Is it sexist when men find strong women arousing? White knight in /r/marvel certainly thinks so, other users disagree. A war of paragraphs arises. Who will stand the victor? /r/Drama, of course

20  2017-10-08 by [deleted]


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Please kill yourself tonight.

I second this. Please /u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN end your existence

You first. Send pics.

How would he send pictures after killing himself, Einstein? You can't even make cohesive insults.

I forgot, you lot don't have friends. Maybe livestream it?

Y'know, it doesn't really surprise me that your concept of a friend is a person willing to help you commit suicide.

You're a fuckin faggot dude.

Somebody's butthurt.

Yeah, that would be you. Lmao.

Are you a /r/MarvelStudios user? How'd you even find my comments? Do you go scouring the internet for things to be totally-not-offended by?

I would assume he's a well adjusted adult that doesn't cry about things in children's movies.

No, he just spends his time crying about the opinions of strangers on the internet he happens to disagree with. Something only totally well-adjusted adults do.

As opposed to crying about talking action figures.

Look, there's a compromise here. We're both pathetic.

Now you can go flagellate yourself to your feminist betters and I can jack off to 2D images of girls of questionable age being rammed by tentacles. Sounds good?

How you're able to do what you're doing right now, and then call someone else pathetic is fucking beyond me. Maybe you should just take your own advice before you hurt someone.

How you're able to do what you're doing right now, and then call someone else pathetic is fucking beyond me.

I think a lot of things is beyond you, truth be told.

Maybe you should just take your own advice before you hurt someone.

What makes you believe I'll physically hurt someone?

And what advice should I follow, i give a lot of good suggestions, alas people often doesn't recognize my greatness.

I identify as a strong, black, sassy, large and in charge woman, and I say u is one bitch ass nigga.

How many buckets did you cum just reading that?

I don't want to make any "personal attacks", but I think it's objectively true that this city, state, nation, world, and likely your own family would all be better off had you never existed. Everything I've ever seen you write has detracted from the conversation and stands for nothing other than evidence that the caricature of Americans as stupid, lazy, gullible, fearful, and incapable of complex thought has at least some (read:one) basis in fact.

Unfortunately, there is no way to erase you entirely from existence. You can, however, rectify this problem yourself. It won't get us back all the time and oxygen you've cost us, but it would prevent any more of this waste from occurring. There are many ways you can do this. I would be happy to help stop the unfortunate mistake that your life represents on the balance sheet of humanity.

Too late for that. About half of us a goobergrapers who, as I'm sure you know, have a penchant for LITERALLY RAPE.

Wow! Why don't you stop your sea-lioning right there. Okay, buddy?

Okay, thanks. Remember to Keep Yourself Safe.

But seriously, though, I have a faint interest in comics and just go on related forums from time to time.

Aside from your totally well adjusted hobby of targeting strangers for harassment because you don't like their opinions?

Tis an acquired taste, I'll admit.

Says the bussy who posts on /r/cummingonfigurines

Why did I click? WHY DID I CLICK?

Why didn't I click earlier??

Imagine being offended by people being attracted to each other.

Now imagine you're offended by something in a talking action figure movie.

i am both frightened and aroused

So tell us, wtf is your problem with men saying they're aroused? Are penises just evil or something? And if so, why haven't you hacked yours off and become a woman?

Suppose it is somewhat of a conundrum for the dude, since he is a feminist, but a radical one at that.

Radfems are opposed to trans ideology just fyi

Still, cutting of your balls would probably been seen favorably, hell I would recommend the act. Not like you seem to have any balls anyway. Just don't appreciate their identity as women and you should be A-okay.

🤔🤔🤔 so you are admitting, in this place of free speech and acceptance of everything and everyone, that you are transphobic? This is very problematic. I just think you want to be pegged by some butch radfem to the rest of your life

You people are so fucking weird

Like, go outside sometime. I promise the sunburn goes away after a few days.

Like, go outside sometime. I promise the sunburn goes away after a few days.

Unlike the shame you feel for being a man which lasts in perpetuity?

So what you're saying is your beliefs don't even leave you transness as a way to repent for the sin of having been born with a penis, and you're just going to accept that you're inherently oppressive and evil?

Okay then, why haven't you done a swan dive off the nearest tall building / bridge?

Do you realize how easily the police could subpoena your IP and throw your ass in prison if I actually did? You kids are really playing with fire here.

