It turns out former Breitbart editor Ben "I'm jewish so I can be an asshole" is an asshole. The classical liberal people from /r/joerogan are shocked by this and defend some bad history to cope. Bonus: OP is a shit-stirring commie.

19  2017-10-10 by 5e84d5539181a3fd3287


This is why we need mayocide.


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Ben Shipiro is a classic example of being book smart but having no common sense. His whole philosophy is wrong. He uses big words and is educated, (knows history etc), he still needs two hands to find his asshole.

Ben Shapiro is a classic example of being smart but still disagreeing with me. I am literally incapable of conceiving how this could possible.


He's such a retard he still needs two hands to find his asshole


Replace "he" with "you" and that is a perfect snappy quote.

grammar is for people who aren't successful and don't have a drinking problem. I earned my write too mispsll

Dude wtf? lol. It's not the grammar. I'm just tweaking the quote so it can be a snappy quote directed at OP. Your grammar is perfect and you're successful too bb don't worry :3

I don't understandg I'm Patrick Swasted, all I know is I dont want to sound gay but Depeche Mode was a pretty good band.

You... ummm... you lost me there with that... ಠ_ಠ

Orgaszmo see it!

i don't know what you're doing but you've left me with no choice

I think you mean typical liberal, not typical Trump supporter. There seems to be video of the shooter attending an anti-Trump rally and wearing a "pussy" hat.

My guess is that as more and more information is uncovered we'll find out that the shooter's behavior became more and more erratic, starting around November. Anti-Trump all the way but the shift in behavior likely went undetected because the guy's friends likely shared the same sentiments on one level or another.

I also predict that the media will probably never really fully report on a motive for the shooting because they will want to downplay the "angry liberal shooting up Trump supporters" angle. We saw sort of the same thing with the baseball shooter. His motives were discussed but not at length. We certainly didn't see the in depth reporting that we would have seen had the shooter been conservative. If they do report on motive I'm willing to bet it will be at a later date, after the news cycle as moved on to another event.

The size of the Las Vegas shooting will ensure that there is a lot of news coverage but I doubt that we'll see the in depth coverage we've seen with other similar events whose targets weren't mostly white, middle class, country music fans.

lol honestly just watch Orgaszmo and probably basketball too. Ed you got potential as your clearly underage. Appreciate the shittier classics and it will make you a better shit poster.

Is this copypasta?

Maybe ;)

Well, I'd hope so, considering you missed the part where the shooter had targeted other music festivals first it seems, and it's likely he was just a crazy that wanted to kill as many people as he could.

I'd also be careful about taking anything you read on 4chan seriously, they also claimed he worked at NASA because they confused him for:

Oh my god noooooooooooo lmao

It's a copy pasta by u/botchlings

Pls no bully 😔

That post was as retarded as something you'd expect from /u/botchlings I should have known tbh.

angry liberal shooting up Trump supporters

It was a snow nigger shooting up other snow niggers due to a difference of sect. Not very complicated, happens all the time.

Depeche Mode

So we're different colours

And we're different creeds

And different people have different needs

It's obvious you hate mayo

And mayo done everything wrong

I've never even been mayo, so what could I have done?

The only thing that brings out the hidden slave owner in liberals than a conservative Jewish person is a conservative minority.

The only thing that brings out the hidden slave owner in liberals than a conservative Jewish person is a conservative minority.

The second fastest way to bring out the slave owner mentality of a liberal is be a conservative Jewish person.

The fastest is to be a conservative minority.

Jews were never slaves. Nice try, Shlomo.

Ben Shapiro is so smart that he once went on a 30 minute rant about Nazi badgers after people made fun of Judaism on Twitter.

I don't even think he's book smart. He seems to be highly selective, the area I'm most familiar with is Nazism.

He'll cite Richard Evans to point out how bad antifa is, leaving out nearly all context, and at the same time try to argue Nazis were socialists/left-wing, something Evans argues against in the book multiple times.

He has no problem citing "experts" selectively and ignoring everything else they say.

Ben Shapiro is a prime example of this youtube age right-wing pseudo-intellectualism that's become so popular.

He's an idiot who says what he says to make dough. Like Milo, I doubt he believes half the shit he says. He just does it for the sweet coin.

can't really blame him for it either tbh

What exactly is the context that makes an-tifa not terminally retarded?

It's not that they aren't retarded, they are clearly retarded, his reasoning why was just stupid.

Or maybe he agrees with some stuff in a book, but not everything

To disagree with this aspect of the book is to disagree with the entire book.

Why? What did he cite from Evans against antifa?

He cited the third Reich trilogy as evidence "leftist violence" never stopped fascism, only helped it.

While it's true the Nazis often exploited middle-class fears of leftist violence, it's also true that a primary reason the Nazis came to power was the lefts passivity.

From Anatomy of fascism:

At the moment when deadlock gripped the German political system, on March 27, 1930, the Nazi Party was still quite small (only 2.8 percent of the popular vote in the parliamentary elections of May 1928). But nationalist agitation over the Young Plan plus the collapse of farm prices and urban employment catapulted it in the September 1930 elections from 12 to 107 seats out of 491—already the second largest party. After that, any parliamentary majority in Germany had to include either the socialists or the Nazis. The Left (even assuming that the socialists, communists, and Left Catholics could overcome their crippling divisions sufficiently to govern) was excluded out of hand by President Hindenburg and his advisors.

