It's only panic history when it's whitey getting triggered

28  2017-10-07 by Washington_vape


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I don't want to make any "personal attacks", but I think it's objectively true that this city, state, nation, world, and likely your own family would all be better off had you never existed. Everything I've ever seen you write has detracted from the conversation and stands for nothing other than evidence that the caricature of Americans as stupid, lazy, gullible, fearful, and incapable of complex thought has at least some (read:one) basis in fact.

Unfortunately, there is no way to erase you entirely from existence. You can, however, rectify this problem yourself. It won't get us back all the time and oxygen you've cost us, but it would prevent any more of this waste from occurring. There are many ways you can do this. I would be happy to help stop the unfortunate mistake that your life represents on the balance sheet of humanity.

You're not funny

Is this a copypasta





/u/JPrufrock13 is too busy having sex with human women to formulate a coherent argument.

Hahahaha Holy shit why are people so pathetic to lie about dumb shit

u/Aluzky take notes

Why should I take notes? I don't understand.

I don't understand.

No shit -__-

Specify that you’re fucking humans.

If you don't understand that as a joke you are truly warped by the internet.

If you think that qualifies as a joke then perhaps you are the one warped by the internet

If you think that qualifies as a comeback - so on, so forth.

Snappy quote pls

FWIW: I got buttmad at /u/Murrabbit because of that thread and sent him a PM that got me suspended for a week. He sent much worse back to me, while continuing to antagonize me in the thread - no action taken, no response to my repeated polite requests for clarification, except for /u/gaazda making a veiled threat that it'd be worse for me next time.

The same admin recently told me "Hello and thanks for the report. We've reviewed the issue and taken action." in response to my detailed complaint about a guy in that /r/node kerfuffle calling people Nazis all over the place while also arguing that Nazis should die. I cannot find any evidence of action actually being taken. Like, some of the comments were subsequently removed, but I had also reported them to mods, so. The guy had continued to comment after I got that response, never showed up as suspended, etc.

Am /u/murrabbit can confirm, no action taken, neither mods nor admins contacted me in any way. . . because why would they have? You seem to think you came out of that whole incident looking a lot better than you did.

I had to look pretty far back in my messages to see this alleged exchange and it came down to you PMing me "fuck off" and my PMping back "No you fuck off" along with a link to a Dead Kennedy's song. lol.

So mean and vicious. I had to look all this shit up, of course because there's no way that I'd have remembered a single thing about this encounter if you hadn't pinged me on this thread. It's mildly amusing to me that you're still bitter about it.

I mean, you called me a Nazi.

Are you a nazi?

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Play the "no true nazi" game and eventually, yeah, people are gonna come up with their own conclusions about why you so vehemently defend nazis.

Except I don't actually do any such thing, and you know it.

You say in the thread where you specifically call attention to a thread where you did just that. A bold defense strategy.

Except I very obviously did nothing of the sort in that thread.


Ever been so mad you go readin' someone's greatest hits? I wish someone could make me so mad - I'd probably learn somethin'.


BTW: Clinton got criticised for her poor fashion sense because it was poor fashion sense. It had nothing to do with gender roles or whatever. You are still reading motivations into other people based on nothing at all.

Oops, you didn't get yourself banned from another subreddit, did you? You'd figure you'd learn your lesson after getting so angry over it the first time. You gotta learn to chill, bb.

I'm not even banned from /r/PanicHistory, you idiot. You can't even tell the difference between a removed post and a deleted one? And your account is 7 years old? That's fucking shameful.

Also, you still believe insane things and I will continue to call you out for them.

I'm not even banned from /r/PanicHistory, you idiot. You can't even tell the difference between a removed post and a deleted one? And your account is 7 years old? That's fucking shameful.

Also, you still believe insane things and I will continue to call you out for them.

Wait. . . so you stopped responding to me in the actual sub and started PMing me to "fuck off" and you weren't banned? Haha, that is some top-shelf mad right there. Do you get so angry with everyone who disagrees with you? That's great - I mean it's probably not healthy, but still it's amazing.

Do you get so angry with everyone who disagrees with you?

I get angry with people who deliberately call me a Nazi based on made-up bullshit that they know is made-up bullshit, yes. Because if I'm not willing to get mad at that, the discourse degenerates into people calling each other Nazis all the time.

Further, you have demonstrated yourself to belong to the set of people who imagine that someone being called a Nazi is reason enough to enact physical violence. That is dangerous, and must be spoken out against.


Haha you're being a real sport about all of this you know.


Aww come on though you still need to pull out your signature move one more time! Quick, delete and immediately re-post all of your comments to me so far! That always works out so well for you!

Bwahaha, this dude did that to me too here. For some reason he deleted his comment 4 times so I had to reply to him again and again while he was claiming he didn't see the message when he just deleted his comment. The fuck is his problem?

He's really bad at trolling and way too easy to counter-troll. He needs to work on his game.

Also, "started PMing you" is a deliberate mischaracterization; I sent one message. You sent worse back to me and nothing happened to you as a result.

But no, I don't "get so angry" with "everyone who disagrees with me". You know I don't, because you saw me in the original thread behaving civilly with other people who were not deliberately provoking me and attempting to defame me.