( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐卐卐卐 Don't mind me just taking my mods for a walk

89  2017-10-04 by HINDBRAIN


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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/u/RampagingKoala what qualifications do you need to be a reddit janitor other than severe mental retardation?

Me no think good

So it has become apparent.

ugh you talk like a nerd

nothing personnel

Were you unironically talking about being qualified to be a subreddit moderator?

durr durr anime picture hurr hurr

What is it boy? What are you trying to tell us? Did the Headmod fall in a well?

i did it u giiz anime picture http://i.imgur.com/cXFVzSu.png

>hairy palms at the bottom of the picture

Mofo, this is a hentai ain't it.

you can tell by the linework that it is

Hair is always shiny in hentai

It's the blush and the sweat that confirms it for me

A retard that likes anime. No wonder you're a mod.

If you ever discover wifu pillows you'll probably be made an admin.

u/spez make it so

I notice you're a mod of /r/askmen and I have a question I'd like to ask you as a man, can't find any good info out there.

When beating a woman, should I slap or just straight up punch?

I'm really put off that a straight cis man (you) is the most active moderator here. Could we really not find an actual queer lady?

No offense to you, but it seems like you're one of those types that's just trying to mod as many subreddits as possible. Why you felt the need to mod a lesbian subreddit is beyond me. Maybe you do just fine as a janitor, but how could you ever understand the needs of this community?

The biggest improvement for this subreddit would be an entirely different mod team. One mod is a straight man, one mod is inactive, and the other mod is her girlfriend who has a long history of dragging her personal drama into moderating and driving other moderators away.

I have zero faith in this mod team and I want a new one.

What's it like to sincerely believe something as stupid as the idea that you and your fellow dimwits on the salmon moderation staff are uniquely capable of acting impartially even as you repeatedly prove that claim untrue by your completely retarded behavior?

stupid it is as stupid does i guess

You bring disgrace to koalas smh 🐨😥🐨😥

To be able to accept zero pay and maximum penis.

I'm really put off that a straight cis man (you) is the most active moderator here. Could we really not find an actual queer lady?

No offense to you, but it seems like you're one of those types that's just trying to mod as many subreddits as possible. Why you felt the need to mod a lesbian subreddit is beyond me. Maybe you do just fine as a janitor, but how could you ever understand the needs of this community?

The biggest improvement for this subreddit would be an entirely different mod team. One mod is a straight man, one mod is inactive, and the other mod is her girlfriend who has a long history of dragging her personal drama into moderating and driving other moderators away.

I have zero faith in this mod team and I want a new one.

+2 iota /u/iotaTipBot

I will bribe you to mod him as proof of reddit conspiracy

>Men's subreddit

>A subreddit literally about men

>Sandwich Americans still demand control over it

>Male virgin mods use "muh harassment" to go on a power trip


/u/Tomes2789 is a trump supporter who watches rick and morty because of course he is

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

fresh pasta?

I really hope you're joking...

So you honestly sperged all tha tout?

I think he was making fun of you being so stupid as to think it was fresh.

Jokes on him as I was only pretending I'm retarded

I think you mean typical liberal, not typical Trump supporter. There seems to be video of the shooter attending an anti-Trump rally and wearing a "pussy" hat.

My guess is that as more and more information is uncovered we'll find out that the shooter's behavior became more and more erratic, starting around November. Anti-Trump all the way but the shift in behavior likely went undetected because the guy's friends likely shared the same sentiments on one level or another.

I also predict that the media will probably never really fully report on a motive for the shooting because they will want to downplay the "angry liberal shooting up Trump supporters" angle. We saw sort of the same thing with the baseball shooter. His motives were discussed but not at length. We certainly didn't see the in depth reporting that we would have seen had the shooter been conservative. If they do report on motive I'm willing to bet it will be at a later date, after the news cycle as moved on to another event.

The size of the Las Vegas shooting will ensure that there is a lot of news coverage but I doubt that we'll see the in depth coverage we've seen with other similar events whose targets weren't mostly white, middle class, country music fans.

