Wherein somebody got STABBED over the meme sauce

142  2017-10-09 by snallygaster


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Has anyone gotten someone from literal Sichuan Province to comment on this?

Does anyone care?

Asking this exact question in r/drama

Oh sweet summer child...

Yo, is it gay to ask questions if another nigga might read them?

Depends on how gay the question is, πŸ…±

Can I get uhhhhhhhhhh


That's pretty gay tπŸ…±h

O shit, I'm gay forever now

You know what comes next

I'm like 90% sure that /u/Neon_needles said her grandparents died in the Great Leap Forward when Chairman Maotism forced peasants to make his meme sauce.

/u/neon_needles gives me yellow fever so bad not even quinine can cure me πŸ˜ͺ

This man needs some bussy, STAT

Having to experience the pitfalls of communism to get it makes the szechuan sauce so much more authentic.

The great leap forward required the blood of the worker to make diabetic tumor-creating sugar sauce for the neckbeard leaders of the revolution. No tendie was left uncovered with goo.

"this is not the sauce of my people!"

Okay, this is it. This one wins.

theres video of crowds of people chanting pickle rick and szechuan sauce

Where are the trucks of peace when you need them?

We deserve to be nuked by Kim Jong-Un.

this but atomically

They don't want to lose their 72 maiden privilege by touching this level of degeneracy

Not even Allah wants to judge their souls.

They suffer more alive.

Do you think god stays in heaven because he too is afraid of what he's created.

Where are you God? Surely this is grounds for the Apocalypse? Why haven't you ended the world yet?

this is the apocalypse, we're the ones who were left behind

Well this is a pretty lame way to end the world. Where's the fire and demons n shit? We haven't even gotten a nuclear holocaust. Pretty anticlimactic tbh

the end of the world is supposed to suck, remember? demons are too cool

So in essence this is proof that the Christians, particularly Catholics, were wrong? This really is the gift that keeps on giving!

No, this is purgatory and since we both know no one one will ever pay for you, you are here forever.

Well that's better than being sent to Hell so I'll take it Β―_(ツ)_/Β―

We need a good war to draft people into

None of these people are fit for service

Apparently not even food service

i wish everyone there had gotten stabbed

This is why ISIS hates us.

wtf I love ISIS now

Why couldn't the whole Mayan apocalypse shit have been right, we could have avoided all this.


I just killed a kitten, it's blood is spewing all over my legs from when I had pulled the shorts down, and I have to say, it has only made me love you all the more. The very first time I creamed myself while thinking about your delicate nude body being splashed with water, I was in a daze. I kept asking myself how I could have done this to geldings! Horses that have been raised in a human environment since weaning, since they were penned they were used to the presence of their daughters, raped over and over again by different men, while their daughters were compelled, not only to watch, but to sing obscene songs and to dance. Reverence for all that we won and all that we won and all that we won and all that we won and all that we won and all that we lost from our struggles from Europe to modern day America, We need not to be confused with bestiality, where a person forcefully mates with an animal to develop a relationship with a dolphin to the point where I will have your domain name and your hosting setup. I'm not kidding. I will gather the shitty meat and begin to push it all inside me. With that thought, I went sort of wild. I started pushing bigger chunks of meat and maggots, which I wasn't.

/^ this bitch gets it

Whether I want to accept or deny it I am a beast. The thought of flesh ripping in my teeth gets me going. My ears ringing and my eyes clouded with blood. The thrill of hunting be it ungulate or primate or smaller game. There is a deep sexual arousal none of which can be experienced apart from hearing the shrill screams of a dying meal.

What’s so wrong about wanting to eat and wanting to fuck then falling asleep blissfully with a muzzle blood-soaked and belly full of fresh digesting meat? I understand that humans are often disgusted by us. They see us eat an animal alive and voraciously and angrily devour it. I can eat pounds upon pounds of meat before I feel even close to satisfied. Perhaps they revolt against the thought that they were once β€œsavages” just like us. It frightens them the wildness in us, the nonchalance we have to take a life and eat it, heart still beating.

It’s been a long while since I took a life to feast. I miss the feeling, the sounds, the smells, the chase. Since I don’t have to hunt to survive at the moment it is more like a macabre game to me. Stalk the prey, wait for the prey, ambush the prey, eat the prey. It’s time consuming and keeps the mind very focused and occupied. Perhaps soon I will be able to play my game again with some unfortunate soul. For now pre-killed meat is all I can get my paws on. Rather pathetic really.

The beastly side of being a wolf doesn’t even stop there. Of course, mind altering sex is something to include. Despite how humans want to see only the good and none of the bad in anything and everything– the flowers and rainbows side of the wild kingdom– I am far from monogamous. Quite the contrary many wolf packs enjoy incest, cuckolding, and sometimes mating season can end in death for some.

Personally, I enjoy sharing a bitch (no insult intended) with other males, or even sharing a male with other bitches or males, I’m not picky. There are some humans and bio-canines I am possessive with, but they are few and far between. As far as incest I cannot say that I have had the pleasure or desire to mate with anyone biologically related to me. Death? Well, as I have said, I am territorial with some. But others are far too fearful and intelligent to mess those I have laid personal claim to. Relationships don’t need to be complicated with labels. What is mine is mine. The rest is free game. Forgive me if my language is crude, but I am only being honest.

Can’t say I am proud of these things, but neither am I ashamed of them. They are a part of who I am, and all parties are consenting– except perhaps for the prey. There are even darker sides of the wolf that affect the human mind in strange ways. Being half and half it only makes sense that the spiritual mind and the physical mind would make compromises or substitutions.

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Killing people is fine but kittens?!!? WTF is wrong with you?

te best move now would be to completly cancel any further production of the sauce and leave it at that

just fucking imagine the ass blast Armageddon it would cause

If only, shame there's money at stake and a hungry corporation holding the keys to the assblastery.

the physical manifestation of autism eva + she/her + stone butch lesbian

/u/snallygaster, is this your tumblr?

how did you know?

We all creep on it religiously



This is the drama that keeps on giving.

It's like you buy a bunch of stock for $1, thinking it might go to $2, but then you check 4 weeks later and it's trading at $50.

if youre the sort of dude to wait hours in line for mcdonalds sauce then im not too worried about you being stabbed tbh

Linking to an actual faggots dumblr page instead of giving us the video

Raises paw Uhm OP why are you a complete retard?

Wtf America?

lmao, these dweebs got radicalized by a cartoon about a mexican scientist.

People are fucking retarded

You're the expert.

...that's the joke

But thanks for confirming

Maybe a nazi takeover won't be so bad after all

I hate the way they portray us in the media. If you see a black family, it says, β€˜They’re looting.’ You see a white family, it says, β€˜They’re looking for McDonald's Saskatchewan McNuggets Sauce.’

Why are people acting like there us a famine and they're handing out bags of race. Scratch that, btw. Even then people are more well-behaved.

This is truly the dankest timeline


And nothing of value was lost.

I wanna see pics of the blood tho. :(

OK Snal, I can't find any news story about a stabbing. Unless something turns up I'm calling this blog post fake.

yeah, for the moment at least it's still on social media. but hey, it's a good story!

Girl thrown on the counter during this McDonald's szechuan sauce riot! You'll never BELIEVE what happens next!