Sodomites rejoice at court victory in the state of Commiefornia. Some redditors, however, are not so positive

117  2017-10-07 by LemonScore


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Fair point, snappy. I too donMt like getting HIV.


Some redditors, however, are not so positive

Title game is 🔥

Not having HIV is homophobic ☻☻☻

if everyone has HIV then no one can catch it

Wow, you just blew my penis mind!

If everyone had AIDS, it would just be Africa

I won't even sort by controversial to avoid brain damage.

Decriminalizing the poz hole

it's about time, there's nothing wrong with giving the gift~

slippery slope dont real they said

There are so many slippery slopes that have proven themselves true over the years. It's infuriating how easily those concerns are dismissed by liberals.

Yes, it's not a logical conclusion that the normalization of some sexual liberations will inevitably lead directly to this kind of riff raff.

But riff raff is clearly what we have today...

No. The 'slipper slope' is a fallacy of logic. The mistake is assuming that human behavior is logical, and as such, that all logical fallacies can transfer to it.

But humans are instinctive animals. They are not government by logic, and as such, fallacies of logic cannot automatically be assumed to be fallacies of human behavior.

Logically, you can stop your descent down a slipper slop. But humans simple will not.

This asshole is putting everyone's bussy at risk.

California was a mistake.

Self correcting it is basically mexico with pockets of southern asia.

HIV was mother nature's gift. Then whitey had to go and try to cure it. 😖 😫 😩 😤

See? This is why I'm happy to be an Asexual. It's dog fuck dog out there, and I'm staying faaaar away from it.

Careful for that guy who rapes dogs.

Ah, I see you've also met Dog Rape Man.

no proof dogs dont consent brah

Are you /r/corgiwiggle reincarnated?

I'd never bottom for a dog.

dont bottom like a faggot and you wont catch it, only bottoms riding the cock carousel catch that disease.

have some standards when you have sex, and the bug wont be an issue.

i.e. don't bang niggers like a fucking retard.

Everyone will be positive pretty soon.

that's the spirit!

how you want your state fam?

Just fuck my shit up, fam.


Good news. I'd say great news if the medical understanding of aids was still what it was in the 80's but unfortunately it isn't.

"Yeah we might kill a fuckton of people with this law, but at least they can still vote democrat in elections!"

Faggot signs laws allowing him to poz little boys, no one is surprised.

Why Is My State Government So Freaking Insane ?

Because you type like you're retarded

No you're a retarded!!!1!!!1!1!1!!!



Oooo, someone has a case of the AIDS...

I'm on mobile what is this

Also applies to those giving blood to a blood bank.

This is literally how AIDS became an epidemic. Looks like the willful ignorance of leftards strikes again.

fucking faggots

Libertarianism in full effect.

Agreed. Fascism now.

Not much difference between the two in effect.

One allows the corporate world to do whatever it wants because the government is literally in bed with said corporations. The other allows corporations to do whatever they want because they think that rules are immoral.

As a practical matter, the differences between them fall away long before the extremes.

No, I mean old school fascism. Roman fascism.

yup, just let people do what they want, and deal with the consequences later.

that's how ayn rand lived, right?

since she lived like a cunt her whole life, but took welfare when she was old...

lmao @ blaming libertarians for democrat progressive socialist retardation

I'd be shocked that you're too retarded to get it, but then I saw that you unironically post in something called /r/CapitalismVSocialism. Do us all a favor and neck yourself.

pls no bully

I'll have u know I'm up to 850 dollary dos in my funsies account bby

the virgin robinhood vs the chad vanguard ETF

More like the Hipster Betterment and the Dave 401k

They should just be culled off, or sent to a resource-gathering labour camp in the Alaskan interior.

oh hey, another reason to not go to california.

so we have.

The big one that is scheduled soon that is gonna drop cali into the pacific.

Mexican catholics.


The fact that Hollywood is an idea held simultaneously by like a million entitled assholes.

Endless fires.

Endless droughts.

Now its ok to infect people with the bug.

fuck cali and fuck olly while youre at it too.

Legit thank you for not visiting here

The worst thing about cali is (((them)))

Still better than the East Coast Hasids!

No longer a felony to spread AIDs

Pozzers infect every LGBTQUIOP in the state

Degeneracy successfully purged

Le 4D chess :^)

If you kill someone who gives you aids, does it count as self defense?

It's only self defence if you kill them before they give you AIDS (or, technically, HIV - obviously if you turn their tender love-gift of HIV into actual AIDS that's on you). Do it after the fact and it's a revenge killing.

Fascism when?

I already knew California was the AIDS state.

Bug chasers should be given a final day

California is by far the worst state in the union. I'm being 100% Unironic.

California has now become so progressive even r/politics is having second thoughts. It's just a matter of time until West Coast Syndrome starts encroaching eastward and the entire region is purged.

Doesn't this put LGBT people at risk? Don't people remember the 80's?