Buzzfeed outs leftie journalists/"Fake Steve Jobs"/etc for allegedly conspiring with Breitbart

26  2017-10-05 by kisses_joy

The original article.

Some of the Twitter responses to one of the journalists.

And his feed. Note that he has locked, opened, closed his account a few times.


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. The original article. -,*,

  3. Some of the Twitter responses to on... -,*,

  4. And his feed. -,*,

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Buzzfeed should stick to Top 10 lists and reaction videos.

I'm pretty sure they think:

conservative = white nationalist

so I'm sure the article is at least funny to read if not very accurate.

Beyond that, it's likely a hit piece against Breitbart who gets pageclicks that Buzzfeed can only dream of...

conservative = white nationalist

Yeah, don't they know that conservative = mentally challenged?

And the left vs right war begins

Servant, bring me the popcorn

I'm a hardline, extremist centrist

High five, same.

But this is Buzzfeed VS Breitbart, you know it's about to go off

It's like when the SpEd students got into a fight. Except there's no wranglers around here




u/Thot_Crusher you have been blessed. Also thank you for reporting those meanies yesterday to the FBI for domestic terrorism <3

Where's all the left/right spergs? I feel like i'm stuck watching the trailers before a movie and they're rolling for eternity -_-

/u/botchlings ignores me now. He usually spergs out about this kind of stuff

...What did you do?

I think /u/botchlings tried to write his name one time and it just kinda fried him noggin like an egg, so now he can't read

poor boy

It was a sad, sad day

Almost as sad as when Dom died in Gears of War 3

u/botchlings is mad at me for making copys pastas out of his comments. I'm a mere humble chef! I see good shit, I stick that sucker in an oven and cook it 👌🍝🍝🍝

Not really.

I just don't think you're worth the effort

Are you capable of breathing and thinking at the same time?

He turns purple when hes trying to look less dumb than normal.

I wonder how much drool he produces per day

Hopefully it's like WW2 where all the Nazis and commies killed eachother and we were rid of them both for generations, kinda.

Beyond that, it's likely a hit piece against Breitbart who gets pageclicks that Buzzfeed's "reporting" can only dream of...

You should probably read the article to find out for yourself.

I scanned it. Looks like a hit piece to me

What does that mean? Anything in it specifically that screams hit piece to you?

Yeah, I think so.

The problem we're running into now, in the age of shitposting and trolling, we no longer have any idea what acts are genuine and what's simply for shits and giggles.

Come on, do you honestly think Nazi's are seriously gonna salute with a gay guy in an interracial marriage? Have Neo Nazi's become progressive?

Huh? There's video evidence of it, so yeah I believe it.

I don't think Richard Spencer, self identified nazi, is giving the nazi salute for shits and giggles.

There's video evidence of it, so yeah I believe it.

You can't believe that so easily anymore. You're watching a guy well known for trolling and triggering leftists with every opportunity he gets. And like i said..

do you honestly think Nazi's are seriously gonna salute with a gay guy in an interracial marriage? Have Neo Nazi's become progressive?

Even the Neo Nazi's are trolling. Maybe it's simply an "Enemy of my Enemy" deal but even so, everybody is mocking the hardline leftists

So he's just pretending to hang out with nazis as an elaborate troll attempt that wasn't released until over a year later?

Guess he got me.

Maybe it was a bad idea of a prank that simply got buried for exactly this reason...?

Milo isn't exactly known for being the smartest of guys now is he, merely how to be a firebrand

(Btw, i know this is a loose argument but i'm simply trying to stay on the fence)

His current excuse is that he has severe myopia (I guess he usually goes out without glasses or contact lenses for some reason?), so he couldn't see the people 5 feet away from him giving the nazi salute.

I'm all for staying on the fence, but I cannot see what more proof I would need other than a taped confession that he's a nazi.

The issue is

Gay Jew + Interracial Marriage + Rep as Major Troll = Neo Nazi...

Doesn't compute. Unless his "husband" has been paid and Milo is secretly the ultimate troll, who is actually a straight nazi who dreams of nothing more than a white US/UK...

See why i'm having issue believing this?

Eduard Bloch

Eduard Bloch (30 January 1872 – 1 June 1945) was an Austrian Jewish doctor practicing in Linz (Austria). Until 1907 Bloch was the physician of Adolf Hitler's family. Hitler later awarded Bloch special protection after the Nazi annexation of Austria.

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Wow... Ok, i have to concede, maybe the video is decent enough proof

I know, I’ll try givin’ em the ol’ Sam Hyde!

That’s a good trick

"lol, these leftists think we're nazis, let's totally prank them by being nazis! xDDD"

He's a useful idiot. As soon as the Jews are out of the way he's next.

self-identified white nationalist

but nazi in denial. so few of them like being called a spade for some reason

Sorry, you're right. He doesn't like being identified as a white nationalist either apparently.

