Edgy anarchist threatens my family because I'm lterallyhitler

12  2017-10-05 by Eat_Some_Beer


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And anarkiddies apparently.

i remember a bunch of the idiots saying stats can be racist

Yeah...Lets your your nazi fascist explanation for this.. ACTA NON VERBA!

In case you misunderstood me, I'm talking about the OP of this drama post :p

It is a thing

No i like surreal memes but I don't understand yours (like not at all). Help? :/

The thing prepares. The Friey-mann awaiteth the next iteration. All is for the benefit of Zalgo.

Also it was a random Faith No More lyric while i was sitting in dead-stop traffic listening too music

>that lolbert flair

>posting on lolbert in the first place

>not realizing lolbertarianism was started by fascists in the first place

Bing bong Rinky dinky doo

Tbh they're tied with anarkiddies as the most hilarious juvenile political ideology.

At least anarchism was born out of a real struggle for freedom and self determination while American libertarianism was created by a bunch of super rich economists who flirted with literal fascists and racists alike.

Yeah but now both groups are now largely college aged young adults who have vague concepts about fighting the man, and are mostly ok people. I will give you that the alt-right (or whatever they're called) has been trying to reabsorb the Libertarian Party these past few years but during the Ron Paul mania a lot of em were just socially liberal dinguses who liked the idea of a free market.

Well maybe the brainless followers or Ron Paul weren't all proto fascists but Ron Paul was certainly among the racist bunch of human garbage

/u/Anarchistnation, it's always so refreshing to see an enabled raging idiot with a (((anarchist))) username and the plebeian habit of going through other users' profiles to find shit they personally deem offensive-

jk no it's not, it's depressing and it makes me wanna off myself just to stop walking on the same soil as you. DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT.

Personally i think we should all delete our accounts and go outside and help the elderly

I need the internet to stir shit and make as many people miserable as I can with the lowest effort possible

Me too, bud. Meeeee too

/u/Anarchistnation how many tendies hit the floor when you read those comments?