You're not answering the question though. Are you unable to do so? Is it really that hard to think of a reason why you deserve to live, within the self-imposed constraints of your radical feminist beliefs?

You really like playing with people's lives like this?

You really can't answer the question, can you? That's really sad.

Again, are you implying being shitty to you over the internet is pushing you to consider ending your own life?

But a more pressing, and important, point would be that you simply don't answer the questions people put forth to you because answering them would mean you thinking clearly over you self-hating ideology.

Why do you think that is?

According to yourself you're not a people

Nonsense, and purposefully ignorant of his stance. I would almost call your statement slander.

He is a person, he's just an inherent evil one on account of him having a dick.

Lmao. You're a treasure, my friend. A genuine lolcow. The world would almost be poorer if you left it, almost.

Ugh TERFs are the worst. They're like female MGTOW

well, at least their "theory" is internally consistent.

It certainly isn't the women you have to pay to let you ass fuck them, needle dick.

a woman gave you an order, your refusal to do what you were told is extremely problematic and shows everyone what a creepy misogynist you are.

I sympathize greatly with radical feminism, but I can't help but feel like there is literally nothing I can do as a male to actually help in any way, and I often feel that even my very existence is problematic on a fundamental level for reasons that are and will always be outside of my control (male violence, internalized misogyny, rape culture, "healthy male sexuality", etc.).

What is my place in a radical feminist worldview? I get how selfish this sounds, but I really just want to not feel like my own existence is an unethical atrocity, and right now I'm not sure that's even possible.


You can help further the radfem cause by keeping yourself safe

Lol, didn't even know about this when I linked the thread.

Sounds just like a sinner standing before the clergy asking to be absolved of sin by a life of struggling against his very being.

What is my place in a radical feminist worldview? I get how selfish this sounds, but I really just want to not feel like my own existence is an unethical atrocity, and right now I'm not sure that's even possible.

Good lord.

And that's not the end of it.

These are all things I try to do already (and undoubtedly could do more/better), but on some deeper level I just feel like it's a hypocritical waste for me as a man to even try. I still despite my best conscious effort end up objectifying women, devaluing them, mansplaining, etc. Not to mention when it comes to more radical positions regarding heterosexual intercourse, there's a compelling argument to be made that I as a heterosexual male am inherently going to be either a rapist or an "aspiring" rapist no matter what I do, just based on my social conditioning within a patriarchal rape culture such as ours. I'm ashamed of my desire for sex, and probably rightfully so. But it's there and it won't go away.

What a cuck.

Behold, just one example of a generation of men raised by frustrated single mothers. /u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN, all you need to do is find the wokest terf you know and give her all your money. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for your ridiculously low testosterone levels, though.

I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for your ridiculously low testosterone levels, though.

This isn't true. /u/burn_this_shit_down, you can always take testosterone supplements. The body is stupidly good at taking in hormones and treating them as if they're its own.

Why did you delete your account lmao

I just figured it out. Becoming a pathetic white knight loser like our friend here is sort of a fail state. It's the mind's way of salvaging the situation once a point of no return is passed. Without it, any organism that becomes this sad and useless would do the rational thing and jump into a volcano.

It all makes such perfect sense now. Thank you, /u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN. You are my bodhi tree.

u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN going with the soyboi approach to getting laid huh. That's a difficult play unless you have joss whedon like pull where you can give them something like a movie role and then they'll fuck you.

These are all things I try to do already (and undoubtedly could do more/better), but on some deeper level I just feel like it's a hypocritical waste for me as a man to even try. I still despite my best conscious effort end up objectifying women, devaluing them, mansplaining, etc. Not to mention when it comes to more radical positions regarding heterosexual intercourse, there's a compelling argument to be made that I as a heterosexual male am inherently going to be either a rapist or an "aspiring" rapist no matter what I do, just based on my social conditioning within a patriarchal rape culture such as ours. I'm ashamed of my desire for sex, and probably rightfully so. But it's there and it won't go away.

I just feel like there's a fundamental disconnect between what I know on an intellectual level and what my male animal brain will actually accommodate, and that the two will forever be irreconcilable. And I know that these things ultimately do oppress women to the benefit of men, including myself, so I'm aware that it's all extremely unethical of me to contribute to, but there seems to be some primal force preventing me from doing anything else. A lion simply can not become a vegan no matter how well-informed he may be.

