Thanks all. For everything

19  2017-10-07 by ChipChippersonAMA

Before drama, there were so many lolcows I was unaware of. Mocking jewdank was the obvious original purpose of this site, but it became so much more than that after a while and I'm certain I'm not the only one that gained a new understanding of bussy, of drama that don't just affect ourselves but those around us, of angrydm.

The anchor's pulled up, now. There's enough (((shitposters))) on the sub I was concerned about that I can move on and away, and I'm glad for that. Reddit's become a pretty ugly place, but this sub is one of the good ones.

For what it's worth, I just wanted to say thank you, drama, for everything. Keep up the good work.


Wherever you go,

whatever you do

r/drama will be right here waiting for you

Whatever it takes

You keep yourself safe

R/drama will be right here waiting for you

You may have meant r/drama instead of R/drama.

Remember, I can't do anything against ninja-edits.

What is my purpose? I correct subreddit and user links that have a capital R or U, which are unusable on PC and some apps.

Bad bot

Good human

What the fuck kind of shitty app needs case sensitive URLs

Desktop browser

You may not like ot, but this is what peak autism looks like.


Came for drama, stayed for familydude

some of you ChipChippersonAMAs are alright, don't go to /r/drama tomorrow

This is an important milestone. Probably


but this sub is one of the good ones.

Get raped

user reports:
1: This is the single gayest thing I've ever seen on reddit.
