Hangry ketobro goes on an anti-CICO rampage, blocks everyone who talks to him

25  2017-10-09 by ahbslldud


This is why we need mayocide.


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Don't be silly, Snaps, mayo isn't a carb.

/u/Cranky_Kong, I want to pour some sugar on you, baby. I want to drizzle high fructose corn syrup all over your nipples and lovingly lick them clean. Sugar is love, sugar is life.

Only if we get to ragefuck afterward, also I'm not gonna lick you off in return. Gotta monitor my carbz.

Maybe if /u/Cranky_Kong ate a delicious King Hawaiian roll he wouldn't be so cranky, dumb and retarded.

Welp now I've seen it all

/u/Cranky_Kong needs to eat a snickers and calm the fuck down.

How bout first you eat my fun size Oh Henry and we can talk about it in the afterglow?



Oh damn, does that mean no oral sex on my milipenis?

Now I has a sad...


Poat bussy

I'm surprised you're able to make such giant leaps of logic with the low glycogen stores you undoubtedly have from the lack of carbs in your diet.