The nearest thing to a putsch in Weimar Germany in the early 1930s came not from the Nazis but from their conservative predecessor, Chancellor Franz von Papen. On July 20, 1932, von Papen deposed the legitimately elected government of the state (Land) of Prussia, a coalition of socialists and the Catholic Center Party, and prevailed upon President Hindenburg to use his emergency powers to install a new state administration headed by von Papen. That act might legitimately have triggered strong counteraction from the Left. The SPD leaders, however, deterred by strong legalitarian convictions, advancing age,11 the futility of the strike weapon during mass unemployment, and perhaps legitimate fears that action by the Left might perversely throw even more middle-class Germans into the arms of the Nazis, limited their response to a futile lawsuit against Chancellor von Papen. Having failed to offer effective opposition to von Papen’s illegal action in July 1932, the socialists—still the second largest party in Germany—had even less occasion to act against Hitler, who avoided any direct assault on legality until he was already in unshak-able control in spring 1933.

The myth of the Fascist coup in Italy also misled the German Left, and helped assure the fatal passivity of the German Socialist Party (SPD) and the German Communist Party (KPD) in late 1932 and early 1933.

Both expected the Nazis to attempt a coup, though their analyses of the situation were otherwise totally different. For the SPD, the expected Nazi uprising would be their signal to act without bearing the onus of illegality, as they had successfully done with a general strike against the “Kapp Putsch” of 1920, when Freikorps units had tried to take over the government. Given that frame of mind, they never identified an opportune moment for counteraction against Hitler.

The communists followed a totally different logic, based upon their conviction that social revolution was at hand. In that perspective, Nazi success might actually help the communist cause by setting off a pen-dulum movement, first to the Right and then, inexorably, to the Left.

KPD strategists, focused firmly on the coming revolution, saw SPD efforts to save Weimar democracy as “objectively” counterrevolutionary. They denounced the socialists as “social fascists.” Convinced that the SPD was no less their enemy than the Nazis and competing with the Nazis for the same volatile membership (especially the unemployed), the KPD even cooperated with the Nazis in a wildcat strike against the Berlin transport system in November 1932. The last thing the German communists were going to do was help the SPD save democratic institutions.

Wait Shapiro argues Nazis were leftist. Cause that is some high amount of retarded.

knows history etc

lol did we watch the same video

his view of history is wrong he's completely skewed in his thinking but I'd bet my left buttcheek he could probably win at jeopardy. He's really smart just a complete dumbass at the same time due to the bubble he's in.

oh you mean like, trivia-style history lol

yeah that makes sense

who is this picture a depiction off?

These are lefty memes, better left unacknowledged.

this isn’t even good for a leftfashy

It does create a dilemma though. Do I downvote such disgusting degeneracy or upvote to show the world how goddamn awful lefty memes are?

That's a ghoul meme from trs.

It's making fun of centrists.

Making fun of them by implying they are in fact crazy right wingers, but totally not pandering to lefties, nosiree.

You're retarded. The alt right hates YouTube skeptics for being ineffectual cowards that target low hanging fruit from the centre.

That memes was literally made by a former host of the podcast the "Daily Shoah".

The alt-lite crowd. The kind who call themselves classical liberals and harp on about free speech, but get perpetually triggered at fourteen year old girls on tumblr.

That meme is from It's an alt right meme making fun of the anti sjw YouTube crowd.

The manlet the myth the legend

lol half the people in that thread are accounts dedicated to screeching on /r/joerogan about how he doesn't burn his right leaning guests at the stake. Presumably they are a bunch of retarded tankies.

You should see the sub when he has a left leaning guest on.

The JRE is a weird place where gun-toting conspiracy libertarians, nutrition/psychedelics/meditation hippies, the anti-sjw crowd, fart-joke aficionados and combat sport fans come together.

Is.. is Joe Rogan the key to bridging the divide? Fuckin Joe "did you see that video of a guy hitting a moose with his car" Rogan???

Those groups are almost exclusively white men though

To wit, see the sub when he has a black guest on.

Joe's black though

True, Italians are basically black people.

I mean, besides MMA and comedy, Joe Rogan is a guy who has a surface level understanding of a lot of different topics which appeals to a bunch of different people across the board. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in him stating half-truths, hearsay, and blatant oversimplifications.

Well it is a sub dedicated to an idiot conspiracy theorist who flogs pseudoscience pills and mens nail polish.


Jews before Hellenization:

Stone people to death for working on the holy day, being gay, or disobeying their parents.

Practice slavery.

Women treated as chattel.

Jews after Hellenization:




Lol. You're serious with this stuff, aren't you?

If there's ONE thing the Greeks aren't going to tolerate, it's killing men for cornholing each other.

It's well known that pederasty led to the fall of the Greek Empire.

Fecking Greeks! They invented gayness!

pedogayness you mean, gayness was the egyptians

that video is worse than the genocides it portrays and the genocides it whitewashes put together

JEWtitlement: when your ancestors have been getting fucked by filthy kebabs and dumb goys for thousands of years and you deserve satisfaction.

is this a quote

From Alice von Judenstadt of r/drama, yes.
