Communists at r/ChapoTrapHouse are planning on going all Jonestown

78  2017-10-09 by AppleBannaOrange


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Makes the mayocide easier when they all gather in one place

If they go Jonestown, all we gotta do is provide Flavor-Aid.

/u/Schrodingerscatamite the demographics of BPT are roughly 50% self-hating white liberals and 50% negroes who have devoted their entire life to hating whitey.

So every chocolate American in bpt is from blackfellows?

I'd be surprised if it was even 10% real black people on there.

We're pretty divided between those who see guns as necessary to support the workers revolution

/u/Foxxie you really need to consider going outside once in a while. There's more to life than your shitty podcast and your communist delusions

Can we just ship all the reds to Catalonia? I'd like to see what kind of utopian wonderland they create before they all starve to death.

U don't know jack.


Bro you're a wack joke

Go fill your head with gack smoke

Sit back and watch a mack toke

Cheers man or manette. Ok pardon the 'manette' bit please. I tried to follow convention and feminize with an -ette suffix. It did not work

Ain't no fear of a red planet when they're all too malnourished to aim their Kalashnikovs.

>tfw you want to bash the fash but the fash is a foot taller and has 100lbs of muscle on you

Glorious engineering marvel of Mikhail Kalashnikov needs not to be aimed to kill capitalist pigdog

Catalonia is the rich people part of spain.

oic, I thought it was being hyped as the newest paradise for feminist tankies.

It still is, they have resources and productive people to steal from

It's the most communist specifically because it's the rich people part of Spain.

You see a similar thing in other countries like Brasil, where the most vocal socialists are all from the super white south.

I think a lot of them promote socialism as a way to curb their feelings of guilt for being born into a wealthy environment tbh.

I think a lot of them promote socialism as a way to curb their feelings of guilt for being born into a wealthy environment tbh.

Or because they literally own the state, and more state = more to own.

Barcelona. The rest not so much.

and Barcelona doesn't want independence.

Why Catalonia? What's natural for them is being shipped to Siberia to mine salt in -20 degree weather. Unless they're in a gulag they never truly feel at home.

gulag F A K E N E W S

Gulags didn't exist and if they did, which they didn't, the people in them deserved it!

Cheers man or manette. Ok pardon the 'manette' bit please. I tried to follow convention and feminize with an -ette suffix. It did not work. Also i'm listening to the brides of funkenstein so my mind's all out of wack.


I'm a dude, just not a very convincing one. :P

These people will be the very first put to the wall.

Come at me bro. You sound so butch. A lady doth protest too much?

Man, puberty is going to be really hard for you.


Scatamite, meet scat muncher.

You forgot to ping them

It's ok. He's already here and wants to beat me up after school. 🙌

Wow, you got off easy. He scorched me with some 🔥🔥🔥 FIRE 🔥🔥🔥 freestyle and now I can't go back to Detroit ever again.


lol, scatamite.

We can only hope.

Does this mean they'll all drink Kool Aid and die? This is a pleasant development for sure

Flavor-Aid. People have been wrongly blaming Kool Aid for years.

Cheers man or manette. Ok pardon the 'manette' bit please. I tried to follow convention and feminize with an -ette suffix. It did not work

This needs to be a snappy quote

Kool Aid

That sounds awfully close to cultural appropriation

Only if its purple or red

It's almost certainly not a sincere forum to engage with notable black Twitter personalities.

/u/Foxxie why the fuck would anyone ever want to engage with notable Twitter personalities of any color?

Jesus christ man, I'd rather put a nail through my dick like the fine folx at /r/incels

sometimes you have legitimately woke takes

/u/LlamaExpert anyone who unironically uses "woke" in that context needs to be purged in the cruelest way possible.

Nope, no time for cruelty, pure efficient purge pls.

Every Grey Wolf I meet IRL is a sweetie. Somehow ghouls, chuds, and guillotines get brought up each time and it's instant friendship.

haha le epic dirtbag meemays XD *holds up spork*

/u/LlamaExpert pls neck yourself posthaste

Ay papi, you want in on that sweet sweet friendship?

good joke, but no one would ever be friends with me

Fuck that, you're getting a deep injection of fraternal love.

Narwhal bacon


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Narwhal bacon'.

The bots are learning to quickly

What the hell is chapotraphouse?

A leftist (democratic socialist mostly) podcast

I'm donating my spiro budget! Match me.

Probably the most popular of the "upper middle class white people talk about far-left politics" podcasts.

It has some crossover appeal because they tend to make fun of the US Democrat party a lot.

U/Foxxie <--- this fucking retard thinks the Amish and Mennonites have rejected "the patriarchy." Send us updates on your commune progress plz.

I really want to see what some communistic utopia these freelance graphic designers and gradschool losers come up with

freelance graphic designers and gradschool losers

From what I remember, the first step in the "communistic utopia" manual is to kill these people.

Hey guys, just popping buy to ask if any of you wanna fuck?

I'm starting a weird sex commune where we all kill ourselves from dehydration because we fuck so much that we lose all our fluids.

hmu if you are interesting.

Most people don't die from boredom and disappointment, Hank.


Is that a typo or somebody that's just really self-aware about the podcast?