:serious d: Petition to mod /u/Ed_ButteredToast

14  2017-10-09 by caliberoverreaching

While I am not /u/Ed_ButteredToast's alt account used to upvote his posts I think he should be a mod. I believe this because I am not a bot nor alt acount of /u/Ed_ButteredToast but a real flesh and blood human being not a robot. /u/Ed_ButteredToast Is a vital member of our community with his engaging and uplifting posts, which he does not upvote with robots/alt acounts.

    Sincerely,  /u/Ed_ButteredToast

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /u/Ed_ButteredToast - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Sorry at the end I meant to write /u/caliberoverreaching

The more you post, the more I want you to be mod so that I can finally leave this intensifyingly shittier place. Or: the more you post, the more I want to kms.




I'm honored



everybody knows my alts are u/buttermyself and u/lovemesometoasts

what about me daddy

No, you must have butter or toasts to be me!

u heartless fuck😡 are u just going to leave me without any cummies💦😩

I like to edge people ;)

Make sure to vote here so the mods know what to do!

The key to democracy is participation o7

Your patriotism brings a tear to my eye! GOD BLESS AMERICA!! freedom boner rage 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Vote early, vote often.

If you mod him, you gotta mod me.

Yin/Yang sort of thing

Nah, you and me need a cage match. Two men enter, one mod leave.

Can't we just gas them both as soon as the cage door swings shut?

Shit, I gave it away, didn't I?

pls no bully

Sorry, it's just that these nice men from /pol/ have assured me that with Jews, we lose. What's your counter-offer?

Don't be a schmuck, schmuck

Not an argument

It's more of a motivational speech


Don't flatter yourself sweetie ;)


This man speaks the truth


Nigga sucks dick for Daddyâ„¢ Bucks. How can you ever trust that mouth? Lol

There must be balance in the force

Please never mod me here.

Mod me at SRD imo. I'll fix that place up in two days.

Your negs never work anywhere else, why would they work here?


Look man, one day I'm going to get the SRD beta-man of my dreams and you can't stop me.

She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a beta-man She dreams in colour, she dreams in red, can't find a beta-man Can't find a beta-man Can't find a beta-man

De-mod everyone but /u/snallygaster.

Then /r/Drama will finally have nothing but the juiciest of correspondence chess freakouts.

Support if /u/snallygaster promises to post her earlier wolf ERP fiction every Friday along with her explanation of why she enjoys pretending to take the knot

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

He is enough of a fag to be a mod.

lel you guys bitchin over who wants to be a mod... and mentioning those who already are ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This place has the shittiest mods. Everyone knows it. Shit, the mods are proud of being agenda-posting cuntflaps.

No, this sub is lousy enough with left-wing freakshows who claim to be nihilists, and then butthurtedly downvote everyone who doesn't agree with them politically.

This place is basically /SubRedditDrammaReboot as it is.