Bastkeball-American Hockey Player Throws Up Black Power Symbol During Anthem

32  2017-10-08 by eva_unit_hung


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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It worked in Blazing Saddles

Who gives shit, it's not hurting anyone, it's not affecting my enjoyment of the game, and it has a good meaning.

u/UsefulRedditStuff it actually has a terrible meaning and will hurt and kill the increasing numbers of people who are being murdered due to rising opposition to police doing their jobs.

But what's a few hundred corpses a year compared to leftists taking an opportunity to say they hate America, right?

honestly I could give two third either

I think people kneeling during the anthem creates more political pressure on police to not do their jobs, which will result in fewer police doing their jobs, which will result in more crimes / murders. Pretty simple really.

I didn't say anything anywhere about anybody killing cops, so I don't know where you got that from.

couple hundred extra corpses line inferred people will die because of this which is ridiculous. My father was a cop for 44 years and never had an incident in two of Americans most dangerous cities in a worse era. He told me he can count on one hand how many times he even drew his gun. Maybe if some cops weren't trigger happy assholes it wouldn't be a big deal now.

Maybe if some cops weren't trigger happy assholes

So when you say you could "give two shits either way" what you actually mean is you agree with the smears of the anti-cop side that (some) cops are "trigger happy assholes".

Good, I'm glad you made that clear.

He told me he can count on one hand how many times he even drew his gun.

Now imagine if one of those times your father hadn't drawn his gun because he was afraid of being smeared as a "trigger happy asshole" by someone like you.

Or alternately and more likely, imagine your father had generally been less able to do his job due to a need to avoid situations in which he might have to draw his gun, due to the same fear.

The reality is that the overwhelming majority of cops aren't "trigger happy assholes", and the majority of cases that "black lives matter" supporters get angry about are appropriate uses of force by police in carrying out their duties, and the labelling of cops doing their jobs as "trigger happy assholes" by people like you is precisely the problem.

obviously I know the vast majority of cops are great people just doing a thankless job I grew up around many of them. Still there is still a lot of pussy cops who are scared to get in a physical confrontation with guy has a two inch pocket knife. Most police shootings are justified still way too many egregious ones can be prevented. Im not a libtard (true apolitical) so the the protests are pointless to me yet harmless.

Still there is still a lot of pussy cops who are scared to get in a physical confrontation with guy has a two inch pocket knife.

How many times have you disarmed someone with a two inch knife using your bare hands, and how did that work out for you?

those cops are not inherently racist just scared by any threat. like I said most are justified. I'm talking about the egregious ones. I agree the narrative that cops are murdering black people en masse is wrong and fucked up. it comes down to poor training and them begin scared little pussys at even a thought of a confrontation.

Why can't niggers just stop violently attacking people?

So brave™ 👏

That's racist.

The Ferguson effect is a real thing, homicide in the black community rose quite a bit after police became apprehensive about approaching criminals. The very example of your father dispels this entire bullshit protest.

This but with more autism

Ah yes, because it's not like the police have been gunning insane amounts of people down for nearly the entire history of this country or anything.

I love how any time anyone puts up any resistance to this shit retards come out of the woodwork and start saying absurd shit like this.

Standing up against garbage like this has nothing to do with "hating America" and everything to do with wanting to hold this country to a higher standard.

You're nothing but another cuck repeating the same shit cucks like you have been repeating for years:

In a poll, whites were asked whether the NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem are helping or hurting the cause of racial justice. No fewer than 85 percent said they are hurting it.

Clearly, this offense to the anthem and the American flag is the worst possible way to change minds. Blacks need to find a less divisive means to register their discontent.

Oh, wait. I’ve got that wrong. Those figures don’t come from a new poll. They come from a survey taken in 1966 asking whites whether “the demonstrations by Negroes on civil rights have helped more or hurt more in the advancement of Negro rights.”

Only 15 percent of whites surveyed thought those peaceful protests would advance the cause of integration and equality. Martin Luther King Jr. and his nonviolent methods are honored even by conservatives today, but in 1967, half of whites said he was harming blacks, with only 36 percent disagreeing.

In many respects, the country has changed a lot since then — partly because of those unpopular demonstrations. What has not changed is that whites generally resent organized efforts by African-Americans to raise grievances and seek change. Last year, a Reuters poll found that 63 percent of whites disapproved of NFL players kneeling during the anthem — compared with 17 percent of blacks.