He does advocate for a "peaceful ethnic cleansing," so I'm sure he's a good guy.

oh he used to go by white nationalist tho

He married a blackie. Lol you libs are unhinged

You sure he actually got married and isn't just trolling?

we're talking about Richard Spencer you black mongoloid

One of the main people within the early Nazi party was gay and people around him knew. No one care as long as he help push the Nazi agenda, right up until he got taken out during The Night Of Long Knives.

Don't forget to mention that Hitler and his cohorts murdered him.

That was the point of my comment. The alt right is just using Milo.

Yeah, I know your point and I agree. But it is important to remind the peope here, before they think that the nazis were pretty progressive.

ah yes all just a prank! White nationalists giving the nazi salute is just trolling! You could be shown the SS murdering jews and you'd still go ''lol they are just fun cool guys sticking it to the SJW hardline leftist, stop being so triggerd libtards'' it's convenient for Nazi to make people believe they are just trolling and having fun when they actually believe the horrible things they say.

The previous November, Yiannopoulos emailed Bannon with a bone to pick. Breitbart London reported that a London college student behind a popular social justice hashtag had threatened the anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller.

“The story is horseshit and we should never have published it,” Yiannopoulos wrote. “Reckless and stupid. … Strongly recommend we pull. it’s insanely defamatory. I spoke to pamela geller and even she said it was rubbish. We’re outright lying about this girl and surely we’re better than that. We can and should win by telling the truth.”

Six minutes later, Bannon wrote back to his tech editor in a fury. “Your [sic] full of shit. When I need your advice on anything I will ask. ... The tech site is a total clusterfuck---meaningless stories written by juveniles. You don’t have a clue how to build a company or what real content is. And you don’t have long to figure it out or your [sic] gone. … You are magenalia [sic].”

/u/botchlings actually hasn't been able to read since the incident.

I think it was several incidents involving his pregnant mother and alcohol.

Well, there was the final incident

It's important to remember:

All white nationalists are conservatives, but not all conservatives are white nationalists.

Just about 65% of them.

Can /u/pizzashill be banned for unironic retardation?


I know they do, and that's why your president is Donny T for the next 7 years 😎😎😎

I don't care if Trump is president.

I hope he wins again, he's doing a fantastic job exposing the GOP for what they are on the international stage.

Trump is GOP mental illness personified.

U rite, and he upsets people like you very much, so whatever he destroys is worth it.

Also, he might end the world, which would be tight

Trump doesn't have the mental capacity to do anything other than embarrass himself.

And if your political ideology is "HEUHEU TRUMP TROLLS THE LIBDUMBS" I suspect you don't really have the mental capacity to vote anyway.

Tbh, I voted for, Allah for uttering this word, Clinton. But this is too funny not to have for 8 years

You should be banned for downvoting and seriousposting.

Nah, this is an article about emails that actually contain dirt.

Joseph (((Bernstein)))



He’ll never work at the New York Times.

A Gay Jew who married a spade does things we don't agree with. -Buzzfeed

A collection of leaked emails show how the Breitbart sausage is made. -Actual article.

As a severely retarded unemployed incel, I beleive Breitbart is "sausage" and Buzzfeed is actual journalism. -u/SpotNL

As someone who spend his time mostly online, devoid from any real social interactions in my day-to-day, I often struggle with simple idioms. -u/Sophistrycated

It's a fucking quote from a Breitbart exec in one of the hacked emails dumbass.

Who fucking cares? What's with all the agendaposting douchebags here. The irony is that Buzzfeed, a complete garbage "news" outlet, wrote a smear piece on another garbage "news" outlet. Then, because the situation isn't pathetic enough, cromag simpletons like you become upset that no one takes it seriously. Keep Yourself Safe, it's a farce.

They're quotes from emails that actually exist.

That's the best part. It's not a shitty opinion piece, or based on anonymous statements. So of course people are going to bitch about the outlet, even though they don't take a strong position one way or another and let the quotes speak for themselves.

Taking a look at your recent comments, literally all you do is agendapost.

It seems Buzzardfeed doesn't care where you sit on the political spectrum. As long as you make a good meal.

is this really news to you?

lmao at that NeoGAF mod calling for Auerbach’s head.

video game player in Twitter bio

Lol, Bannon writes like a teenage girl.

milo should be minister of culture when the fourth reich is established

I thought the world was done talking about Milo.

In an April 6 email, Allum Bokhari mentioned having had access to an account of Yiannopoulos’s with “a password that began with the word Kristall.” Kristallnacht, an infamous 1938 riot against German Jews carried out by the SA — the paramilitary organization that helped Hitler rise to power — is sometimes considered the beginning of the Holocaust. In a June 2016 email to an assistant, Yiannopoulos shared the password to his email, which began “LongKnives1290.” The Night of the Long Knives was the Nazi purge of the leadership of the SA. The purge famously included Ernst Röhm, the SA’s gay leader. 1290 is the year King Edward I expelled the Jews from England.

Milo: definitely not a nazi