I don't want to make any "personal attacks", but I think it's objectively true that this city, state, nation, world, and likely your own family would all be better off had you never existed. Everything I've ever seen you write has detracted from the conversation and stands for nothing other than evidence that the caricature of Americans as stupid, lazy, gullible, fearful, and incapable of complex thought has at least some (read:one) basis in fact.
Unfortunately, there is no way to erase you entirely from existence. You can, however, rectify this problem yourself. It won't get us back all the time and oxygen you've cost us, but it would prevent any more of this waste from occurring. There are many ways you can do this. I would be happy to help stop the unfortunate mistake that your life represents on the balance sheet of humanity.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-07
You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Stuntman119 2017-10-07
I don't want to make any "personal attacks", but I think it's objectively true that this city, state, nation, world, and likely your own family would all be better off had you never existed. Everything I've ever seen you write has detracted from the conversation and stands for nothing other than evidence that the caricature of Americans as stupid, lazy, gullible, fearful, and incapable of complex thought has at least some (read:one) basis in fact.
Unfortunately, there is no way to erase you entirely from existence. You can, however, rectify this problem yourself. It won't get us back all the time and oxygen you've cost us, but it would prevent any more of this waste from occurring. There are many ways you can do this. I would be happy to help stop the unfortunate mistake that your life represents on the balance sheet of humanity.
1 ShinigamiLeaf 2017-10-07
Jesus fuck dude, don't suggest to people to kill themselves just because they think America is perfect.
1 froibo 2017-10-07
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2017-10-07
I fucking love this bait.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-07
Looks the deleted comment was a classic example of r/atethepasta
1 squarefaces 2017-10-07
u/ShotgunPumper "I'm 30 and if I've never heard if it before it must be brand new because I know everything"
imagine being this retarded
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-10-07
1 ShotgunPumper 2017-10-07
That's some nice bait you have there. Unlike you however, I'm not insane.
1 Protect_Me 2017-10-07
Whatever you say mate
1 ShotgunPumper 2017-10-07
Really? I will win the lottery!
1 dogbref 2017-10-07
i bet you're white rofl
1 ShotgunPumper 2017-10-07
I'm polka dot.