GF and I agreed to open relationship with restrictions (like condoms). First encounter (her) is done without condoms. (Please do not upvote a lot I don't want this to get popular)

108  2017-10-04 by Yiin


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. -,*,,

  3. "It's not up to the guy to provide ... -,*,,

  4. -,*,,

  5. Calm down. I'm not dumping her beca... -,*,,

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/u/JageiHusbH9 might be a ball-less cuck but that's going a little far.

He's well on his way though.

The amount of literal cucks on Reddit is too damn high

Booo don't kink shame them! u/CultOfCuck u/Cuckslovetrump pls explain it to him.

That is unfair. Those guys have legitimate medical problems (wives have diabetes).

It's fine. I'll call my handy divorce lawyer, Mr. Shovel and get a new one.

I'll make you fuck my fat wife you jew

╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Now are you willing u/boyoyoyoyong

(((FIVE))) whole dollars?!?!?!

Know how I can tell you're not a Jew?

A jew woulda started with a cool buck



Yeah that too!


+3 iota /u/iotaTipBot

This seems like fair transaction. No?

What even is this? Can I use it to buy some Whataburger?

You can buy Russian burger King coins with it and then get a burger in Russia.


No lie, I jerk it to /r/Hotwife on the reg

Take your Abrahamic agenda somewhere else fucboi

Stop kink-shaming shitlord

Its my right as a man to be a pansy ass pussy cuckhold.

/u/JageiHusbH9 acts like a cuck, gets cucked. Up next, "My girlfriend is pregnant and we don't know who the father is."

He'll decide that it doesn't matter, and that 'sticking by her' and raising another man's filthy dirty spawn is the 'right' thing to do. What he should do is grow some balls and psychologically annihilate her, reduce her to a catatonic state. That, or just shoot her to teach her a lesson.

Its one thing being a cuck whose girl fucks another dude....Its quite another level of cuckishness when your girl takes a load of another dude's cum inside her and expects you to be ok with it.--I mean, what could go wrong?

Yeah I really don't understand how people put up with shit like this. Someone tries some hoe ass shit like this and I'm out of there no matter how good the bussy is

It's hard to imagine having that pathetic of a life, but then again I post on /r/drama..

Eh, I like to wallow in the worst parts of humanity. I've watched A Serbian Film like twenty times, even on shrooms a couple of times. That movie is hilarious.

We used to have a Serb. 😭

I'm part Croat if that helps.

The Serb was pretty funny. What happened to her?

Kebab must have removed her.

/u/JageiHusbH9, an “open relationship” is where a woman is being financially supported by a loser incapable of satisfying her so she finds a man with an aesthetic cock to do what you can’t: make her cum. The only solution now is to start paying motel hookers for sex, get an STD or ten, and give them to her who will then give them to her boyfriend via bussy. Or a murder-suicide; that’s always a classic.

that’s always a classic.

Can't go wrong with the greatest hits, brother.

Murder-suicide is generally the preferred option in these situations. Occasionally the man grows a set of testicles at the last moment and opts out of the suicide part, but that's more of a regional thing.

Honestly both are great ideas. In both we would get rid of them

Turgid, if factual.

Of a large size, should the info be verifiable.

Big penis

get an STD or ten, and give them to her who will then give them to her boyfriend via bussy. Or a murder-suicide; that’s always a classic

por que no los dos?

Poz her neg holes, /u/JageiHusbH9.

an “open relationship” is where a woman is being financially supported by a loser [and she fucks other men]

This is the opposite of what a pimp does.... Holy shit I think I'm on to something!


/r/Drama finally produced something of value, I'm impressed /u/aGolfHipster.

I don't think finances are an issue here, it sounds like they're in a long distance thing of some sort.

That's the stupid way to do it. Best way to do it is tell her you're into cuckoldry, which shouldn't be a hard sell, and have her fuck a hooker with a lot of STD's. That way you stay clean and her coldsore infested lips serve as a warning to all.