That could be. He could have just also snapped. Dude gambled a lot. Probably did coke and stuff (high roller). maybe he fucked his brain up.

Doot doot too thanks! 🎃🎺💀🎺💀🎃

oh my god this is the second time someone ate this pasta. you're on a roll ed!

All thanks to the power of the holy sPooPy month with the blessings from u/me_skeltal 🎃🎺💀🎺💀🎃

where the heck is that updoots bot


Careful now twinkie! After all this is a Christian™ drama subreddit unlike the godless heathens over at SRD.

oh good!

Hahahahahaha so I support President Trump. So what?

You need to go through my Reddit history to attack my political views instead of attacking my arguments?

That's pretty pathetic, dude.

Just seeing what brand of retard we're dealing with lmao

Tbh, you need a pretty high IQ to support Trump and watch Rick and Morty

I watch Rick and Morty and support Trump. I don't think either takes much intelligence. Who you vote for, is like 60% where you were born and 20% who your parents vote for; An idiot in NYC votes Dem, an idiot in Alabama votes Rep. A smart guy in NYC votes Dem, and a smart guy in Alabama moves somewhere else and votes Rep.

Intelligence governs how effectively someone will argue their beliefs, it doesn't have that much to do with what you believe.

I watch Rick and Morty and support Trump. I don't think either takes much intelligence.

Very true

The most grievous of those infractions imo

Honeatly, if you're into Gamergate or ethics in blog posting after 3 years, you deserve to die



Good luck with that.

You're literally in /r/drama right now.

Better than fucking KiA lmao. But to be honest, ethics in blogging about video games is important

I watch Rick and Morty and support Trump. I don't think either takes much intelligence.

youre right about that one

you’re 100% retarded jesus christ

Your argument is retarded and everyone in that thread already jumped on it. But besides I'm an idiot and to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the REEEEmale agenda.

so you’re a dumb nerd and ill stuff ur gay ass in a locker

/u/Protect_Me is a little small dicked dude that just reads drama all day and spews hateful shit.

See how easily ad hominem works?

Love your username

wah wah this sub is all about ad hominem princess

I feel so royal, from here on out I'm princess to you buddy.

only if u give me a kiss

Don't tempt me gorgeous

You don't necessarily have to support Trump but if you're left of center at all you're a huge faggot who should probably die

Imagine a women's sub run by men and how well it would be received.

these are the most tired comments of all time

You mean /r/Feminism?

dae le dubble standerd??????????????

Shut the fuck up

dae le triggered xD???????????

To those of you downvoting, stop. This is just how he lets people know his semen rations are running low.

Doing your best captain p impression?

I hope you jest, jumbled.

they aren’t?

Here you go: /r/actuallesbians


isn't that /r/thefempill?

The nerve! /r/TheFemPill is an illustrious sub run by and for women and also a panther.

Don't you dare bad mouth /r/thefempill.

The best and most important feminist sub on reddit? Yeah, that's the one.

Isn't that r/menslib?

If you can really call them men


u/rampagingkoala I bet you think all that white knighting will get you laid.

It wont.

Imagine being a mod, "doing it for free", and even when the vast majority of people want you gone, you actually have to cling to that power for god knows what reason because apparently you have absolutely nothing else you'd rather spend your time on than having a tiny amount of power over anonymous people on the internet.

god knows what reason

You can't understand the appeal of having the power to outrage a bunch of nerds?

I mean I do, but in this case, I don't think it's applicable.

That's not why they're interested in it. They take their jobs very seriously.

"Jobs" if you frequented the sub you'd realise.

Realize what?


I know you read it you little bitch




And there we have it my fellow basketball american redditors WE DID IT XD

I'd like to thank /u/nickachu_ for my eventual gilding, and also the great president donald "jackass" trump.

U wot m8?

Is this how you usually spend your "vacations"? Let me guess, you got suspended for refusing to dress out for gym?

