Fuck /trees

1  2017-10-06 by curse2themax


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is*

  2. 2nd comment: I cant remember if i w... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

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Of course they did!

u/Raveynfyre fucc you ; i told you i wasnt going to delete this

OP I respect your fortitude! Amen brother.

So if I understand this whole thing. You're saying that I got into this argument with you? Or are you just picking a name from a hat? Because a lot of that isn't me at all. (I'd be able to see it).

Aww, someone holding a grudge fpr one comment? I'm honored. Now go fuck yourself.

you seem upset

Nah, not really.

Salt poisoning

"Sodium poisoning", "Salt water poisoning", "Sea water poisoning" and "Drinking sea water" all redirect here.

Salt poisoning — or sodium poisoning — is an intoxication resulting from the excessive intake of sodium (usually as sodium chloride) in either solid form or in solution (saline water, including brine, brackish water, or seawater).

In medicine, the circumstance of salt poisoning is most frequently encountered in children or infants who may be made to consume excessive amounts of table salt. At least one instance of murder of a hospitalized child by salt poisoning has been reported.

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I'm at a nice [3] for the first time in years. I literally only responded because of the name mention. It's one single comment, if OP holds a 3 month grudge, they have issues.

says /u/Raveynfyre in a haughty tone as he aggressively downvotes everything in the thread while breathing heavily


Bwahahahaha. To the other, nope.

says /u/Raveynfyre in a haughty tone as she aggressively downvotes everything in the thread while breathing heavily



Oh you're a woman. That's why you're like this

Does that explain why you're a dick? because you have one?

Tbh, probably

Most people in r/drama do, in fact, have issues.



thats a weird reply. i specifically stated i was krama whoring

if we're srs psting , got the idea from this guy


he responded so late. so i looked up some early "drama"; though im no toxic shit stirring drama whore like the vets

though im no toxic shit stirring drama whore like the vets

This post sure proves that point. /s

/s? i dont think we're on the same level. shitstirring DWing is welcomed here. i am literally less skilled than these vets

or maybe im misunderstanding you?

What the fuck is this ancient shit.

What the fuck are you always so angry and emotional about? Relax lady.

Don't talk like that to my bae! Have some manners young man!

always so angry and emotional


Well, there's your answer

Nah I don't want splinters in my dick

This shits 3 months old. Fuck you OP.