From what I know about Marxist class relations and what admittedly little I've learned about women as an oppressed sex-class, it seems like I'm just doomed to be on the "wrong side" of this struggle by birth. It makes me feel immense guilt and dread, like I can't trust myself at all, or that I shouldn't exist in the first place. I don't want to be the next story about a male "ally" who ends up going full creeper on someone in a "moment of weakness" or has an unexpected violent episode or whatever. I've punched walls, slammed my phone on the ground, etc.; I know that male violence is in me. I don't know to what degree I can actually suppress it though, and hearing stories like that one YouTuber recently makes me doubtful. I hear some radfem women say men can not ever be feminists, and I tend to think they're right. I've never hit a woman in my life, and yet every male feminist role model inevitably can't seem to help himself. I'd honestly rather die than stoop to that level.

The gaslighting from the alt-right/redpill types doesn't help either, what with them constantly insisting that men only become feminists to get laid. Sometimes I believe them when I hear some of the more mainstream/liberal feminist women make comments like "consent is sexy" or the like. I have intrusive thoughts which reflect these abhorrent motives too, and I just want to puke. I resent myself for it, and yet I don't even know if it's really me thinking it on my own or not. Or if that's even a meaningful distinction when it comes down to it.

The worst part for me personally (selfishly of course) is that I feel practically alone. All the men I know personally are stereotypically brainless, misogynist pigs. Third wave libfems are obviously deluded into a consumerist bastardization of feminism, parading around as "progressive" or "intersectional" while they cheer on violent male trans activists who assault elderly women for daring to assert themselves. Leftist spaces on the internet are dominated by first world white boys with a fetish for violence and who don't seem to grasp the concept of self-criticism (I'm plenty guilty of this in particular). They also love to throw the TERF/SWERF stuff around, which means they may as well be liberals where it counts. Radfems rightfully don't want me around because I'm male and I obviously have no place in their movement. I feel like a lonely ant without a hill, just waiting to starve in the space between all the places I'm not welcome.

Sorry for the endless rant. I guess it's better to write this all out than punch another wall. Hopefully it made some sense.

I don't even have the words to properly ridicule this level of faggotry. For the first time in my life I am sincerely disappointed that someone could be so cucked.

I hope he just keeps himself safe since there is no return from that deep sense of self loathing.


I want a 100 foot tall muscle woman to suck me so hard I can't feel my legs and then hug me until my spine breaks. Thoughts?

If this pathetic excuse of a male had watched that episode from futurama "amazon women in the mood", the snusnu episode, i think he would cry and sue fox for the blatant sexism. Is this true, /u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN?

I'm aroused by strong women who are submissive in bed. Have fun with that one, Freud.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

I clicked "Why?" and it just created more confusion.

TL:DR Imgur takes longer to load and is more likely to give you a overloaded page if you click the album as compared to the image link

Gas yourself, weeb

Hey! Avatar is not anime, you fucking fag.

I'll humor you. What is it?


ilu unironically

Western animation (I mean why do you think she tunred dike at the end?).

Ergo, it's a cartoon, not anime, which is animation from Nippon, you plebeian.

There all graven images, Philistine

I mean why do you think she tunred dike at the end?

She did? I haven't seen that show in like 3 years so you mind refreshing my memory?

Dominant over a woman: you are stronger

Dominant over a strong woman: you are even stronger

Holy moly that was a real head scratcher.

So homos are the realest men?

Sex with weak and feminine women is the gayest thing tbqh

Don't kink shame me you asshole

Well how about this, I'm aroused by strong women how link to fight for dominance in sexual encounters and am pleased whether I win or lose

You're mentally ill.

Of course I am, I'm in r/drama.

That's a hard one. Most people with a wrestling fetish want to either win or lose. Very few don't care which.

tbh I just have a wrestling fetish and like getting smacked around a bit

It's sexist when a man finds strong women attractive, it's sexist when a man finds not strong women attractive, it's sexist when men find women of average strength attractive.

I like tiddies! Fite me radfems or whoever y'all are (ง'̀-'́)ง

Aww, he's just adorable. I see potential, though I'm less certain it is the good kind.

tfw by "strong" they always mean "brave" or "powerful" and never physically strong

always getting my muscle girl fetish hopes up

/u/BURN_THIS_SHIT_DOWN As a woman, the only thing you can do for me is to end your disgusting problematic existence.

No. I find /u/riemann1413 arousing and I'm not sexist so...

But it's also sexist when you find strong women a turn off and it's sexist when you don't find women attractive at all. Basically, men KYS.