Dove ad that shows a black woman turning herself white sparks consumer backlash

72  2017-10-08 by reallynotacop42069


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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I'm glad to see Rachel Dolenzal landed ok as the spokesman for Dove.

Dove subtly redpilling normies. No way this shit wasn't calculated.

It's just good advertising, honestly. All basketball americans know, somewhere deep inside, that white is right.

Q.14. "Tim is a white, heterosexual male who drives to work. His journey takes him 25 minutes. Jenny is Person Of Colour who cannot afford a motor-vehicle of her own. She travels to work by both bus and train. The journey takes her 55 minutes. How evil is Tim?"

This is rape

Extra credit!

yes, I almost got that one wrong when I was taking the Democrat party voter eligibility test

Envy usually does that.

Isn't that green?

no, i think for green it's gamma rays

Dove ad that shows a black woman turning herself white sparks consumer backlash autistic screeching on Tumblr and from a few verified accounts on Twitter/TheRealDonaldTrump


Why on earth would they want to turn a beautiful black woman into a disgusting ginger?

Yeah but she's still obese

Into the trench she goes

Just wait until they discover Asian skin whitening cream

That exists in all nations that aren't Western.

True, but way more popular in East and SE Asia

Wait until they discover sun tan lotion.

Someone link me to the pic of the guy reading the paper and slowly fading to Hitler reading the paper.

I am genuinely confused as to what they intended with the advert. Fucking up and letting stupid shit through is something ad companies do quite regularly, but what message was there here other than 'turn from black to ginger'?

i guess they meant, that even if you're black, you can become half-human if you use dove

but it will cost you your soul

In the actual ad, the black woman turns into a ginger who then turns into a dark haired woman with olive skin. Something about some product working across a wide range of skin tones, which is obviously racist.

I am genuinely confused as to what they intended with the advert

What's happening now, probably.

They know shit like this creates a lot of headlines. Haven't they done this exact thing before?

Ever see one of those commercials where the camera zooms in on like, a guys credit card or some shit, and then zooms out and its a different guy holding it, because mastercard is for everyone or whatever? Same thing.

Its just a bunch of women taking off their shirts and there are different women underneath. "We are all the same so our product should be designed for everyone". But of course, insinuating that we are all the same isnt PC these days.

You know racism is in it's death throes when people are finding shit like this troublesome.

black skin is beautiful!

*takes every selfie with skin-lightening snapchat filters*

If you check the actual Twitter link in the article, you'll realise it is taken out of context. In the ad, the ginger woman takes off her shirt to reveal a third, brown woman.

It's almost like media companies intentionally mislead the public with faulty stories to generate outrage and drive clicks to their websites.

This is an outrage.

So is this "white" vs "POC" thing going to just get worse and worse or is it eventually just going to stop? Because I'm fucking bored of it tbh

I think about that sometimes, too. Like what kind of result/outcome/solution can there possibly be?

Thank god I'm giving myself diabetes by power eating cheeseburgers all day.

I sometimes wonder how mixed race people feel about this shit

basically this is going to drag on for decades until countries find something else to divide over

Why do people hate that company for promoting self improvement?

Tweets capturing the video ad show the white woman removing her shirt to reveal a brown woman, but the most widely-circulated images just show frames of the black woman and the white woman.

Was Dove saying that inside every black woman is a smiling redheaded white woman? Was Dove invoking the centuries-old stereotype that black is dirty and white is pure? Or that black skin can or should be cleansed away?

This is the WASHINGTON FUCKING POST deliberately and knowingly giving voice to an obviously bullshit narrative that it knows is obvious bullshit.


Here's video. There is black to redhead transition but there is also redhead to raven haired transition immediately afterwards.

You’d think the dumbasses could go from white to “olive” to black, but then I imagine instead of nice color transition from light skin to dark skin, people would instead cry “but why is the white woman first?!

So, is this UEFA "Respect" ad racist too? - I see a black man turning into a white woman... No, of course it isn't racist. Maybe the racism resides inside those people who see it everywhere, even where it obviously isn't...

I think this was taken out of context. The news keeps saying " a black woman turns into a white woman who then turns into another woman with a beige shirt" why are the first two defined by their skine tone but the third is a beige shirt? People are very eager to jump on the "im offended" band wagon.

Your example is a good one, so is Michael Jacksons black or white music video. People morphing into different types of people has always been a way to show diversity but today we have to be offended because it must be racist right? I dont see how attacking inclusive ads will help racial tensions, especially since the response I saw in another thread was to boycott Dove and buy black owned products which sounds racist and like it causes a deeper divide.

Everything is not an attack on poc. Its exhausting to not be able to just call bs on this without everyone calling you a racist for using some level headed logic.

our example is a good one, so is Michael Jacksons black or white music video. People morphing into different types of people has always been a way to show diversity but today we have to be offended because it must be racist right?

At this point SJWs assuming black people are sub humans isn't even a meme anymore.

This isn't the first time right? I vaguely remember something like this happening before

It's amazing to me what passes as "racist" these days. In nearly every news story I see about this, they are simply posting that same image to spark to more outrage and people believe it. The ad also shows the white women 'changing' into a brown women. Is that also racist?

Yes, it is a dumb ad and Dove should know better than to feed the wolves. To call on a boycott of the company is just ridiculous. Crap like this takes away from real racism going on.

CLEARLY they knew it would stir up controversy and get them attention. That's all they care about. C'mon, folks....