One redditor shares how they failed to Keep Themselves Safe. Model citizens of /r/drama happily provide helpful tips and advice

16  2017-10-05 by xjapxn


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u/thot_crusher is starting to become indistinguishable from lolcows.

is starting to become


I like u/Thot_Crusher tbh. He's got a big heart and a bigger dick ;)

Does this mean we are supposed to o doenvote him

u/pizzashill how do you feel about this situation?

Well, I'd argue someone that puts a gun in their mouth and pulls the trigger is a hell of a lot more serious about dying than someone that takes 5 benadryl and calls 911.

And I'm pretty sure the research supports this - men that attempt suicide are more intent on dying than women that do.

But the argument is pointless, feminists, no matter what, will never admit this. They are literally incapable of admitting to it for obvious reasons.

For God's sake! This isn't what I wanted at all, shill.

w e w



[Seriouspost] Ironically telling spergs like rieman or whatever to keep themselves safe is funny, but telling a suicidal person to do the same is just in bad taste tbh.


Your an hero.

Do you think people here are ironic?