"Eat my ass." Drama over bike locks in /r/washingtondc when a user thinks the work "packs" is evidence of blatant racism.

28  2017-10-05 by ValiantPie


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Wow hex, you're still alive?

Somehow yes lol. It's been a long time, hasn't it?

that it has

u/celocanth13 you have some internalized racism as you assume when talking about bike theft you figure they are talking about basketball Americans.

When people try really hard not to be racist, they usually are that way by default. That's why nearly everything sounds like a "dog-whistle" to them. The "dog-whistle" is coming from inside their own heads.

See also male feminists and sexual harassment/rape.

The doctor's office is for sick people, the church is for sinners, and you can bet your sweet ass that your Race In America class at Swarthmore is jammed full of closet racists like /u/celocanth13

When people try really hard not to be racist, they usually are that way by default.

The doctor's office is full of sick people, the church is full of sinners, and you can bet your sweet ass that your Race In America class at Swarthmore is jammed full of closet racists.

Dog whistle is a dog whistle.

Fuck all these made up anti-argumentation buzzwords:

"dogwhistle, gaslighting, mansplaining"---speak fucking enrish already and stop talking SJW code.

Your forgot mansplaining.

Treble SJW fines for mansplaining whilst manspreading

Damn I really want to try mansplaining while manspreading now.

Which subway has most feminists in it?

Hm... the cities I most associate with SJWs (Portland and Seattle) don't have subways. Coincidence?

None of those words are as bad as "whilst".

That is something up with which i do not have to put.

I am just airing out my bussy, you homophobe.

but muh ad hominem strawman no true scotsman fallacy

Ahh, the old "add straw to the scotsman's fellatio"

ain’t “gaslighting” a conspiratard thing?

they just appropriated it

Nah, the other way around, it was originally from some play where the husband was dimming gas lights to convince his wife that she's going crazy.

but that was over 70 years ago, i mean in modern parlance

Similar concept; it's about applying constant lies/comments to make someone doubt their own memories. Surprisingly effective when done right.

IDK it ultimately depends on if you think Psychology Today is conspiratorial since PT puts at least two articles about gaslighting in every issue.

Well obviously I do, doesn't everybody?

lol, give it a rest. You got caught, dude.

You broke the SJW rules---HA! HA! Game over. I win!

u/hood_pog u/celocanth13 maybe one of you can tell me, why is it you social justice retards are always ready to jump up and cry "dog whistle" or whichever other bad faith term when someone tries to express the unobjectionable thought that they don't like having their bike stolen by a pack of violent thugs, but whenever some social justice retard pops off with a remark like "all white people are the devil" you guys expect people to understand they don't really mean it like that, they mean some tendentious bullshit about systems?

Just wondering.

Using a dog whistle is a good way to attract a pack of mongrels.

I thought it was the new jordans

“pack” was when Mel Gibson said it

of course, there were other words surrounding it that time

I think the problem in what Mel said wasn't that he hoped she'd get raped by a "Pack" but the next part "of niggers".

naw dog ain't you seen the Key & Peele bit about it?

"he said niggers, and that he hopes she gets raped, yet the most offensive part of his statement was the word 'pack,' that's impressive"

i read the dc sub all the time, since i live here. one poster finds racism in everything. not sure if they are a self deprecating white person or just black fragility. the other one lives in a white suburb "city". fighting the good fight with reddit comments while not surrounding themselves with "packs", because i guess that's a racist term now.

/u/celocanth13 is a CB2 poster so it's a huge surprise that they're a white suburbanite.

I'm a disgusting suburbanite in Falls Church but at least I don't go around lecturing people about inconsequential bullshit on the internet.

if they actually knew any black people, they would not take offense to everyday vernacular.

Really gross post.

"I have been ousted as a completely inept dunce, so this post is icky and gross now."

u/hood_pog username checks out.

eat my ass

Willing bussy? Can it be?

"ridden in packs" Everyone have their dog whistles out?

I loled. That's my city.

I love screeching about "dog whistles".

Beware! Da raysiats are among us and they speak in secret code!!