Drunk? Yes. I usually spend my vacations drunk.

Thats no bueno, you know alcohol will delay the onset of puberty, right?


You are now threatening to basically take action against people for what they do outside of this subreddit, which is STRICTLY AGAINST Reddit's Moderator Guidelines for Healthy Communities (Effective April 17, 2017).

<This past year has killed my ability to sympathize with this>


how fat and ugly are you

I'm 28/M, 156lbs, 5'10". In pretty great shape if I can allow myself a quick humblebrag, but I work hard at it.

As for ugly, I'd say I'm pretty average looking. Not model-worthy, but not cringe-worthy either. My girlfriend doesn't complain (often).


5'10" ≈ 1.78 metres
156 lb ≈ 70 kg

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | v0.11.6

good bot

You are too kind blush

Bad bot. Go decode yourself you fucking faggot!

wow rude

Big if true.

if I can allow myself a quick humblebrag

Manlets under 6 feet can't afford that.

[–] Tomes2789 (user deleted this comment) 1 point 4 hours ago I'm 28/M, 156lbs, 5'10". In pretty great shape if I can allow myself a quick humblebrag, but I work hard at it.

As for ugly, I'd say I'm pretty average looking. Not model-worthy, but not cringe-worthy either. My girlfriend doesn't complain (often).




classic "i'm skinny so I think I'm in good shape". Brad Pitt in fight club goal body.

That guy would get manhandled by any woman's softball player.


is that putin?

Holy shit, you've got a big ugly black spot on your face man. You need to get that shit checked.

Also, what the fuck are you doing with your pants halfway down and a cutout of a dude behind you? You been doing some weird shit to that cutout, probs.

Everything you just said is true.

I'm 28/M, 156lbs, 5'10". In pretty great shape if I can allow myself a quick humblebrag, but to be fair I work decently hard at it. As for ugly, I'd say I'm pretty average looking. Not model-worthy, but not cringe-worthy either. My girlfriend doesn't complain (often). Yourself?

Show us your dick. Why are you balding in your 20s? Why do you delete your comments?

Balding manlets have nothing to brag about

Bro, your zipper is down

Youst fyi

Holy shit we got a live one. Get this man some bait, it's an all you can eat buffet.

/u/RampagingKoala, can I ask you to ban /u/Tomes2789 just for the drama it would create?

My god Askmen is such a cesspit of pathetic beta male cuckolds. Not surprising that their mods are mostly male feminist dirtbags who think being a fucking unpaid internet custodian while their wife fucks her boyfriend in the room next door makes them incredibly enlightened.

My god /r/drama is such a cesspit of pathetic beta male cuckolds. Not surprising that their mods are mostly male feminist dirtbags who think being a fucking unpaid internet custodian while their wife fucks her boyfriend in the room next door makes them incredibly enlightened.

Thanks for this pasta!

the female agenda

leave her gender at the door

/u/tomes2789 why do you talk like this

Who would think askmen mods would be such cunts

Only a mentally unsound person would willingly subject themselves to moderating the cesspool of an AskX sub

Average askmen thread:

so wats ur favorite thing about women..??

Lol I don't care. It's the internet. Who cares. Y'all get way to over excited over nothing


Thanks. I do my best

First time I've seen somebody be proud of being retarded, but there's lots of strange people on the internet so I'm not that surprised

Have you seen the actual thread!?!?! And you're calling me retarded. We have an expression for that. It's called calling pot kettle.

Yes, I've seen the thread. I even included the downvotes you received in the picture linked.

And what's "calling pot kettle?" Never heard of that expression before.

I think he means the phrase "the pot calling the kettle black", they're both black so it's ironic or some shit like that. Sorry for serious posting btw ly bye xxx

ly bye xxx

This level of discourse is unacceptable on this subreddit.

What the fuck are you all talking about?

The amount of people shocked that /r/askbussies mods are absolute trainwrecks are waaaay too high.