Is BLM Racist? Is the ACLU Racist? Whatever Happened To Das Racist? /r/News Declares Each Other Racists

63  2017-10-05 by HodorTheDoorHolder


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Huh i saw more comments ass-blasting blm instead of defending them. It must be something in the water people drank, to not act like the dindus did nothing wrong

/r/news is pretty neutral, majority goes pro/anti BLM depending on whether they're in the right or being scumbags.

AKA they're literal Nazis, and someones literally shaking right now

/r/news is about as neutral as reddit gets

And that's just not very neutral, to be blunt about it. Particularly after the way the admins behaved after the election, this is an extremely one-sided site, in a way that can't simply be explained by the age-group's demographics.

But as long as we're being blunt, that thread is a breath of fresh air from the near-constant communist finger-wagging that takes place in most threads from most big subs.

Lots and lots of talk of "BothSidesism" or whatever you wanna call it


u/slimlovin you are a fucking moron if you think that the right to protest = the right to shut down other people's meetings via mob

Why? Is BLM not allowed to assemble and peacefully protest something they don't agree with?

Whether I believe they're on the right side of this issue is moot. They have the right to protest.

peacefully protest

Except that they didn't peacefully protest

They shut down someone else's meeting via a mob

Your inability to tell the difference between that and a peaceful protest makes you a retard, as already noted.

Was there violence?

Do you believe the ACLU doesn't have the right to assemble? Why?

Did counter-protesters infringe on their right to assemble? Seems like the only thing these folks are guilty of is shouting a little louder than the ACLU.

Did counter-protesters infringe on their right to assemble?

Yes, absolutely, you stunning idiot

How? Did they force the ACLU to leave? Did the ACLU have no choice but to leave?

Sorry, but protesting is their right, just as it is the ACLU's right to free speech. Unfortunately, the ACLU backed down.

Did they force the ACLU to leave? Did the ACLU have no choice but to leave?

Yes to both questions, you absolute mouthbreather

Sorry. I must be exactly as illiterate as you seem to believe I am, because I didn't see a word about BLM carrying the ACLU out of there over their shoulders.

Look: I don't necessarily agree with the message of this particular protest, but it's still their right.

I must be exactly as illiterate as you seem to believe I am

It's ok, we already know you're black

you’re not very good at this tbh. It seems like u cant decide whether you want to serious post or shitpost

I reject your absurd false dichotomy and the onerous and unnecessary restrictions it would place on my unadulterated correctposting

One of the school reps literally handed a BLMer the microphone.

As a Bernie Bro, I say we should elect that school rep President!

Already donated my entire life savings, match me!

are you just faking being this retarded? because it’s very convincing

I blame the ACLU for not having the police thrash the protesters and continue with the original talk

They were weak and they forfeited that right

I'm with this guy.

Yeah and if the cops won't thrash Marxists then they really are worthless.

You understand that in most states, your actions would have triggered the 'fighting words' defense to such a degree that had someone punched these guys, it's very unlikely they could be charged.

Like, it's a literal thing in law that screaming in someone's face means that logically they will kick your ass. That's a provocation of violence, and no protected speech at all.

It never shocks me how often you protest-cunts don't realize that the law has existed for a very long time, and is not going to fall for the kind of bullshit parents fall for when it comes to obnoxious six year olds.

lol fighting words is barely a thing anymore and also you dont know what it is

Lol, okay.

is “shut down” some kind of euphemisms i’m missing

Sorry you were too lazy and/or retarded to read the original story being discussed.

i read the story you retard

an apprently small crowd of people of indeterminate makeup gathered

a bunch of various melanized soros shills showed up with retarded commie slogans on signs and chanting over people, like last year’s DNC all over again

so they quickly gave up trying to talk about the 1st amendment because too many people were taking advantage of it in the immediate vicinity

where’s the violence?

Sorry you can't understand that "peacefully assemble" means more than just not committing outright violence, probably as a result of having been dropped on the head too many times as a child.

Having a bigger mob doesn't give you the right to abrogate other people's freedom of speech by mobbing their stage, blocking the stage from view, and shouting down the people who were actually attempting to peacefully assemble.

it’s not peaceful if it’s disruptive


to be fair, you’re almost right about the stage thing- they could have legally made them move, for example. but they didn’t

Remember, kids, the first amendment doesn't just give you the right to speak - it gives you the right to stop other people from speaking, too!

the first amendment does in fact give you a right to rudely talk over people

this kind of “rudeness is a form of oppression” idiocy needs to be culled

I think you'd better re-read it, fam. You are rambling.

i think you need to rethink what “silencing” means

OK, I am done with you. I am going to mute you from this conversation before you trigger me with your ovaryacting.


