remaining hope ...oops also nasty (gematria sum is 44, matching "cut", "kill", "cancer", "old age")... uhhh... one more try: only remaining equals.

i think these posts are infectious, i feel like a schizo after i read them

A college professor had a bullshit, inconsistent rule? Shocking!