(Please do not upvote a lot I don't want this to get popular)

yup this is definitely a post about a real thing that happened

this shit is fake as fuck but still got me mad

Do I have a problem?


i dunno you tell me

Professionally doesnt mean bad I have no addiction whatsoever go fuck yourself

Do you have a problem with alcohol? I too have a problem with alcohol - it costs too much.

Mine is that I don't have enough

Yes, you got your feelings hurt.

To be fair, it's somewhat respected in /r/self. But yeah, this didn't happen.

  1. People who don't use condoms are retarded.

  2. Don't stick your dick in retarded people.

Ten to one, you're a chick, right? It's always women pretending not to know why guys don't like using condoms.

Because you fancy the idea of paying a chunk of your income to raise a bastard you never wanted?

This is where the cunt punt comes in

Kicks down the stairs are free

So is getting long dicked in jail

She doesn't have to know it was on purpose

Nah dude, gotta look em in the eyes and tell them you killed their child. Anything less is a bitch move

Wow man youre so funny and hilarious.

People don't always think during sex.

Whatever, just wear a rubber. Or you will get pregnant AND DIE.

I wouldn't wear a condom with you, Reginka.

That was my motto in college...Served me well.

+3 iota /u/iotaTipBot

One bastard please.

you're a chick, right?

username is Alice

your a chick, right?

Really activates my almonds

On this website, you never know.

never used a condom in my life

I don't blame guys for not using a condom while screwing you. You would make a great mother!

Yo /u/JageiHusbh9 if you're trolling you're a top notch troll 10/10

If you aren't trolling you should probably dump her and get a hobby. Like noose tying and rickety stool making.

/u/JageiHusbH9 if you are not a fake account, kill yourself for being this pathetic

If you are a fake account, kill yourself for being this pathetic


He needs to Keep Himself Safe

We're a cryptohate subreddit

Fuck that passive agressive crypto shit

This was meant to be all positives and bring nothing but more happiness in our lives but right from the beginning it's already causing problems.

On the bright side it is definitely going to end up with some HIV positives if she keeps it up, so that's something?

stop falling for gussyganda and these problems would go away

Typical redditor

I agree to an upvote relationship, with condoms.

Whoops, you should get yourself tested.


/u/captobvioususername this is how I know you're a fucking child who has never dipped his dick into anything other than that white nacho cheese shit

/u/herdnerfer you are the reason 'cuck' has become such a popular term

/u/JageiHusbH9 Jesus Christ

Someone obviously has been hurt in the past.

Nope, just can't understand why you would think lying in a relationship is ok just because the person was honest about being dishonest

Really makes you think dunnit

Depends on the lie, this one doesn’t seem to be at end the relationship level to me.

I could see that being upsetting but I think she deserves a second chance, she could’ve just lied and said they used one but she was honest with you.

Let me just go down to the police station and tell them that I raped a few people. Surely, it would be upsetting but they would appreciate the honesty right?

I would.

I could see that being upsetting but I think she deserves a second chance, she could’ve just lied and said they used one but she was honest with you.

Let me just go down to the police station and tell them that I raped a few people. Surely, it would be upsetting but they would appreciate the honesty right?

Of course not! I am a chick after all. Fucking moron.

You're right.... well kind of. I'm a 31 year old pregnant woman.... can confirm, no dick (but I've had my fair share, wink wink.) The only childish one I see here is the one throwing insults at someone who is discussing safe sex ... safe sex is for losers, amirite?? Nothing sexier than syphilis, it's the in thing right now!!! Better get at 'er /u/D4ddyDr4m4

First off, no STI shaming on this sub

Two, in what world is it expected for the women to (child bearing or not) to provide a condom? Mind you, I don't even mind, it must be nice just walking into a chick's apartment and knowing that all your needs will be taken care of but those types of places tend to be brothels

Cut it out and live stream it.

I'm a 31 year old pregnant woman

And I'm the Queen of Wales

/u/JageiHusbH9 is a literal cuck? Can we mod him?

My best advice is hit the gym.

Well she knows now!

hahaha dealing with relationships

and incels want this

You'll get much more helpful answers if you post this on r/polyamory

Being in an open relationship is just another word for being a cuck.