tfw someone tries to seriouspost in /r/drama

50  2017-10-04 by ahbslldud


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I just want people to be more aware of my culture:

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting; constant forced shitposting is the most boring posting of all.

Keep Yourself Seriousposting

shitposting and seriousposting are like the yin and yang for drama. Too much of one and it devolves into a circlejerk.


Given the people here, I'm not even sure how we tell the difference between seriousposting and just just exaggerating our own opinions to the point of trolldom.

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting

im sorry but you have to be some kind of FUCKING RETARD to write serious opinions into the internet

I'm sorry, but you have to be some kind of fucking retard to shitpost on the internet.

Big if true

yes there is, you’re living proof. You somehow make more boring comments than the people running already stale memes into the ground




Fuck off.

People have billions of shitty political subs to circlejerk in, do it there.

The whole reason r/drama got popular is because people were tired of endless seriousposts in SRD. You cunts have started into the abyss and the abyss pissed back into you.

Fuck off.

People have billions of shitty political subs to circlejerk in, do it there.

The whole reason r/drama got popular is because people were tired of endless seriousposts in SRD. You cunts have started into the abyss and the abyss pissed back into you.



Exactly. /r/drama is like plucky little Israel, and the rest of reddit is like the 50 different Muslim countries that the Palestinians can all fuck off to.


Nice seriouspost

See above, re: kys

risking being cyberbullied by having actual opinions

what are you, gay?

Thank god someone here gets it.


u/botchlings IRL

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting

There is literally nothing wrong with seriousposting

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hell no

kill yoself nigga

this but unironically

u/nmx179 Imagine being this ret...oh wait!

TFW some faggot uses Reddit video.

fr, i didnt even know that was a thing lol

There is literally nothing wrong with shitposting; constant forced seriousposting is the most boring posting of all.

"The horrible thing about the Seriouspost was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within one reply any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole sub like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp and always at the end there was one message: Keep Yourself Safe" -George Orwell, author of The Road to Wigan Seriousposter, Seriousposter Farm, Keep the Seriousposters Flying and Ninteen Eighty-Four which features the Ministry of Keeping Yourself Safe (Mini-Kys).

this is art tbhpham