Rick and Morty

39  2017-10-08 by ChipChippersonAMA



Delete yourself

High-alch yourself

good job

yeah ur rite

He rite

Got nothing of Immediate Relatives Dude



Gas youself.

Gomez and Sutton studios myself


richard and mortimer XD

i turned myself into a meme, morty! i'm meme rick!!!!!!!!!!


A fellow genus, I see.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand ridiculing fans of Rick and Morty.

Im yet to meet a fanbase as self loathing as this one. You guys make fun when people say this show is for smart people, but the fact is, it is. The show is full of philosophy, irony, references and a plethora of things that takes at least a somewhat educated mind to comprehend. Im not saying you cannot enjoy R&M is youre an average Joe, what im saying is that this show is smart, much like Fight Club or Wes Anderson movies are smart: they are works of art, they make you think and question your own beliefs, they critizice absurd aspects of society and upon rewatch you notice new things that add whole new dimensions to the story and characters.

What I see in this sub is a lot of people poking fun at fans that believe they are better for watching Rick and Morty, but really, isnt that just a minority? Arent there a lot of people who feel superior for many other reasons, like reading? I get thats stupid, but running this "meme" (ugh) to the ground only makes us look stupider.

The new episode just rolled out and everyone is commenting how everyone is going to quote that Rick line. Well guess what, of course people are gonna quote it, its a damn fine discourse Rick gives there, and critizicing exactly what you guys are doing. Im not posting it here to not spoil anyone, but seriuously go watch the discourse again and read between lines.

Also, i'd like to note that identifying yourself with Rick is not a "cringy" thing to do. I identify with characters from many different shows, because that what happens when you write a polyfacetic charismatic character. Im not to say I believe I'm Rick, thats just retarded in the same way putting a cape and jumping from a building is retarded, but I identify with his nihilism, his hedonism, his egoistical nature, etc.

So, can we just go back to enjoying our favourite show, see ourselves reflected in whatever the fuck character we want to be reflected, and going borderline paranoid with theories? First, because its a nice thing to do, you know, let everyone enjoy the show the way the want, and second, because by giving so much importance to the couple of retards who belittle others for not watching their favourite TV show you are going against the "Fuck all" attitude this show tries to convey.

Or as Rick said:

• I don't give a fuck what you think, Jerry!


Brick and Mortar

mort and ricky

*Mortimer and Ricardo

I don't even know what that is, and at this point, I think I am better off not knowing.