The Black Lives Matter movement is also unpopular among whites. Only 35 percent hold a positive view of it, according to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, compared with 83 percent of blacks. The negative opinions could be attributed to the noisy, disruptive marches the group has held or to the occasional outbreaks of violence that have resulted. The killing of five Dallas police officers at a Black Lives Matter demonstration last year (by a gunman unconnected to the group) also alienated a lot of people.

But if you don’t like how Black Lives Matter pursues its agenda, you should welcome the NFL players’ approach. It’s silent; it’s not disruptive; and it’s entirely nonviolent. It doesn’t block traffic, occupy police or frighten bystanders.

Critics say it’s disrespectful to the flag, but no flags are harmed — and it could be taken as a form of respect for the flag to mutely signal your belief that the ideals it represents are not being realized.

That the display evokes so much fury and disgust among whites, from the president on down, confirms what was evident 50 years ago. The problem is not how blacks raise their complaints about American society; it’s that they raise them.

because it's not like the police have been gunning insane amounts of people down for nearly the entire history of this country or anything.

Correct. It's not like that, at all.

Anyone who believed that it is like that would be a misinformed, paranoid loon. I'm glad you're not such a person, pizzashill.

You are literally retarded if you don't think we have a policing problem in this country.

And keep in mind - the only reason you're even aware of it is because of modern cellphones.

Imagine how many other shootings in the last 40 years were every bit as unjustified as the recent big ones yet we had no clue because the technology didn't exist for random civilians to catch the cops in the act.

As the article says - the only thing you care about is the fact the blacks are daring to say something. No matter how peaceful or non-violent their methods are, you'll find a way to be upset about it.

And we all know exactly why.

>Unironically believing nig nogs when they say dey dindu nuffin

Most retarded user on the most retarded sub on the most retarded website.

I always get a kick out of retards on the internet that aren't aware they're the actual retard, not everyone else.

You posted in a Tucker Carson sub dude, it's safe to assume you have a sub 90 IQ.


will /u/pizzashill ever recover?

No. No he won't.

nig nogs is a funny word and I feel cool for saying it haha im 14

im 14


Underage ban

You're nothing but another cuck repeating the same shit cucks like you have been repeating for years:

Man, using the same pasta from yesterday. Weak sauce, u/pizzashill.

We know you're extra special, but you need to make a bit more of an effort to play with the non-speds.

Imagine being retarded enough to write this.

Fucking serious posters man.

Literally euthanize anyone dumb enough to take pride in being a "shit poster"

Damn, you're boring.

Good. Let the salt flow through you.

Nice meme.

aww fuck I can't spell

your a idut

And the first prize of the Annual r/drama Spelling Bee 🐝 competition goes too.....

/u/niggerpenis! 🎉🎉🎉

something something history repeats itself something something nothing ever changes

1968 Olympics Black Power salute

The 1968 Olympics Black Power salute was a political demonstration conducted by African-American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Summer Olympics in the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City. After having won gold and bronze medals, respectively, in the 200-meter running event, they turned on the podium to face their flags, and to hear the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner". Each athlete raised a black-gloved fist, and kept them raised until the anthem had finished. In addition, Smith, Carlos, and Australian silver medalist Peter Norman all wore human rights badges on their jackets.

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fuck off asshole people that can't be bothered to click a link don't deserve to learn anything new

Shut the fuck up lol


Haha awesome!

I better see some Roman salutes soon to counter balance this.

Why is that overpaid quadroon pretending that he was a slave?

Why are you such a jealous Communist?

Don't any of you ever talk bad about a Light ing player ever imor I will shove a hockey stick up your shit hole.

Im. 450 lbs 7'6" and can bench bress 800 pounds and i have a giant dick

Pls no bully

It's hilarious how completely out of touch your average redditor is.

It's like, 99.999% of the things reddit wants to see happen in the US have no legitimate electoral support whatsoever. But does reddit care? No! It must Democracy that is wrong!

No it must [be] democracy that is wrong!

This is what the majority of the losers on Reddit believe

Woah, just straight up open racism. I'm not even surprised anymore.

Did all the worthwhile comments get removed? That's just full of self-loathing whites hoping that supporting it will spare them in the mayocide.