I get it. You are one of those alt-right people that hates frogs.

i actually do hate frogs, fucking smug bastards with their airsacs


on it

Yeah, when will these autists figure that the first amendment means that you have to treat a protest zone like a library and you arent permitted to raise your voice to a higher decibel than other people that are protesting in your immediate vincinity.

That is neither here nor there. The 1stAm certainly does not convey any right to silence other people.

Now, if the ACLU speakers bitched out and gave away their microphone like Comrade Bernie, then that is their own fault.

I agree with you. I even think that the police should be issued Free-Meters (developed by the church of Scientology) that detect when somebody is being too noisy with an opposing opinion within 50 feet of an approved protest zone.

Yeah, its called a noise ordinance. I use it to get my dumb Mexican neighbors arrested whenever they play their fucking accordion music.

it does if you “silence” them with more speech, all you’re doing is oversaturating

interrupting someone isn’t a goddamn crime

what part of this are you too dense to comprehend?

"... the right to take someone's microphone or blast motherfuckers with loudspeakers so that you are the loudest, being necessary to the maintenance of a free press, shall not be infringed."

Shit, my bad. I didn't see it the first time. You're straight, boo.

the right to take someone's microphone


the right to blast motherfuckers with loudspeakers so that you are the loudest

yes, this shit is extremely simple

I already said I missed that clause the first time, fam; chill.

It was more peaceful than the Unite the Right rally Gastañaga advocated for...


How is it possible that you even function day to day being that fucking retarded?

Oh, I'm sorry! How many people were injured? What was the total death count?

My bewilderment rises.

Some whites died, but Mayos don't count as people so the death count was 0

No they didn't. No one has ever died just because someone shouted louder than them.

Haven't you ever heard of wizards? Words are their weapons. We have heard reports of wizards in the ranks of BLM for a while...

Honestly I'm pretty shocked that you haven't been keeping up with the news.

Are you autistic? Or are you just a cunt?

I mean, I pretty much already know the answer, but I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt.

I need to know how, if a race war breaks out, the dindus can think they'll win. They're called a minority for a reason.

so what part of “black lives matter” sounds like a call to race war to retarded mayos exactly?

i’ve seen this on the youtubes as well

The violence, mainly. I dunno. Not like I've ever been near BLM members.

all the violence that comes with holding a sign and chanting incoherently huh

Nope, the riots happened. Stop pretending they didn't.

the infamous BLM riots??

Don't downvote the lolcows. This one smells Italian.

jeez i should shower

“the riots” didn’t happen lmao, the worst that happened was some tankie grabbed the mic.

like, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Not like I've ever been near BLM members.


You've probably been near some BLM mayo, just when they are not screaming in some cop's face (that's a weekend only thing for most).

I guess you haven't seen the undercover videos of speeches by the New Black Panthers. The get taken down on YouTube about as fast as they go up, but they are pretty explicit that they want a race war.

you realize this is literally the same as saying everyone who shows up to one of those "free speech rallies" is a member of the kkk, right?

Youtube isn't /r/the_donald they don't delete stuff just because people don't like it. If its' not there maybe you just imagined it.

the fuck does nbpp that have to do with blm lol

NBPP is a radical black nationalist party, BLM is a hashtag and loose coalition of orgs dedicated to the idea of not getting shot

that’s the REAL racism here

loose coalition of orgs dedicated to the idea of not getting shot

the best way for blacks to not get shot is to work on not being ~12% of the population and ~40-50% of murders

they tried that but it didn't work

probably the constant rioting and defending violent shithead criminals? Even pretending that police brutality is a big issue is retarded. Blacks have issues with the police because they commit an insane fraction of violent crime. They have lower rates of death per run in with the cops than whites.

how fucking deranged do you have to be to think BLM is "constantly rioting"? there've been like three riots in as many years, none of them were sanctioned by any org, and no one's died or try to kill whitey in any of them

no one's died or try to kill whitey in any of them

They tried, they're just incompetent.

what the FUCK is a milwaukee

Canada has like 5 black people, that video has at least a dozen in it. No way that is in Canada.

you ever been to a canadian city? and niagara falls doesn’t count.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, this conversation is done. Don't speak to me again.

eat your damn vegimals

You're not welcome in my inbox, and I don't want to hear from you again. This is a test of your character -- if you reply, you're just proving you don't think consent matters.

By participating in /r/Drama, you implicitly waive all claims to harrassment or assault. Sidebar brog

Some say Das Racist is at the Pizza Hut, some say the Taco Bell. No one really knows for sure

They're at the combination Pizza Hut & Taco Bell

So many flavor combinations in one location.

The Left Will Eat Itself.

At this point, I think it's more likely that they'll provoke the right into eating them.

Ass first

Yes and Yes....

lol your stupid article was tagged 'questionable news source'

even the independent skirts that dab OP well done


half of all college students think it's ok to shout down speech they oppose