I don't want to make any "personal attacks", but I think it's objectively true that this city, state, nation, world, and likely your own family would all be better off had you never existed.

39  2017-10-06 by ahbslldud

Everything I've ever seen you write has detracted from the conversation and stands for nothing other than evidence that the caricature of Americans as stupid, lazy, gullible, fearful, and incapable of complex thought has at least some (read:one) basis in fact.

Unfortunately, there is no way to erase you entirely from existence. You can, however, rectify this problem yourself. It won't get us back all the time and oxygen you've cost us, but it would prevent any more of this waste from occurring. There are many ways you can do this. I would be happy to help stop the unfortunate mistake that your life represents on the balance sheet of humanity.


Okay, look. You absolutely cannot tell another user to kill themselves and that is exactly what you are doing here no matter how poorly veiled. Knock this shit off. In no world is this appropriate and I am ashamed that you are sitting with a positive score on this comment regardless of how frustrating and shitty blather can be.

Go ahead and ban me. I've already unsubbed from this trash fucking sub. You don't know me. None of you know me. You're all fucking ignorant children. If you're actually a mod, you're a horrid excuse for one. This sub is a fucking pathetic circle jerk. I came here for the occasional good post until I realized 90% of the sub is shit posts. And even on the good posts, there's nothing but verbal vomit in the comments. Your followers, and clearly you, have zero reading comprehension skills. If making up words and putting them into someone else mouth was a sport, you'd all have gold fucking medals. So go ahead, ban me. I know a little extra blood is going to rush to your private bits as you exercise your power trip, but don't forget that youre not special and your made up power on Reddit isn't worth anything in real life. I've been on your sub two days and i already noped out long before you threatened a ban. I sincerely hope none of you procreate and spread this bullshit in real life.

Good copy pasta 👌

Nearly every human is worthless, very few of us accomplish anything worthwhile. Including you. :)

can safely say every single /r/drama poster is entirely worthless to humanity tbh


Drama reveals to humanity the most vivid and visceral of its dark emotional needs. We have contributed bigly to the collection of intellect

Well, I won't lie. The title did strike a certain cord with me...

I cannot oblige you to stay, but with your apparent departure, that's one less minority on this )))White(((, male website. Another less upvote for civility, another less downvote for barbarity. Sure, meaningless internet points ayy lmao. But they are the data keeping reddit from being 100% TD. And if that happens, if something similar happens--TD will have power over Reddit Inc., and minorities like me lose another place to organize, to discuss.

No. I am not fat. America needs me. This is just mean, and I am calling the police.

I'm right where I should be. The internet is a great, non tangible thing. So I can be here, I can be there, I can be everywhere, all at the same time. It's a great place to anonymously voice your opinion, thoughts, wants, desires, and so on. Encouraging one to kill themselves, however, has no place anywhere. You must be a very weak and depressed person to tell a complete stranger to rid themselves of this world. I don't care what the topic of conversation was that lead you to post that, but telling someone who is clearly mentally unstable or mentally a child to kill themselves is just a real shit move. You'd think at the ripe old ago of 154 you'd have some wisdom. I truly hope you aren't over the age of 18, if so, and you act like this, you're gonna find yourself in the same shoes as that kid you just told to kill himself. You'll feel the raw pain of community hatred, the pain of hating yourself, and ultimately the pain of what it feels like to want to die. I don't wish that upon you, but you're the only one who can control your future. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Oh god I remember that guy. OG pasta tbhpham