Whiny thief doesn't like people calling attention to her post history because that's not for people to look at!

52  2017-10-10 by sknabcv2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Asks for advice and gets called out... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. Bitches here for getting called out... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Why does /r/shoplifting exist and why hasn't Reddit been called out for letting it exist? I feel like there's a news story there for a reporter who does enough research.

Drug subreddits exist as well, and while I don't really think they should you could at least argue that there are some places in the world where those drugs are legal. I'm pretty sure shoplifting is universally illegal.

I'm a proponent of legalizing shoplifting but with specific rules. Make it out of the store/mall/whatever property and you can keep the goods. Get busted and the sky is the limit on what the company can do to you. I'm betting Disney will win the award for most brutal punishment.

If this were made into a reality show I'd totally watch it.

Just browse that sub dumbass.

Shoplifting should be legalized but heavily taxed to help the schools

Life time sentence of dancing around in a Mickey suit in hot as balls Florida humidity

Sadistic as fuck, I love it.

I think we should just have a system where you lose a certain number of fingers comparable to the dollar amount stolen. Under $20? That's a pinky, $20-$50 ring finger, $50-100 middle finger, over $100 Thumb.

Use to theifs would just lose the whole hand

I know, but we are more civilized now.

Who is this "we'?

Anita, Madonna bless her name.

Give all cashiers guns and if you are caught shoplifting they shoot at you until you get out of the store.

Get busted and the sky is the limit on what the company can do to you. I'm betting Disney will win the award for most brutal punishment.

I'm pretty sure I've read a "manga" with this premise.

You mean a dōjinshi?

Disney already does whatever they want if they think your shoplifting.

Islam is the answer here.

Quran (5:38) - "As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power."

A smart store manager will subscribe to /r/shoplifting to learn what all the latest methods are.

A stupid criminal will brag about those methods on /r/shoplifting.

I think that more than justifies the sub's existence.

For real my buddy got a job in loss prevention and I directed him to it to learn what to look out for.

Ask your buddy if the GED was hard.

Why, do you need him to help you study?



I'm sorry, are you okay? I was reading up on Monkey Island insult fighting and now I just don't even realize my own power.

/u/youpostyoudie just sucks at banter, don't flatter yourself. He probably thought he'd get one in and no one would respond.

You posted this unironically; don't flatter yourself.

Oh hey, I did lol. With a title that that would make it go straight to the top of self too...

But if that's all you've got, I'm ashamed of you. I was sure you'd pick on my shitty taste in metal.

Implying there's anything other than shitty metal.

Again with the cliché. It's not my fault you don't listen to anything but dadrock.

Don't project your daddy issues onto me.

How could you identify as a daddy when we both know you're the bitch boy in the relationship?

boi got bantz

Thanks for defending me

You're my special boy.

I agree with this ^

I agree with this ^

Why do you hate free speech?

Why do you love hate speech?

I hate love speech.

I love your hate

I hate love songs

Christ you are a goddamn pussy cat.


Christ you are a god damn pussy cat.

What else can't we talk about?

The fact we aren't allowed to talk about what we aren't allowed to talk about.

I know I probably sound dramatic and like my life is nothing but problems but that's only because that's all I'm showing sometimes. There are a lot of good things in my life and I'm not always unhappy.

u/spicytoecheese are the lots of good things found in the back of Walmart and did you take them without paying? Are you only happy when stealing or does it make you sad to screw people over?

You know what I find annoying? When people take shit from me without paying.

what a dumb cunt

You hear that, u/SpicyToeCheese? You’re a dumb cunt.

Damn I'm popular today 😂😂

I love how all these comments asking you actual questions get ignored, but someone calls you a cunt and oh no can't let that one go. Can't have randos on the internet thinking i'm the dumb cunt that I am.

What are you saying?

As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Attack ideas, not users. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, and other incivility violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

All those comments in the /r/offmychest thread are very "unsupportive" and thus are breaking the rules.

As a good reddit denizen, I reported every one of them.

Thank you citizen


Thank you. That means a lot.

It's just the last couple years have been unfortunate. I had an easy childhood/teenhood. I guess that's why I'm having such a hard time dealing with hardships.

It isn't her fault, it is due to her great childhoid. Jyst a victim of her past

Hey /u/SpicyToeCheese never go full retard.

So I guess their ban not is still being use, against mod guildlines

Damn I feel like a celebrity getting all this attention and shit lmao